(USA) Kufies SA application

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Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Feb 19, 2023
New york, USA
Steam ID:
Discord name: Luke332
For how long have you played on CG SCP: a long time in total, about 3 days for vtime
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): “rogue”(UNGOC) , (CI) Kufie “fiddlesticks” Suric, Kufie “rogue” kilack
Civilian name: changes alot
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US OF A
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- UNGOC LCPL, UNGOC (holding), CI-b(2) CI-A(2), 096, GSD captain, ECA(2), Holding ECA coordinator
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 2 over a year ago for being stupid
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I am applying for site advisor because I believe I have what it takes, I have the maturity, aswell as the experience for leadership in my time as an ECA and as a GSD captain, I became a role model. I have to uphold that for the site, I also want to help be a suitable member of the site administraton.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- what makes the suitable is my leadership abbilites, I may be a funny person and be silly a lot of the time but when I need to be serious I am. I am also a leader for a lot of people. I have made my name because of my actions (in a good way) and as I may not be in a high enough role, I am in a position where Ethics has put me over other ECA’s. Showing I have what it takes to lead.

Determined, I am a very determined person, if I want to get something done I will find my way to get it done. I mean I’ve lost track of the number of SA applications I’ve posted. But you can’t give up, and I want to help others learn that aswell.

I am someone people look up to, I have been the inspiration behind a few things, a couple people getting their job they are known for, I am someone I have been told people aspire to be like.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

- there are many responsibilities for member of SA in RP

Such as,
*Authing AA
* Authing KOS for d-block airlock
*watching over department directors
*attending in game meetings
* Approving tests

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Kufie got into work as any other normal day. He walked up to Dalton, said hello, got into his suit and put his CL4 around his neck. Kufie went into med bay to watch over, to ensure the CoE was being followed. He saw an ethics violation for detainment. He arrested the CM who was committing the Violation. Kufie was called into the Site directors office also directly after. Kufie and Harold sit down.

Skyfire: “Kufie, do you know why I called you in here?”

Kufie: “No, sir. I do not.”

Skyfire: “Please, no need to be formal.”

Kufie: “Okay, skyfire.”

Skyfire: “So, let’s talk. You have been someone I’ve been keeping my eye on for quite some time. I’ve watched you grow in your place within ethics. But, I would like to offer you a way out. A Site administration position.”

Kufie: “Skyfire, you know I love my ethics, but I will take it! I’m glad I was someone you kept an eye on, someone you wanted to be in SA. I will do you proud, for Site administration. And ethics.”

Skyfire: “Good”

*Dalton walks in*

Kufie: “Hello!”

Dalton: “what’s up, I see you and Harold are talking. What did you do”

Kufie “I-“

skyfire: “Actually sir, he didn’t do anything. He just got accepted into site administration.”

Dalton: “Oh! So you’re finally leaving ethics! *chuckles a bit* I’m just messing with you. Congratulations on your new position.”

Kufie: “Thank you, sir.”
Last edited:
Aug 11, 2023
+/- Support
The application could definitely be a bit better. And If I were you I would try to get at least “some” Snr CL4 position. But I have seen you around quite often and not all the time have our interactions been bad. But it’s not my choice to pick a new site advisor so, best of luck to you.
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @Luke332

Subject: Site Advisor Application Verdict

Hello Luke,

Thank you for showing your interest and taking your time to submit an application for the position of Site Advisor. After deliberation, Site Administration has deemed you not suitable for the position of Site Advisor at this time. Unfortunately, your application is to be denied.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at my email (@Skyfire1355).

You may reapply in two weeks.

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"​
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