[USA] Meow Pavlov's Medical Consultant Application

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Well-known Member
Apr 5, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81990998
Discord name: rick#8008
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 12 days in game, joined about a month ago.
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Doctor Meow Pavlov
Civilian name: Meow Pavlov
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: None.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: One warning for metagaming. I didn’t understand how to properly ID check at the time.

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
I am applying for Medical Consultant because I believe I would be able to provide as a good leader within the medical department. I primarily play as a Psychiatrist, and I would really like to improve the materials provided for potential Psychiatrists specifically. Beyond just offering psychiatric help, which is somewhat vague and not lined out much out of character, there isn’t really a proper handbook for playing the role, something I am currently in the process of writing myself. I found myself asking some of the same questions repeatedly to the subjects I’ve interviewed in character, and most GenSec or otherwise are unsure of how procedures aside from EST and fractures are supposed to be handled, usually just leaving you alone in a consultation room with a patient. This is where the RP-aspect of medical personnel should take over, but even I find it hard sometimes to do so when there isn't much of an established standard as to how a scene like that could properly play out. Providing some starter documentation to players looking for that kind of experience would serve to be rather fun for medical staff and their patients alike in my opinion.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
I have taken a large focus in medical mainly as a Psychiatrist, while participating in breaches and escorting as a CM while the more intense codes are active. Since my last application I have toured the UK's medical wing and spent further time on the US server playing mostly as medical roles, finding some things we could definitely improve from both my visit and RP as a doctor. I already try to help trainees learn what they're meant to be doing, and would enjoy being able to do this properly through training them as a consultant. I have taken the time to try and at least check out most of the different roles on the server so I know how they work within potential RP scenarios, and medical suits me best, so I would like to be able to devote the proper attention to the role as a whitelisted member of its staff. I pretty much only play medical, with a much larger focus on doctor roles than any other support-related jobs. (My levels for reference.) Overall, I believe I would be able to improve the medical wing as a whole given the chance to do so, and I'll list a couple ideas here to better prove that: Hosting medical training lectures within the lecture hall, getting someone to add a shredder to medbay, improving the psychiatric examination documentation, providing an RP guide to Psychiatry as a whole, and potentially reviving the elite combat medic division if possible.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
Diagnosing and treating a foundation personnel’s unknown mental condition (In this example case, a chef with Schizophrenia, though we would not know that initially.)

Step 1: Ask the patient if they consent to a Psychiatric evaluation. The chef consents in this case.

Step 2: Continue if and only if they consent unless an evaluation is approved by ethics. Invite them to join you in an open consultation room.

Step 3: Check their medical file, if they have one. In this case, the chef is a new-hire and has no such history within the foundation’s medical wing.

Step 4: To rule out any underlying physical conditions, sample and analyze their blood for any common diseases, leaving the room to examine it under a microscope. (/roll 100, 50+ succeeds. Roll from a list of common blood-presenting physical injuries if successful.) Treat the underlying physical condition before continuing, and schedule another exam if the problems persist and your examination has already taken too long. In this example case, the roll failed and we now look for deeper underlying mental conditions.

Step 5: If no physical conditions are found, begin to analyze the patient through a psychiatric lens. Referring to your list of common mental conditions while following a psychiatric analysis document, see if you can diagnose it properly through speaking with the patient and asking them a set of diagnosis-based questions that probe into their psyche. If not, roll from a list of common mental conditions that you could attempt to treat. (/roll 100, 50+ succeeds. If you succeed you have successfully diagnosed the patient and can prescribe them the proper medication, if you fail you misdiagnose them and provide the wrong medication, though it could still work as a placebo.)

Step 6: In this example case, the roll succeeds, and we properly determined that the chef has schizophrenia through their previous bloodwork and some underlying tells. Put in a formal request that this member of personnel takes a day or two of paid leave and present them with a bottle of prescription anti-psychotic medication, providing the foundation with a properly filled out prescription signed by a consultant if necessary. In our case, referring to the stated treatments within the same document, the medication Risperdal is prescription only, so we seek an available consultant to sign the prescription. If necessary, put in a notice that the patient should be placed on leave until their medication is available and provided to them.

