[USA] Maurice Alton's Site Advisor's Application

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Aug 11, 2023
Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character name(s):

Maurice Alton
Civilian name:

Maurice Woods

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Nu7 LTCOM, Overseer Assistant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Yes I have gotten some warns, no bans though.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I am applying for Site Advisor for a variety of reasons. Some reasons are I would like to roleplay more. See I have been in MTF for a good amount of time and a lot of time's there just isn't a lot of roleplay. And as Nu7 I am either guarding someone or defending against a CI raid. I have no problem with this as it is my job but I would like to roleplay more. And as SA I would be able to do that. Interacting with all of the departments, and roleplaying with people from different departments is really just what I want to do. Another reason why I am applying is so that I can watch over the site. I would love to watch over the site and interact with people I have never interacted with before. There are a lot of new people to the server and I would like to boost rp some more so that they would like to stay here. Because there are some people who have no intention to rp and then when they don't RP the new people in the server don't want to role play either and that's not what I want to happened. I want everyone to have a good roleplay experience, not just a couple people, not just one person, everyone.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I would say what makes me suitable for this role is because of a couple reasons. See I believe my combination of professionalism, experience and dedication, all would help me with the responsibilities of this role. Professionalism; Site Advisor is a very high and respected role within the foundation. So you are expected to be professional, and acting goofy. Of course there is a time and there is a place, and when you are in a serious place, its not the time to be messing around. Experience; I have CL4 experience and just experience an SA member would want/need to have. I once held the role of ambassador, and within IA you lay down justice. Arresting people, who do not follow the LGLCDX, COE, and COC. Also, as an ambassador you need to be able to write up documents. If I do say so myself I have written a decent amount of pretty good documents in the past, and so I know how to do that. Also I hold the rank of OSA, the whole point of the job OSA is to follow orders and make sure everything is running properly around the site. Kind of what Site Advisor's do, they watch over the site and follow orders of the Site Director, and maybe sometimes Site Managers. Also a big job that Sa's do is they authorize Advanced Armory. As an OSA you are given a document on when you should authorize AA and the certain people who you should authorize it for, so I also know the guidelines to AA authorization. And last but not least dedication, I have served in the foundation for about 7/8 months now, and I do not think about leaving any time soon. I really am dedicated to my job as LTCOM of Nu7 and the other roles I hold, and I really love the community and everything they do for me.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Authorizing AA.
Overseeing a department.
Watching over the site.
Approving passive breaches.
Voting on applications.
Dealing with GOI's
Writing documents.
As SA, sometimes you have to authorize Advanced Armory. This is exactly what it sounds like, it is advanced weaponry that is used against SCPS. So when there is a code 5 (SCP Containment Breach)That has gotten really bad, SA can authorize AA, for certain people, at certain times.
So when you Site Administration you are assigned a department to oversee. IA, DEA, Nu-7, E-11 etc. You must watch over the department you are assigned and make sure they are doing well.
This one is pretty obvious it is in the name.. As Site Advisor, one of your main jobs is to watch over the site. Making sure the site is running well and is healthy.
So approving passive breaches. I don't 100% know how this system works yet, but all I know is SM+ can approve a passive breach from an SCP, some SCPS that would be a bit hard to passive breach are; 457, 966, 082, 096, 173, 8837, and the 9000's. I'm going to guess all of these SCPS are not allowed to passive breach for obvious reasons but I could be wrong.
The SA team votes on a variety of different applications. They vote on Security Chief apps, they also vote on DIA Director, and DEA Director apps. SA also, votes on MTF commanders, and picks them for the regiments E-11 and Nu-7.
A unique job of SA's is dealing with GOI's. Stuff like, giving MC&D's permits to sell their wares, in the foundation. Not really building relations with CI for obvious reasons but sometimes do negotiate. Though they do talk to the UNGOC, and deal with relations between them and the Foundation. Doing things like setting up meetings to talk to their Hr's on different topics.
A very important job of SA's is writing documents. Writing up a good document is very vital to SA, because you can write a document about almost anything. Doings department reviews, writing incident reports. SCP documents, etc..

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Aug 11, 2023
Bad interactions, told me that him refusing to show me keycard was metagame!!
You cuffed me while I was on tech expert or something because I said something on comms. I never had shown you my keycard and you somehow knew it was me so it was meta game. I don’t have a problem with you just please don’t go out of your way to lie on peoples applications.
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