[USA] Marcus 'Crow' Takafujis Ethics Committee application

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Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:121212256
Discord name: Dragonbor166
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 Year 6 months
Age: 28
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Marcus 'Crow' Takafuji
Civilian name: Bryce Tankthrust
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Captain (Holding)
-Ambassador (Holding)
-Ethics assistant (Holding)
-Doia (held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Combat jumping (didnt understand what this was at the time when i was a d class)
-Failrp (unsure)

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
-I am applying for the role of Ethics Committee Member.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
-The reason that I am applying for the Ethics Committee member role is due to the fact I feel like i can do more and be more effective as an ECM I have had prior experience in ethics having been the Director of IA for awhile and directing IA in various degrees let alone most of my time in IA was as an Ambassador enforcing the code of ethics, code of conduct and the legal codex. I have seen both sides of the site having also been a Gensec captain for quite some time having seen how researchers react and how the more combative side of the foundation acts around the site has given me a unique insight in the way the foundation operates and as a result i firmly believe I would make a great Ethics member as I would be able to see the conflicts of both sides and enforce the code of ethics where apropriate.

More recently however While I have been an assistant for roughly a month and a half I have made great strides as one working with Internal affairs we ran an investigation into research and found it grossly corrupted due to this we had brought it to the light and it is now under better management and a better place, While being an Ethics assistant I have also dealt with various issues with departments and done my best to solve these issues to the best of my ability and hope I can continue to do so as an Ethics member and continue to make those I have worked with proud.​

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
-The responsibilities of the Ethics committe are as follows:
Making sure all departments follow the Code of ethics
Making sure the code of ethics is up to date and changed if relevent changes are necessary
Issuing orders and missions for O1 to conduct on a regular basis
Making sure to attend various meetings that might occur with Site Admin or Site Command
If needed I am required to work with the 05 Council members
Auth AA when needed
Issue Tribunals when and if needed
If IA director retires work with other members to assign a new one
Make sure relations with GOI are upheld
Make sure D class are treated fairly​

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Outside of RP the Ethics Committee Deal with a variety of issues these are:
Going over various applications for assistants when applicable
taking part in discord meetings with various senior CL4 and CL5 members
Working through DOIA applications when applicable​

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Marcus Takafuji was doing his normal rounds as a gensec captain doing the same old same old dealing with unruly cadets and crazy D class he had grown strained, stressed and tired of it all having been in this job for a rather long while he longed for something diffrent something new something to give energy back into his life.

