[USA] Man Manson Site Advisor Application

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Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:82997619
Discord name: Negative Neggie#4147
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since 3/20/22. Only started playing seriously in May.
Age: 27
In what country are you located?: US
Time zone: Central Standard
Character name(s): Man Manson, Retri Man (CI trainee, use to practice hacking)
Civilian name: Manson Retriev (On UK) None on US
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Security Captain (Held), Chief of Security (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None to date.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I'm applying for site advisor because I would like to take the next step into doing more for the site then helping one department and acting as an individual who can handle site-wide departmental issues and concerns. I feel that I have gained enough experience in my current position over the month as the security deputy chief along side Omar and feel that I can translate that experience to Site Administration in an effective manner to help people site wide.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- I feel that I am able to be suitable for Site Administration for the following reasons:

Reasonable/Mature - I have consistently shown that I can be a respectful, reasonable individual who is capable of working with other departments to try and help resolve issues as well as handle things in a manner that avoids unreasonable conflicts and confrontations.

Teamplayer/Active - Over my time as a Security Chief I have worked with my team and other departments to come to agreements about issues. I am also not above working on the line with the individuals I manage making sure I am able to understand their issues. I have also utilized and worked in other departments such as medical and a small time in research to understand how they work better. I am also on almost every single day and am decently active in the discord and in game and usually avaliable at all times for communications. This makes me easy to reach in the event of an issue.

Experienced - Having been on the site for so long, I feel I have a good idea about how things run on the site, the responsibilites and expectations of site administration as they are a segway between Site Command and the Departments themselves. I have handled multiple situations ranging from handling mingy individuals to working with others to implement changes and documentation. I feel that I am more then ready to take on a higher position with the experience I have from this and prior experiences.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- Site Administration is responsible for the oversight of the entire site. They are there to make sure the departments are functioning appropriately by working with the department leaders and their command teams to make sure everything is going smoothly. They can act as messagers/organizers between departments and site command by relaying important information as well as keeping site command up to date about the day to day. They are also responsible for handling disputes between departments peacefully and making sure situations such as breaches, intrusions and other tasks are resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible to keep the site and its important research projects going smoothly.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Phase 1. Introduction to the Foundation
Man Manson worked as a police officer in the city of ******* before going to college for an advanced criminal justice degree. He was recruited into the foundation as a result of great performance in his department. After taking on the position as a security officer, he worked his way through the ranks to eventually become a security captain, where he would oversee the safety of the PW/LCZ and D block operations along side other security command members.

Phase 2. - A rising leader
Man Manson would work as a captain for a period, working with his fellow foundation members and GENSEC to help try to supervise operations in the security department. As a captain he would host trainings on the daily and do his best to keep general security organized, engaged and professional. Hard working, professional and a teamplayer, he would eventually be noticed by his higher ups for his conduct and leadership skills and eventually be lead to being potentially offered a position as a security chief. No matter the difficulty, situation or problem, he would rise to the occassion and help lead general security to a better future.

Phase 3. - More then just one
Man Mansons new position as a Security chief was not an easy one. Having one of the more difficult departments to manage, he nevertheless took on the opportunity to help improve security as a whole. Handling the day to day situations, taking in new captains, helping with documentation and training changes and helping improve the expectation of what it means to be security as a whole. Known by many, he would continue his work until he felt the department was in a more comfortable place. He began to get an inkling and wish to improve not just his own department but the site for the better after working along side others and taking the opportunity to expand his vision. When a position eventually opened up, he looked to apply for that position hopeful to help manage the site alongside its departments to a better future.

Place this on hold if no positions are open.
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Well-known Member
Jul 7, 2022
Manson is an amazing guy, its fun working with him and hes experienced. this man does an amazing job. He deserves this position.


Active member
Apr 15, 2022
+ Support

Manson has been a vital asset to GENSEC and has proven dedication to improving Site-56. With his induction into Site Administration, it would bring a much needed perspective.
+Huge Support

Manson has been a member of the server for a while now, and has consistently impressed me with his performance and professionalism. He's easily one of the best role models I've seen both OOC and IC, and many people look up to him naturally. It's hard to pick anyone who is a better pick for him, and I would be absolutely delighted to have him on the team.


Active member
Jul 19, 2022


Manson is very active and very professional, constantly on GenSec and ensuring the highest quality of security in D-block. Manson runs a tight ship and is a great candidate for site advisor.

From the office of ████████

Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply for Site Advisor. This position is responsible for assisting the Site Director with maintaining foundation standards on Site-56, and after careful consideration as well as your dedicated service to General Security, we have decided you are fit for this position. Please contact a staff member for your transfer, whitelist, and licenses.

Congratulations, Site Advisor Manson​
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