[USA] Man Manson Chief of Security Application

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Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:82997619
Discord name: Negative Neggie#4147
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Off and on since 3/20/22
Age: 27
In what country are you located?: US
Time zone: Central Standard
Character name(s): Man Manson
Civilian name: Manson Retriev (On UK) None on US
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Security Captain
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None.
Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?
- I am applying for Chief of Security because I would like to add support and assistance to GENSEC as a whole. I wish to give the current Chief of security a suitable partner to help security organize more appropriately given the resources we have at this time and better optimize our documentation to make for more organized senior security as well. This will not only help improve securities command but also take a lot of strain off only having one chief.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:
- I feel that I would make a perfect fit for the chief of security because of the following reasons:

1. Active - Even before I took on the role of captain I was an active and engaged presence in the foundation. As a Captain now I try to be on at least once for several hours a day to help organize security, deal with day to day issues and overwatch security operations as a whole. I host RRT/Heavy trainings almost every day to try and make sure GENSEC has many RRT/Heavy licensed units and this helps reduce the number of complaints and increase satisfaction within gensec.

2. Reasonable But Stern Leader- I try to make sure that individuals under my watch know what things they are supposed to do and if they do not, I do my best to reprimand them. I have dealt with several security cadets/officers and even sergeanats at this point in helping steer them in the right direction but not only letting them know what was wrong but trying to guide them by teaching them the proper procedures we utilize. I do yell at times in Dblock but due to how loud it can be at times, it can be necessary to give people the information they need. I stick to D-Block at almost all times to make sure that things are going well and that I am helping deal with D-block along side my GENSEC.

3. Organized - I do my best to keep GENSEC as a whole organized. I constantly communicate over comms and make sure we have a radio channel setup for each day ( I have had to change it several times due to info breaches) and try my best to communicate with my RRT units and sergeants so that I know what is going on around the facility. During shakedowns I have proven to try to keep these short and efficient so as to not disrupt foundation research and D-Block as a whole ( though I do feel I need to improve on the card checking aspect of this). I consistently make sure individuals are at Airlock and testing and let people know what they should be doing.

4. Teamplayer - I have not only been able to work with GENSEC but also other foundation departments in issues such as rogue officers, assistance with testing through RRT units, back up in the case of intruders/SCPS and more. I work together with my fellow members and try my best to find compromises where reasonable.

Because of the above I feel I would be a perfect fit for becoming the next Chief of Security as these qualities are an important part in being a leader for security.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:
- The chief of security is responsible for all general security operations on site. These individuals are responsible for supervising captains and sergeants and making sure these individuals are leading their units approprately. They are also responsible for gathering information from their senior security members and utilizing that information to refine department procedures and improve how general security operates as a whole. This can include document creation, clarification of procedures and refinement of current procedures so that GENSEC may operate optimally and ethically.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Phase 1. Introduction to the Foundation
Man Manson worked as a police officer in the city of ******* before going to college for an advanced criminal justice degree. He was recruited into the foundation as a result of great performance in his department. After taking on the position as a security officer, he worked his way through the ranks to eventually become a security captain, where he would oversee the safety of the PW/LCZ and D block operations along side other security command members.

Phase 2. - A rising leader
Man Manson would work as a captain for a period, working with his fellow foundation members and GENSEC to help try to supervise operations in the security department. As a captain he would host trainings on the daily and do his best to keep general security organized, engaged and professional. Hard working, professional and a teamplayer, he would eventually be noticed by his higher ups for his conduct and leadership skills and eventually be lead to being potentially offered a position as a security chief. No matter the difficulty, situation or problem, he would rise to the occassion and help lead general security to a better future.


Well-known Member
May 24, 2022



  • Fantastic application top to bottom.
  • Decent lore.
  • Good interactions.
  • Runs a tight ship when he's on.
  • One of the few people dedicated to ensuring the health of GENSEC.
  • No active ban / warn history.


  • No specific time played given (they're pretty active from what I can tell).


  • I almost can't believe it's true and it harms me.

I've gotten to witness Man Manson's efforts in real time and I think granting him this title is the start of a very powerful uptick in the quality of the Department of Security as a whole. Due to desire of the MTF units, it's difficult to find people who are legitimately dedicated to the GENSEC area of the game.

Man Manson, I look forward to seeing even more great things from you. If you bring the same attitude you've had as Captain (from what I've seen in comms) to the Chief position, GENSEC will get in shape soon enough.


Active member
Apr 15, 2022
I have spoken With Captain Man Manson and I believe they are fully suited to become a Chief of Security. The amount of dedication and experience that Manson brings is desperately needed for GENSEC due to their large numbers. I hope to see Manson in this position soon.

Best Regards,

Layne G

Well-known Member
Jun 5, 2022
Very Proffesional
Does his best to hold trainings
I believe he will be a great CoS


Jun 28, 2022
Amazing Application
Amazing In-Game
I've seen Manson's capability on other servers in the past and I feel that he would make an amazing addition as Chief of Security.

Chris Henderson+

Active member
Mar 29, 2022

From the office of ████████

Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply for Chief of Security. This position is in charge of managing the entirety of General Security. After observing your continued service as a GENSEC Captain, we have determined you are suited for this new responsibility. Please contact ██-5 for more information.​
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