[USA] Maxime "Ghost" Lafleur DEA Special Agent Application #2

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Well-known Member
Aug 27, 2022

Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Over 1k hourScreenshot (143).png


16 Years Old

In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character name(s):

Maxime "Ghost" Lafleur

Civilian name:


What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:

Yes I have one

What are your total levels?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF Nu-7 CSG (Holding)

MTFNu-7 LCPL (Held)

Security Captain (Holding)

UNGOC SPC (Holding)

CI-A 2x (Held)

DEA Senior Agent (Holding)

E-11 PVT (Held)


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

2 expired warns and a few AFK kicks. One was for RDM as I revenge RDMed someone and one for cooldown violation but I can't remember why it was almost a year ago


How long have you been a Senior Agent for?

2 weeks


Why are you applying for Special Agent?

I am applying for Special Agent because I believe I could greatly help out the regiment. I have noticed that some people did not like DEA because of a very few people hopping on the job and minging, giving our whole Department a bad look. I wanna be able to hand out punishments and hold a more significative rank and being able to get more respect from the Agents and Operatives and asking more from them than I can as a Senior Agent. I also wish to become a Special Agent to be able to progress in my career in DEA. I believe I can help out during the times when communication lack in our ranks and between us and other Departments and Regiments. I could also help out by giving the test to new DEA Agents and in doing so, making sure they are fit to enter DEA and will not just minge around.


What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:

I believe to be the best candidate for Special Agent for multiple reasons. Firstly, I have a string sense of Leadership. I know how to lead people towards success. Secondly, I am a very active member in DEA and overall on the server as a play multiple hours everyday (proof of activity: https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/1117461819). Thirdly, I have CL4 experience as a GSD Captain which made me learn to keep my cool when dealing with minges or people who could not understand the SCP Universe. Fourthly, I am someone who is very professional when on the job and always do my best to make sure I thrive in what I do and hope to be able to transmit those valor's to new Agents and Operators. I am also the Emissary of SET and could help out recruit more people in SET as I would be seen as a model figure.


How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

I have written 3 documents and I believe that a good document needs only one thing, details. The person reading it must be able to read the document and understand what happened like she was there to see it. Details like the number of people implicated, the casualties, what was said and more are all important things to add to a document.


What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:

Lead Agents and Senior Agents

Give permission to go outside of the gated area

Allow GOC to enter our base during Infiltration missions

Assist Agency Managers in running their respective agencies

Report any massive issue to the Department Leadership


Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Maxime Lafleur was born in 1997. His mom abandoned him after he was born and he was left with his dad, a retired JTF2 operator. Lafleur became an infantry officer in the Canadian army and decided to follow his dad's steps and go trough the scanning steps to attend the next JTF2 tryout. During these 6 days hell week, he went above and beyond his capacities to maintain himself and his fellow comrades alive and continued on for each exercise. Has the 7th day arrived, he had survived. He still had a few months of training, but the hard part was done. As an Assaulter, he went to multiple countries to do diverse missions. The mission that changed is career was in Canada, in Ottawa. The parlement was attacked and 23 hostages were made. The SWAT could not enter due to explosives being placed at each entry, taking too long to diffuse. The squad of Lafleur was called to deal with the situation. They landed on the roof from a Blackhawk and prepared to rappel down the skylight on the roof. They needed to take out the leader of the small terrorist group as he could detonate the whole building at any moment, making everyone inside and around the building die a horrible death. As the entered, Lafleur shot one of the attackers in the chest as his teammates took down the leader. They breached door after door, until they reached all the hostages. Panic ran through the terrorists until one of them ran at Lafleur with a grenade. Lafleur took him down, but the grenade was unpinned. The grenade landed at his feet. He froze for a second but jumped on it. The grenade exploded on him, but his body armor absorbed most of the blast, knocking him unconscious. He was dragged out and rushed to the Blackhawk to an hospital where he was pronounced dead. When he woke up, he was not in a hospital anymore, he was in a room with 2 man by his side. One of them wore a suit and the other one was a soldier. The man in the suit called himself O5-7. From this point on, Lafleur's career changed from a Special Force member to a foundation employee. Lafleur rose the ranks of General Security quickly, landing himself at a Captain spot for is leadership and combat skills. The was never a riot that could happen for more than 5 minutes without Lafleur and his men intervening and shutting it down. After a few years as a Captain, he had established the fact that he was one of the best and that is skills were needed inside the Foundation. That's around this time that he was approached by a man that he could not recognize, but had seen before. His name was Walnut and he offered him a position as a Special Agent in the branch new branch that the Foundation had jugged was much needed in times like there, DEA. Lafleur, hesitant, tough about D-Block, which he almost considered his home. He had spent years fighting there for the one goal, preserving D-Class subjects for science. But after years, he was in need of a calmer work space. In total, he had been in combat for 16 years, and was very tired. The many injuries he got from those years didn't make life easier, but did make is decision easier, as he accepted the offer.

[Enter keycard clearance...]

[Scanning keycard...]

[Welcome, Special Agent]

Hell had broke loose into Site-65. The Chaos Insurgency had entered the site trough the main gate, killing several DEA Agents and MTF Operatives. Nu-7 could not hold facing that many insurgents. There were hundreds of insurgents, no raid had ever been this massive before in the history of Site-65. Lafleur had seen hell before even joining the Foundation, but the way the Chaos Insurgency operated, killing mercilessly anybody on their path, sending their own men, generally Alpha operatives, straight trough MTF Nu-7 fire, to inevitable death, hoping they would kill or at least wound someone, scared him to his core. In a audio log, he reported "I am currently in EZ, passing right after CI, trying to backstab them. The bodies on the ground are all massacred, full of bullet holes or burned. Some men were dismembered by grenades, there is a boot at my feet as I speak. The bloodbath CI leaves behind is terrifying. No one was left intact.". CI had reached HCZ when they met E-11 and their heavy resistance. If they wanted to enter, they would need more than bullets, grenades and Alpha operatives. E-11 was very effective and successfully pushed the Chaos Insurgency back. Nu-7 came from the back with the help of DEA and dealt the final blow, eliminating the command members of CI who had stayed in the back. This raid at not been successful for the CI, but they definitively scarred us all for life...

Last edited:
Jul 16, 2022

Application Denied

after consideration with the senior team of External Affairs we have come to the conclusion that you are not currently fit for the position as a Special Agent.however i believe that if you were to reapply after we see you activity on DEA improve you will have better odds of being accepted​

Thank you for applying. Feel free to reapply in 1 week​

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