[USA] Kito / Cats ECM App

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:120280980
Discord name: Kitoooo
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Roughly 2 years
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s):


Civilian name
: N/A
What server are you applying for?: USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
S.C.P-096[US] (Holding)
D.E.A Special Agent[US] (Holding)

G.O.C Lance Corporal[UK] (Holding)
Nu-7 Captain[US] (Held)
G.O.C Lieutenant[US] (Held)
Intel Agent[US] (Held)
Site Manager[US] (Held)
E-11 Major[US] (Held)
CI-B[US] (Held)
Lance Corporal[UK] (Held)
Nu-7 Lance Corporal[UK] (Held)
G.O.C Corporal[UK] (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
My most recent warning was for pressing a panic button after I had died, which I had pressed prior to death but I ended up having a lag spike, and the person who killed me brought me to a sit and warned me right after.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I'd like to apply for Ethics Committee Member; Namely to assist with a more administrative position on-site due to being very combat-focused as of late. I think it would be an excellent change of pace for me to be within the Ethics Committee and learn the ropes of Site-Command, as I have held a multitude of clearance level 4 positions on-site.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
My experience and time on the server make me an excellent candidate to begin with, though my potential is elevated with my document writing skills. Many of my works are still used to this day on both the US and UK servers, such as the UN's Standardized File Structuring and the Sample Collection Procedures documents.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
Authorizing Advanced Armory as needed during containment breaches
Disseminating orders to Ethics Assistants, and Omega-1
Assisting with or conducting tribunals
Continuously talking with Department leaders and Site-Administration to iron any issues out
Approving work permits as needed
Approving tests that require a break in the Code of Ethics
Ensuring the Code of Ethics is maintained, and up to date
Authorizing the detonation of the Alpha Warhead in appropriate scenarios
Assisting with overall site RP scenarios as appropriate
Evaluating and conducting interviews of departments as needed

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
The Ethics Committee is tasked with handling quite a few OOC responsibilities, such as:

OOC relations between Foundation and GOC / CI
The Ethics Committee doesn't directly handle what those factions do IC or OOC, but are to assist with ensuring they are functioning to the best of their ability, such as ending a war if the faction has suffered OOCly.
Related applications and the appointment of applicants
Applications the Ethics Committee handles include Ethics Assistants, other Ethics Committee Members, and the Internal Security Department Director. They assist within these applications through giving opinions, observations, asking other site-staff, and deliberating amongst themselves before reaching a conclusion.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
As with all of my applications, I tend to develop lore in-game by interactions with other characters on the server. I do have quite a bit of lore for multiple characters, which you can review either under my Character Names section or through my signature, though my current character (KAII C. EMILE - [RBT-091824-11]) is who I currently play as.
Any reason as to why?
I can not recall any good experiences with you in any of the Sr Positions you have held. I did not enjoy you as an E-11 MAJ, I also did not enjoy you as the SA over Research a long time ago, I have not seen anything in recent times to change my opinions regarding your combative and non-combative leadership, and I do not feel you are ready for a CL5 Position.
havent held a Sr CL4 since i've joined the server. a lot has changed
no ECA/O-1 experience
I resigned from Nu-7 Captain just a few weeks ago, so I have held a Sr. CL4 within recent time.
I'll try to get some ECA experience.

Can I get some feedback so I can improve? Would be appreciated.
I can not recall any good experiences with you in any of the Sr Positions you have held. I did not enjoy you as an E-11 MAJ, I also did not enjoy you as the SA over Research a long time ago, I have not seen anything in recent times to change my opinions regarding your combative and non-combative leadership, and I do not feel you are ready for a CL5 Position.
Anything I could do specifically to make the next time we meet in-game better? Any good way to improve my leadership capability?
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