[USA] Mayuri's Special Agent Application

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Active member
Mar 17, 2023
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:446320989

Discord name: _f150

For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: CST

Character name(s): Mayuri "F-150 owner"

Civilian name: Don Howard

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: ye

What are your total levels?:163

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Nu-7 COM, E-11 CPT, CI-C BCOM, and some others I’m too lazy to list them

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-I got 7 warnings, My 2 active warnings are for RDM for base camping, and killing a D-Class in cuffs.

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
- 2-3 weeks

Why are you applying for Special Agent?
-DEA is a very fun department and I want to be more involved with it. It offers more RP opportunities than Nu-7, and gives me more things to do on site. This being priority over negotiations, more involved with surface events, and are first responders to intruders like Nu-7 is.

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
-Nu-7 Commander: When I first became a CO in Nu-7 the CO team was basically empty. I did my part hosting tons of tryouts, teaching Nu-7 how to better defend the site, and my Commander at the time gave me a task to get everyone in Nu-7 (all 70 people) to LCPL which is something I’m still working on. With this experience I know how to properly revive a regiment/department with some help, and good orders.

-E-11 Captain: With my time as an E-11 CPT I learned how to negotiate with other regiments/departments to help better E-11, and to help strengthen relations. This led to the creation of HH-11 which is a medical subdivision that helps E-11 with their duties.

-CI-C Brigade Commander: Being CI CO of any kind holds a lot of responsibility. For many people CI is one of the first combative regiments they have ever been in, so you have to be patient with them, and be willing to teach them. CI is the biggest regiment on the server and it takes a considerable amount of effort to make sure they are not being a nuisance. In conclusion, this experience has helped me gain patience, and has helped me improve my leadership skills.

-With all this Sr.Cl4 experience I feel that I am capable of being a competent special agent, and show the ability to be a good leader.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
-I have written 5 documents all being Research documents. What make a document good are when documents are organized, detailed, and informative
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
- Give tests to untrained DEA and keep DEA in line. Help with Code 1s. We negotiate for people who have been kidnapped by CI/GOC. Give MC&D permits to sell their wares in the foundation.

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Mayuri was only 21 when he joined the Canadian Military's Air Force. He flew a CH-139 JetRanger with his co-pilot Blake Davis. One day Blake and Mayuri were doing some practice flights around a town named Pinewood. He saw that there was a helicopter flying around and thought it was dropping off a shipment for the foundation so they decided to grab a matador and shoot it down like the terrorists they are. So Mayuri decided to grab the last parachute for himself and leave Blake Davis to die. While Mayuri jumped off Blake kept trying to find another way to get down safely but he could not so he hoped so Blake jumped off the plane and landed on the ice and got notched out until CI found him and brought him back. They healed him up and then the Ci found out that they are not a part of the SCP foundation so they decided to keep him and made him a part of CI and Blake “willingly” joined just to get payback on Mayuri for leaving him behind to die. When Mayuri jumped out of the plane his foot got caught on the door handle out of panic. After, Mayuri was able to get his foot out of the handle with a 20 cm gash down his leg. Even Though this hurt a lot, adrenaline came rushing down Mayuri’s veins, and he was able to pull the parachute. When Mayuri landed on the ground he could barely gather the strength to stand up. Luckily, he landed right outside a military base otherwise known as the “Foundation”. When Nu-7 and DEA saw him on the ground they rushed Mayuri to med-bay since he was in severe condition. When Mayuri woke up, his condition got better. While Mayuri was healing the Foundation was looking into his background and they saw potential in him. On the 3rd day of Mayuri being hospitalized he was Class E’d to forget his family, most of his past life, and to replace those memories were fake ones of Mayuri working for the foundation. After this was done Mayuri was given an opportunity by the DEA. The DEA spoke to Mayuri in a Raspy voice “You’ve been working here for years and you show great ability”. “If you could be one of my agents I’ll give you good pay, benefits, and opportunity to grow”. Mayuri “willingly” accepted this offer and got sent off to training. After months of training he was full on Agent that would later be promoted to Sr. Agent due to his great work ethic and ability.


Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2023

Application Accepted

After consideration with the senior team of External Affairs has come to the conclusion that you are currently fit for the position as a Special Agent. please contact me or any of the other Agency Managers

Thank you for applying.​

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