[USA] Mexi's Executive Researcher Application.

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Jay "Corvid"

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jun 5, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77430527
Discord name: Mexiimex
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 months roughly.
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: Australia
Time zone: GMT +11 or AEST
Character name(s): Mexi
Civilian name: MexCIV
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes and a fairly reliable one.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- I have not held any roles within the MTF or CI units.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- No warns/kicks or bans.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- I am applying because this will be my first CL4 Role, and after a very long series of tests involving foods and moral dichotomy within those SCP's that have sentience. I wish to start to apply myself to those SCP's that are above clearence level 3 and create more useful tests for the foundation. It also gives me an oppotunity to prove my theories and help other researchers thrive in their fields.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- I believe that my roleplaying skills are well above average and believe that I can provide plenty of roleplaying oppotunities, I find the more outlandish and extreme tests are (Within rules and within the code of conduct and ethics.) makes playing as a researcher very enjoyable and having people question your morals and ethics are part of the job, You as a researcher are supposed to create tests that aren't just "see what happens when you feed a d-class to 939." It should be "If 939 can understand the meaning behind yes and no. is it possible they can answer questions or are their answers completely random based on the results of multiple aptitude tests."

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- I have written multiple excellent graded documents, Im not certain in what number but its probably around the 6-8 mark. And what made my documents excellent in that case was that A. you provide reference images and the image of the research logo. B. Proper indexing and notation of page numbers. C. An interesting premise of testing and elaborate goal of study. D. Proper documentation of results and test conculsion. and finally E. Easy to read writing with little gramatical errors and reasonable punctuation.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- Executive researchers primary responsibility is to act to build Jr Researchers into full fledged researchers, such as teaching those who are new to the researching field, Showing them how to write proper documents, how to act proper under the code of conduct and research guidelines and approve credits the Jr researchers hand out. Their secondary objectives are to ensure proper documentation when Sr Researcher and below come to request sampling or to oversee testing that requires a clearence level above theirs. And a final objective for this question is to rank and review SCIPNet documents uploaded at CL4 or below, using techniques from the above question. Other objectives may include; working with ethics to figure out unethical researchers and many other smaller requirements..

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Mexi as a researcher began his journey through the foundation questioning the morality of SCP's, what they considered abhorrent or unintellagable, created possibility. There are many undocumented results of some SCP's, Mexi read into the SCP Files of SCP-939. Reading through constant documentation of official pages, none mention being agressive passively, only when prey is around, or when movement or audio is detected. He found this facinating, no records of people testing whether their intellegence of mimicry lead him to a conclusion. SCP-939 has very little documented results on intellegence or agressive natures when in their default state. IE Sitting in a chamber alone.
After a multitude of tests feeding both 939's instances and recording their reactions to movement and noise. finding that even with a d-class as prey, they do not attack immedietly. it was until the d-class approached 939 they bit. Noting this down and multiple tests later. He had enough results to be confident in his hypothesis.
He decided to do something risky, what lead his path to gain knowledge of the nature of SCP-939, after insuring that both 939 instances were fed well with multiple raw meats. Mexi places on his hazmat suit and lowers himself into the chamber... To his surprise, nothing... no biting, no agressive nature, Moving slightly to catch their attentions. the 939's approach the researcher and they stayed. Speaking... Nothing, Movement of the body... Nothing, placing a single hand atop the faceless flesh of 939... nothing.
A breakthrough. His risk payed off. The 939 instances are not inherently agressive. They are simply noted as pack hunters now in the database, all instances of "Aggresive nature" are removed from most files on SCP-939 instances. all due to this line of work.
His peers questioned his testing techniques, claiming that putting his life at risk was not worth the outcome. but it did not matter to Mexi. His research goal was complete. Called into the executive researchers office, Mexi was expecting to be berated, fired even. how stupid was he to do that test.
While yes. Being told not to risk my own health and safety, the executive offered Mexi an odd deal. If he followed proper precaution until the 939's were considered safer. He's willing to put a good word in with his promotion.

Thank you for reading.
Hope to see you ingame.

Regards, - Mexi


Active member
May 11, 2024

Mexi is a phenomenal role-player in what he does, the stuff he says and the character he plays is all around excellent and I see him as a pure joy in the site. Every time I see him he is either helping a fellow researcher and or how to become a researcher, he does amazing and helpful guides form what I see and id love to have him as a executive!
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Active member
Nov 24, 2023
+ Support
With out them and Eldritch's help my 22415 would not have ant RP to it so I believe they deserve to be an Executive
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SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Mar 17, 2024
Mexi is a great researcher and roleplayer, very knowledgeable as well. Friendly and works hard
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Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
FROM: Friedch@site-65.int
TO: applicant@site-65.int
SUBJECT: Executive Researcher Application Outcome

Dear Applicant,

Following a comprehensive review of your application for the Executive Researcher position alongside the consultative input of our Executive Research team, I am pleased to inform you that your application has been elevated to the interview phase of our selection process.

To proceed, kindly reach out to me via email (g4rp1ays) or Halo (lafemmerose) at your earliest convenience to arrange a suitable time for your interview.

We look forward to discussing your potential contributions to our team in greater detail.

Thank you for your continued interest in joining our ranks.

Warm regards,

Director of Research, Site-65 Research Department

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