Overtime he began to admire IA and how they conduct themselves in D-block and around the facility there was three in particular he began to look up to These were Ambassador Walter ulrich, Ambassador Harold Hawks and Ambassador Josher Owl soon enough he took a sabbatical from Gensec Department and chose to join IA after they had done a recruitment drive the next couple of months were difficult for him he was torn between knowing how to be a captain and dealing with gensec himself and other people now he had to do things purely by detainment and arresting eventually he grew to like this he saw what a diffrence he began to make in the facility as a whole Shadowing the ambassadors himself showed him what a diffrence IA could make to the site He always would be loyal to gensec but now he has a new renewel in his life a new reason to wake up eventually he became an IA ambassador but he never forgot the ambassadors he looked up to as he now works alongside them to make the site a safer more ethical place to live and work in. After a few months he became part of a what can only be called a cult brainwashed into giving access to floor 3 and resulting in his subsequent return to being a D class however over time he once again gained the trust of the foundation and was allowed to become an ambassador again. Soon enough he was recruited By ethics Members and began a new journey as an assistant aiding the ethics members whenever he could during this time he W̷̳͔͇̗̉̏́̅̔̓̓̈͋̑͋͜͜a̵̧̛̪̺̟͙̥̣͔̫̤͇̝̤̖̳̘̬̟̭̭̎̊̎̓̔̓̄̂̑̋̂̿̎͋̾̈́̕ͅş̵̧̡̣̤̗͔̰̺̘͔̯̜̗̮̓͋̊͐̓̀̌̐̃͂͆͑̏̇͒̆̽̽̄̒̐̔͝ ̵̧̧̛̛̰̠͓̹͓̥͙̗̞̞̯̺̯̜̮̮̩̖̻͒̓͂̑̄̋̐́̽̈̾͆́̓͑̔͘ͅţ̶̢̺̩̭̦̰͕͇̼̼̼̱̠̽̅̋̈́̅̇̚ͅͅͅâ̸̢̢̤̺͖̭̱̘̣̹̜͎̤̯̟͈̔̃̈́̋̏̔̌̀̏̏͗̉̀͑́͐̄͝͝ͅk̸̢̼̲̗̲͇̥̭͓̼͖̗̗̜͚͔̖̤̮̔̍̑͠e̴͍̬̪̙̩͙̞̠̘͋̅̂̋̉̈̿͛͑̃̀̋͒̾̔̐̋͠͝͝ͅn̴̡̰̱̠̳͓͓͎̝͈͙̖̂̇ ̴̨͍̖̞͎̬̤̺̥̫͙̥̞͖͖̩̲̩̳͙̊̓͛̾̑͐͒̏̑̍̃̃̾͒̑̃̃̓̀͛̽͘͜͝b̶̡̡̛̛̭̟̲̤͔̘͕͔͖̼̖̭̿̂̊͐͆̽͒̄́̈́̃̓̃̄͌͋y̸̨͉̜̰̲̻̖͖͓̱͍̗̥̭̹̝̞͉̖̥̪̅̒̌̈́̏͊́͜͝ ̷̲̟̻͍̩̼̰̰̐͋̐͆̂̐̎̎̽͂̋̄̌̈́̓͋̈́̄̃͘̕ͅę̸̡̪̪͔̯̜̳̳̜̤̻͚̠̺̯͙̰̣͉̤͂͐̉́̌̍͗̐̾͐̿͗̚͜͠ͅt̶̛͍̘̤̻̭̺͔̟̅̋̊͆̄̑̋̅̅̌̌́̓̐́͒͒͑̕̕ḩ̷̡̧̛̜͎̼͎͓̪͚͇̼̖̯̘̳̮̭͖͋́̓̔̂̈̈̌͊̋̀͐̎̀̍̈́͋͘͝ͅĭ̷̥͉̗̓̈́̿̍̑͆̎̉̈͑̓̀̋̓̔̍ć̴̤̖̊̾͊̊̈́͝s̴͓̳̗̝̬̣͖̰͈̜̣̾́̉̓͊̌̆̃̿̈͂̊̅͘͜͜͜ ̷̡̧̞̱̟͓̜͙͓̖̼͚̟̮̱̣͓̪̩̰͍̆̍̃̽̅̉̓̽͒͜m̷̨̻̤̯͎̰̼̂͆̽̑̄̂̽̒̇̔̌̏e̴̡̢͕̺͚͕̳͕͓̱̙̦̹̜̰̲̣̝͍̊͆̓͌̑̎̇̚͜͝m̴̢̧̞̠̼̭͕̦͍̤̥͎̙̱̻̠̹̼̭͚̳̤͉̍̈́̈́̏͒͒͌͑͐̎̊͒̔̓́͒́̕͘͝b̴̨̡̦͎̤͚̰̠͖͎͓̰̣̺̪̳̩̞͓͚͛̀̇͛̽̀̃͑͛̄̃͋̃͗̅̚͝͝͝ͅe̵̢͕͖̖̫̰̩̪̭͆ŗ̶̧̡̥̺͙̭͔͓̞͚̯̯̭͙̗̜̠̟̱̋͊̋̓̇̌̈́̈́̊̿͂̈̾͌́̓̚͘͘......



Verification successfull Welcome

To:██████ ██████ ██████​
Subject: Marcus Takafuji​
Are you absolutely sure this is the one we have been looking for, the one to hold the key to the future of site 65 and ensure its continued existence has he really taken this form above all others to do what? Taunt us, Laugh at us? What exactly is his game here and you say he has been here for awhile what has he actually done in that time.​
From: ██████ ██████ ██████​
I am absolutely Certain this is the one I have been watching him for quite some time and he does seem to genuinly want to help our cause despite his previous...infractions I do believe he can be of use to the foundation. I mean its not like we have much choice its either this or ██ ███████ It is however up to you what you wish to do however I would heavily go against containing this..thing I think it calls itself Marcus But I am unsure at this time if he goes by his..old name.​
To:██████ ██████ ██████​
Understood if he deems himself an asset to the foundation then I shall make the call may god help all of our souls.​

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Active member
Jul 27, 2024
+ Major Support
Marcus and I got hired around the same time as ECAs. He's one of the best ECAs I've seen. He's outgoing, approachable, and has a good personality.

His previous Sr. Cl4 experience makes him well-suited for this role.

I'm glad you listened to me. I hope to see you on the committee as a member soon.
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