[USA] Mike 'Colossal' Erwin Intelligence Ambassador Application

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Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104956355

Discord name: SixtyLemming844#1717

For how long have you played on CG SCP: A Month now

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: United States

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Mike 'Colossal' Erwin

Civilian name: Ricky Rick

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- None, mainly stayed in Intel

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- No

Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?
- I'm applying for Intelligence Ambassador because Intelligence is a fun job to be part of and I would like to help out more in Intelligence. Once I first joined and most of the time, I'm on Intelligence nothing is happening in the department as a whole. For me being an Ambassador I would like to change that making more duties and experience for new Intelligence agents. I been very active in Intelligence and I just love being in it. Since I first got the job as Intelligence that's all I been playing as; there's so much you can do, with other agents the experience is much better. I do like helping others when they have a hard time doing something that is why I would like to be an ambassador is to help new agents and help out as much as possible. For duties I can try and help out is doing more like Intelligence Interrogation training, Surface infiltrations, making the agents work as a whole for operations and not spread out all over the site. But over the time I been in Intelligence I wanted to help out as much as possible for this team.

What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?:
- What makes me suitable for Intelligence Ambassador is being a good leader to other agents, Also giving great respect to others. I have written many well documents that helped a lot for the department and for the site. I have helped many branches like Nu-7 and A1 with information I have gathered being on surface and during interrogations. Other the past few days and week I have been helping other agents and leading agents to gather information on surface of the people of pinewood and try to keep all info away from them. While being very active, Intelligence I would rather stick with this job then move to another branch.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
-Wrote many different documents for intelligence, mainly some of the documents I have wrote is times during interrogations or info I have gathered on surface. One being a Milita being formed that's hates the foundation and wants to gather more of the truth about them. The document stated that agents should gather more info when they have the time and listed who they are and where they can be found. But making documents good is the vocabulary, Grammer, Good information. More information about the subject or event makes the document 10 times better.

What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?:
- Some of the responsibilities for Intelligence Ambassadors in RP is the Interrogations by interrogating Chaos and Civilians trying to gather information that can lead in an operation, training new agents. Leading other agents during infiltrations and operations mainly on surface. Also leading agents to locate any info breaching that occurs on surface.

Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Name: Mike 'Colossal' Erwin
Status: Alive
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 2/18/19XX
Place of Birth:
United States of America, New Jersey

Physical Description: Mike Erwin is a 6 foot 8 Male, weighing at 275 pounds.
Black hair and a short beard
Whole left face is scar and burnt/ Left Eye is solid red
He also has many tattoo's on his body
Ace of spades - Right Upper Chest
A White Tiger with a moon in the background - Whole Right Arm

Mike Erwin was born in New Jersey on the shore. When he was young him and his whole family got into a car accident killing most of his family, only him and his younger brother the only ones to survive. When he was older, he went to college and played baseball. In College Mike studied in Hacking and Tech. Getting his degree and started working for a Multimillion-dollar technology company. Few years he works aside Mobile Task Force Pi-1 ' City Slickers' in the city of New York, Keeping all info away from the public. With New York City having thousands of Cameras. Mike job is to control all the camera's and jam them if any anomaly activity starts happening. Erwin later transferred into Mobile Task Force Iota-10 "Damn Feds" working undercover in the FBI disrupting any info breaches in the agency. Soon he would arrive to site and work for the Intelligence department.

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 28, 2022
VA Fredricksburg


Deserves my spot as Ambassador. Seems like a chill and mature guy. It appears to me that he want to make a difference in a Intelligence department and actually shows cares for the Intelligence department like writing several documents.



Held before​

Intelligence Ambassador



Well-known Member
May 17, 2022

-You can tell he actually took time to make the application.
-All of my interactions with him have been nothing but enjoyable.
Jul 16, 2022

thank you for taking the time to make an application, due to your recent activity and overall interest in the department we have come to the conclusion that you are fit for the position.

Contact an admin+ in game to receive your whitelist.

If you have any questions message me or Doofus on Discord.
Doofus- TwoOreos99#9751

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