Step 7: Check back up with the patient at a later date to ensure that the treatment worked. In our case they took their medication, resulting in an automatic success, and we can mark their condition as treated. Make a note of this and their condition/treatment in their medical file and send it to a consultant for approval.

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
To provide guidance to other members of medical personnel, be a good role model and representative for the foundation as a whole, alongside assisting in managing the more business-like aspects of the department, having to do a bit of outreach to speak with higher-up personnel when policy changes or medical representatives are required or wanted. Making sure medical staff feels appreciated and properly credited for their work is also a big part of it, as they will be looking to you for guidance and further instruction beyond their initial training. You should be seen as a beacon of stability within the generally chaotic medical wing.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
My Medical Consultant character is Doctor Meow Pavlov, also known as SCP-MEOW. (Link: A more in-depth character description.) An honest and formerly easily-influenced man, he has grown mentally resilient over his time spent providing his services to the foundation as a medic, partially a result of his growth as a person, but mainly from the anomalous nature of his new state of being. Easily picked out from a crowd, now the obvious odd man out in any room, the feeling of difference only further fuels Pavlov’s drive to provide as much of a service to the foundation as he can, as it only heightens his tendencies to dig into the problems of others, for the better or worse, as if to somehow justify his existence as a whole. As he did before the incident, he finds his time best spent in the medical wing, though a cloud of responsibility seems to constantly itch at him, the way things are currently run just not right to the man. Broken bones and gorish viscera never bothered him much, the true horrors within this foundation were the sorry states that most of its staff found themselves in. All manner of psychological affections hang amidst the staff like a blight, and if it requires him to take a steadier hand in assisting the department, so be it, he’ll try to rise to the task if it means he’ll be able to save more lives and cure more wounds than just the physical ones, 'cause those were easy. Anyone can heal a wound with stitches and gauze, it takes a man who's figured himself out first to help cure the afflictions of the heart. (As for storylines, I would like to continue on with more medical-focused research, help suggest changes in policy that I believe would help the department change for the better, and assist researchers in getting proper psychologists for tests that take a strong mental toll on them, or any other member of foundation personnel, D-Class or otherwise. A large part of SCP in my eyes is how horrifying everything is, and how foundation members have to just readily accept that reality, so there should be a proper system in place that ensures our staff isn't just constantly having to amnesticize themselves just to cope with their daily lives. Another aspect I would like to bring as a Consultant is possibly reopening and manning our upper Combat Medic division that has fallen into inactivity.)

Crow Kalashnikov

Well-known Member
Oct 2, 2022
+Major Support

Mr.Meow Pavlov is somebody who I see consistently in the Medical Department, I believe he would make an even greater asset to the department as a Consultant. Somebody who can do medical Licenses and teach people what to do in the department.


Active member
Apr 10, 2023
+ Support

Dr. Meow Pavlov has not only done their rounds in Research, but is one of the most active medical personnel. They are known for working hard, helping everyone in need, and being unique above the rest. They are a must-have for consultant and would only benefit medical in the long term.

- Executive Researcher Dr. Xavier Adams


Well-known Member
Apr 11, 2023
+Huge support
always active and respectful
Always helps in any situation
Very pleasant to talk to
Quick on his feet
Jul 20, 2022
Other than another medic, I have never seen as much dedication to the field, if i had a penny for the many times I have seen or heard about his accomplishments I would have a whole dollar

I am impressed with his work
-Trust worthy
-Great at RP
I have seen him get complimented by Ethics and Overseers Assistants.

Medical Consultant Jon "Wiz" Dingleshmerg

Last edited:


Active member
Oct 27, 2022
+ Support
- Always on medical field
- Always assisting and playing as a support role
- gives medical a good name.
- Great interactions (i swtg though if you repeat alpha warhead infobreaches im going to shoot you again)

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Department of Medicine

Salutations Pavlov

I do apologise for the amount of time this application has been left on the bench but alas I have gotten my Barings and now am on a straight path to my goals which has given me the time to look into applications.

I have spoken with my consultant team and have elected to Accept your application under a trial of 2 weeks
Please contact me via discord DM's at your earliest convenience to organise when is most comfortable for a interview.

Enjoy your Morning/Day/Evening.
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