[USA] Mars Alpha Lieutenant Level 3 demotion appeal

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Blacklisted Player
Oct 7, 2023


Steam ID:


Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA:


Level of appeal (2 or 3):

Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal - please give details:

I don't think I can

Who did you carry out the level 1 appeal to, and where:

I was not able to carry out a level 1 appeal.

Rank demoted from:

Alpha-1 LT

Who demoted you?:

Super Admin Artemis

Date of demotion?:

6th of September

What is the case against you?:

If I where to guess, since I was not actually given a clear reason for my "forced resignation", I would assume it was because I created a google document called "mars magnum opus" which was a semi-satirical horribly made document where I listed people I liked and didn't like during my time as A-1, this also included a few SL and SSL members where I said this:

As you can obviously tell from the formatting this document is the most unserious thing I have ever written, if this document in anyway is interpretted as a serious attack on someone then I believe that they are mistaken.

Though I'm fairly certain I shouldn't be passing around the contents of the document according to the threats that Artemis sent me in my DM's​



Though I do not think the contents of the document are bad at all it seems Artemis has taken the document in his own away and see's offence in whatever wrong I was saying in the document, from what I have heard he did not consult with the Commander of Alpha-1 nor did he really speak that much to any of the other Super Admins (I might be wrong I just asked Pyro if he knew about the reason for my demotion), and what Pyro told me is that the only thing he had heard about was the document I made.

Now I will show some of the statements in the document that I made that could maybe have lead to Artemis' decision.​




^^ here the only thing I can think of is mentioning 2 blacklisted players though I obviously stated that I dont agree with what they did to get banned.


Is this true?:

Yes, I did make a satirical document of me soy'ing and making dumb comments on the server that obviously by the way the document was layed out, was a joke for my resignation the day after this all happened.

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?:

I got removed from the Chaos Insurgency back in like November for saying a bad word

Please list any previous roleplay demotion appeals:


What is your side of the story?:

I was planning on resigning from the server on the 7th of September with my other fellow A-1 Commander Volt, where there was gonna be a big event or something like that where I wanted to attend it and leave the regiment. (Though obviously I wanted to leave on my own terms)

I thought of the genius idea to create a soy document that I would post in A-1 Announcement alongside my resignation for people to have a good laugh at where I also list a few of my opinions on people on the server in a very satirical and dumb-downed way. Now obviously Artemis didn't really take my comment on him and a few other staff that in my opinion have not benefited the server, though I didn't really expect him to take such offense to my comments because of how they where made on the document.

Now I sent this google doc to all the other Alpha-1 Officers and said that I am dropping this on Saturday alongside my resignation, where then I guess one of the other Alpha-1 Officers decided to send that to someone and then it ended up in the hands of Artemis.

Now I will say that my plan was to resign tomorrow, though I do not think that this situation led me to resign on my own terms and I believe that I should be able to do that.

i will edit this if i forgot to add anything
oh yeah i forgot to say, im taking a forced resignation as a demotion, I did not choose to resign today on the 6th
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