[USA] Marvin Garden's Petition to Site Director

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Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Jun 8, 2024
+Support on the Highest Order, Marvin since i first joined has been extremely fun to work with on any job ive been. One of the main reasons i actually stayed cause he was so nice to people goofy yet serious when need be. Actually kinda reminds me of my officers IRL so hell yeah would make a damn good Site Director
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Iris Valentine

Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 30, 2023
+ Major Support

I have always had high respect for Marvin, ever since my starting days when he and another consultant kidnapped me into maining medical.
He was my first introduction to CL4 when I got consultant and I was proud that he was there when I got introduced into SA. He is active and has made every department he went into better, if he doesn't get Site Director I WILL riot!

(Marvin if ya see this, Thank you for being an inspiration.)
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Reactions: Marvin Garden
Incoming Transmission.... Decoding....
Clearance Request Accepted.
RAISA have upheld your request... -1, File Sent.

Attachment Loaded... Processing.
File Sent and Received... Subject "Marvin Garden" notified.

Greetings... Manager. Your presence on Site-65 has been noted and appreciated. Due to recent circumstances, the Director has departed leaving the position open. I have reviewed your merits and demerits and have came to a conclusion in regards to your future within the site.
I have deemed your presence on the site desirable, and have confidence that you will lead Site-65 properly and effectively. With the former Directors.... "Departure" it has left big shoes to fill, so do not disappoint.
Due to this, Congratulations... Director.
Remember our Mission... Secure. Contain. Protect.
That will be all, Signed: Chief Overseer "The Geneticist"

Application Accepted
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