[USA] Marvin Garden's Petition for Site Advisor

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:95461162
Discord name: Breadicism
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since May 29th, 2023. I recently got the "1 month" achievement (do I even have a life)
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: PST
Character name(s): Marvin Garden
Civilian name: St. Charles Baltic
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes I do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Director of Medicine (Holding)
Consultant (Held)
E-11 PVT (Holding)
IA Agent (Holding)
SCP-096 (Holding)
SCP-22514 (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
One expired warn for FailRP(A) when I first joined the server, and I have had none since.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I have been with the Department of Medicine for the majority of my time working at Site-65. During that time, especially during my tenure as Director, my goal was to bring Medical into a position that is more involved in terms of both our own RP and with the rest of the site. After much work with both my own personnel, and through interdepartmental relations, I now believe the Department of Medicine is in a stable position, with enough people to support the department in my absence. I now feel comfortable moving forward, and learning what it means to take a higher administrative role within the overall site health. Site Advisor is the next step for me. I want to expand my managerial experience from a single department to oversight of other new fields, departments, and regiments.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
My suitability can be explained in the following points.
1. Administration: I have gained much experience with management during my tenure as Director of Medicine. This can be shown through the amount of new documentation created throughout my Directorship, including the Department of Medicine website, a central hub for medical policy and procedure that was previously minimally documented. This also showcases my literacy and documentation ability, a necessary skill for a managerial position such as Site Advisor. My experience in Sr. CL4 has also given me the ability to both coordinate and manage groups of people (my Consultants, doctors, and medics), as well as deal with problems that may arise.

2. Knowledge: Most of my knowledge does relate to biology, but I would also say that I have an above average understanding of SCP lore and other academic subjects. Through my interactions with other department and regiment leadership, I also understand how various pieces of the site operate. This puts me in a position to be able to properly advise and manage departments outside of my Director experience, and I am confident I could learn and maintain proper operating procedure for those outside my experience.

3. RP: While I admit I am still very new to RP compared to most people within this community, I believe I have the ability to respond to circumstances in a proper and realistic manner befitting a Site Advisor. Ultimately, if given the position, I believe I would be able to create RP for those around me, and enable others in their own RP experiences.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
  1. Reviewing their assigned departments, and advising their leadership in matters of RP, personnel, and management.
    1. Providing advice when asked, or advising when deemed necessary given a failure of leadership.
  2. Facilitating communication between different departments, as well as with Site Administration and Site Command.
    1. Keeping parties who need to be privy to certain information in the loop.
  3. Actively engaging with personnel in order to foster a positive environment, and having presence within Site-65 operations regularly.
    1. Regular activity, being the face of the site.
  4. Taking lead during emergencies to ensure proper response and authorization
    1. Advanced Armory authorization when deemed necessary, as well as KOS past airlock.
    2. Authorizing entry of various people into the Site, GOI or otherwise.
    3. Sweep authorization in the event of a D-Class riot.
    4. Approving research tests of higher risk, specifically cross tests.
  5. Voting on site policy changes or on approval of certain CL4 personnel
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Name: Marvin Garden
DoB: October 21st, 1978 (45 years old)
Occupation: Director of Medicine
Assignment: Site-65, Pinewood.
Patron: █████ ██ ██████, Former ██████ █████████ ██████
"...Hello? Is this thing on...? Right. Hello there. My name is Department Director Marvin Garden, currently serving as the Director of Medicine during the current administration. The folks over at RAISA asked me to make a sort of introductory video to my life and qualifications for the folks who need to know. And while my journey has been a long one, I will do my best to be quic-"
The sound of a door bursting open can be heard
"Marvin, one of the trainees gave lobster claws to a D-Class, what do we do?!?"
"Alright, calm down, hold on a minute I'll be right there. Just need to finish some paperwork. Now leave!"
A door quietly shuts
"Sorry about that. Let's start from the beginning."
"I grew up in rural Nebraska, a small town by the name of Chance. Nothing interesting ever happened there, and I grew up quite peacefully with my sister Marvina, my mother Maureen, and my stoic father, Melvin. The Garden family was your average suburban family."

"However, when I was 14, I took my Middle School biology class with an inspiring teacher, Ms. Young. She showed the intricacies of biology, as far as a middle school level goes, which essentially cemented my path in the field. When I turned 18, I applied to a small liberal arts college, earned my Bachelors in the Biological Sciences, and moved on to a path that would let me also make money, Medical School. At the age of 26, earned my medical doctorate, quite an achievement after many years of work. Naturally I did a lot of boring doctor stuff, blah blah blah, anyway, I got a lot of experience at a hospital, etc..."

"Following my fellowship, I moved into a small practice near Lake Michigan, helping various peoples with their injuries. And suffice to say, my life would have likely continued down that path. But of course, life never runs smoothly. No, not with anomalies running free."
"It all changed one morning. I woke up, went about my usual routine, which was nearly mind numbing by that point, and headed in to work. However, that morning had a surprise for me. A rather strange patient walked in. Or rather, “shattered” in. In all my years of study, I had never seen anything remotely similar. A man whose entire skeleton was completely fused together. The real shock was when he started to move, breaking nearly every joint in his body just to put a foot forward...

<:> *Silence for 10s* <:>

"Everything from this point is rather vague. I seem to remember a sort of SWAT team, I assume some kind of Mobile Task Force, sweeping in to cover the area."

"The man, still before me, asked me to kill him. I cannot imagine the pain he must have been in, but I knew no way to help him, especially when my practice was being surrounded by armed forces. From there, my memories end. Next thing I know, I've woken in an interrogation room, with a man in front of me. We conversed for a while, he was surprisingly knowledgeable about the sciences, even more than myself. Hours went by, and still we talked. He must have seen something in me, since I was offered a job at the SCP Foundation.
"Naturally, considering my line of work, I was placed in the Department of Medicine, and with my experience I was positioned immediately as a Senior Doctor. The rest is history. I cured countless personnel with my own concocted cures, diagnosing D-class who suddenly develop Lung Cancer, and providing psychological evaluation to the tired and weary personnel of Site-65. Eventually, my efforts were recognized by the department, and I was promoted to the leadership role of Medical Consultant. Naturally, I continued to do my very best. After many licenses, and many hours of labor, and many many first aid kits, an opportunity made itself available to me. So I took the chance and submitted my letter of intent for Director of Medicine. And, well, the rest is history. From a small department, following renovations, much has changed in my time as Director."
"I lost my hands to those green bastards,"
"I personally treated ███ before his... breakdown..."
"I created a central website for the department"
"I assisted and treated a ███████ at the request of ███ ██████ ██████."
"And I hired thirteen, wonderful Consultants."
"Honestly, people really do underestimate the amount of redactable shit the Director of Medicine ends up involved in..."
"However, I think it might be time for a change. The Department is in a stable position now, finally. And I have seen an opportunity to take a greater role."
"I won't be missing it."
"Abbie... I must apologize. If this petition is successful, you will have once again outlived another director. I can only hope that whoever takes my place will work as well together as we did. We achieved so much together, but I believe now is the time. I hope you can forgive me."
"Right then, let's go see about getting that D-Class some new hands, shall we?"
A door creaks open, and quietly shuts.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
Greetings Marvin,

Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for the Site Advisor. This message is to inform you that your application for the position has been accepted.

Please reach out to a Site Manager or myself.

Kind regards,
Site Director "Plug"​
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