[USA] Klatch 'Tweaker's 7th Application for Director Of Medicine

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Jul 11, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:200378814
Discord name: mr.festive
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 Months | 103 Days.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Klatch "Tweaker"
Civilian name: Bob Harit
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: E-11 SGT (HELD) Medical Consultant (HELD) CI-B (HELD) Overseers Assistant (HELD) Nu-7 CPL (HELD) UNGOC CPT (Holding.) GenSec CPT (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Sep 3rd, FAIL RP, cannot remember why.
Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?
I would highly enjoy playing Medical again, especially as Director of Medicine as I feel I am highly qualified for this position. I would love to fix the small bumps and turns that the Medical Dept suffers from. I feel that I am if not one, one of the highest individuals ready for the positon. I may not have a Consultant, but I would be just as qualified if I had the role again.
What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:
I held the position of Consultant for 9 months, close to an entire year. I am highly experienced in performing surgeries, blood drives, and both psych evaluations and therapy. I remain professional holding SEVERAL CL4 positions, the only Dept that I have not held and resigned on my terms with is the RSD. I have become more experienced than when I was holding my position as a Consultant, so I am prepared for the level of responsibility I will hold myself to. I am also highly active on the server, while balancing college work and personal work, I can get onto the server and play for long periods. If I am selected for the position, I plan on staying on it for the long term, which the past few DoM's have gone routes of higher positions, I feel the need to stick with it in the Medical Department for as long as I can. I am still highly trained in Medical Procedures from my time as a Consultant, so I will not be walking directly into the blind medically.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:
The main medical responsibilities are relatively the same; you take care of your day-to-day medical responsibilities and accept new consultants into the medical leadership team. You also standardly uphold the CoE, CoC, and FLC within the medical department and have a much more professional standard as a senior CL4. Also, being a DoM requires you to make many more decisions within the medical department, including changing medical ways it may need, medical policies, or treatments.
Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Standard Lore.
Jeff was just a standard Combat Medic in the CAF, unrelated to the foundation "CAF." He had served a tour in Afghanistan, so he had experienced his fair share of combat and brutality. But it seemed like there was always something missing in his life. From other's perspectives, it seemed like Jeff almost had it all in his life; he grew up in a good, wealthy family and had a good relationship with his family and siblings. One of his favorite activities, funny enough, was sitting down for a cup of coffee and chatting, which from time to time he did have with his family when he had left the CAF. He eventually decided enough was enough for him, and left CAF to venture off and find something else to do with his life. He quickly became the exact thing he used to be, a doctor. Though he did not serve in the Armed Forces anymore, he still always seemed to find his way to someone injured. One day, he was strolling down the street when an unknown anomaly burst down the street, quickly tearing apart people and objects near it. MTF Pi-1 (“City Slickers”) was already on-scene dealing with the anomaly, quickly taking care of it and containing it successfully. Meanwhile, Jeff was dealing with the injured and dead that were already on-scene. He noticed the creature that had been tearing apart people, but he put it aside and did his duty as his Hippocratic oath said. He rendered aid to the injured, and only then did he notice that there were several groups of Law Enforcement, one of them being another Regiment called MTF Iota-10 (“Damn Feds”) who were quickly dealing with the watchers who witnessed the event, and using amnestics on them and sending them on their way. However, once they pulled Jeff aside, they noticed how well he had handled himself in this situation with something that could've torn him apart without a thought. They gave him two choices: either join their "SCP Foundation" organization or forget this entire thing happened. They let him know his skills would be useful in their organization, and he decided to accept it; from there, his life would change. Due to his joining the secret organization, he had to change his name and know he was leaving everyone in his past life behind him. The new name for himself he decided, was Jimb.

Present Day.
He had progressed from a standard low-lifed nobody to a junior high clearance level in the SCP Foundation. It'd be a few years since he got his consultant position in the SCP Foundation, but at some point, he thought that he felt the need to resign from his positon and choose different styles. After he had resigned from is position in the Medical Department, he put in an application to become a Captain in the General Security Divison. To his surprise, he was selected for the position after the second try of putting in applications, ironing out the few errors that had been brought up to him from his past application. He worked as a GenSec Captain for a little bit, but he always missed the Medical Department, working in D-Block was tough and there was always someone hurt in it, but since he held a Combative position, his priorities were fighting the issue, and not healing Personnel to get them back and up in the fight. So one day, he decided to put in an application for Director of Medicine to hope that he got the position. He may not be holding the position of Consultant in the Medical Department at this time, but he still believed that he had a chance to get in. So he finished writing his application, turned it into Site Administration, and hoped that he would be accepted. He had gotten this far, hadn't he?

Estere 'Orca'

Active member
Nov 15, 2023
I've been in heavy support of you gaining this position in the past, but right now I am unsure. This is only due to the fact that I rarely see you on Foundation let alone medical. I have no doubt you'd do good and you're great and fun to be around, but you're not actively holding consultant or actively playing a medical job on foundation.
Nonetheless best of luck!!
Jul 11, 2023
I've been in heavy support of you gaining this position in the past, but right now I am unsure. This is only due to the fact that I rarely see you on Foundation let alone medical. I have no doubt you'd do good and you're great and fun to be around, but you're not actively holding consultant or actively playing a medical job on foundation.
Nonetheless best of luck!!
I will say I recently just got Captain, (about 2ish weeks ago) and I was on LOA while getting it so I'm just started to get running again.
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Reactions: Estere 'Orca'
Jul 1, 2023
From: Site Director Marvin Garden
To: Jimb 'Klatch'
Subject: DoM Application Decision

[ Demotion Appeal Status: Denied ]

Captain Jimb 'Klatch'

Site Administration thanks you for your interest in becoming the Director of Medicine.

This message is to inform you that your application has been Denied.
After discussion, we have decided to move forward in another direction. We hope you will continue to excel within your current position, and look forward to seeing you grow as a member of your department.

If you wish to discuss further, you may reach me by email.

Site Director Marvin Garden

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