[USA] Mitski's Ethics Assistant Application

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CN SCP:
I started playing on the server on 1/27/2023 and have played pretty consistently, if needed I can provide my Vtime


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
Central Standard Time

Character name(s):
"Mitski” (Foundation) "Jupiter" (Chaos Insurgency)

Civilian name:
(It changes all the time for events.)

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu):


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Chaos Insurgency BCOM
MTF Nu-7 [Hammer Down] Specialist
Riot Response Team
MTF Omega-1 [Laws Left Hand] Command Sergeant

MTF Epsilon-11 [Nine Tailed Fox] Sergeant

MTF Nu-7 [Hammer Down] Lance Corporal

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

1: Friday March 17th (15:19) 2023 [FailRP]
I cant fully remember what exactly I did but I believe it was before I knew it was FailRP.

2: Monday April 24th (21:50) 2023 [Toxicity/Mixing]
I was 076 on the UK server and i was trapped between a shield and a doorway where I could NOT move, I kept saying stop shooting because I called a sit and he wouldn't stop, and the shield broke and when I killed him I started being toxic. I do regret getting like that and I have not been toxic since.

3: [Hitbox Abuse] This got appealed

Hitbox Abuse
^^^^ This is the link for the appeal.

4: Thursday June 29th (10:47) 2023 [Minor Glitching {A}]
I was using chemicals because I run the Atlas chemical division of CI, we found out if the type blue and jugg drink immortal flesh immediately after being injected by aminocalciol, they would gain permanent +5 regeneration, me not knowing this was minor glitching but it is due to NULLing Type Blues decay this escalated to talking to SL and ended up giving me a minor glitch warning

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
I used to be apart of O-1 so I have a pretty good understanding of how ECA's work and what they do around the site.

I am a friendly face to people! I love to talk to people and see how their life on site goes, whether they do a bunch of tests and want to just sit and talk to me about them or anything of that sort! I can be a person people will come to talk to just to talk.

I have the ability to easily engage into RP and I have experience starting RP as well, I am a GM so I would be able to spawn in necessary props for a meeting or doing documentation and interviewing that is needing some sort of enhancement.

Professionalism is a pretty big attribute I have, yes there are times that you can have fun and relax but you are still required to be professional as any CL4+ member. At that you should still be professional as a CL3 member. You need to hold yourself to a higher standard than others would, be more professional than you think you should and you can go very far.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
Chemical Gathering:
Ethics Assistants should work with O-1 as often as they can to make sure they are stocked up on chemicals, whether its samples per orders of Ethics or O-1 CO's or its making sure that the facilities amnestics are stocked up so theres no chance of running out of any sort of chems or amnestics.

Documentation & Ethicality:
Ethics Committee Assistants are to go around and interview each department to see if everything is going well in the department. What could be changed, or what is the best current thing about the department.
Departmental Help:
If a member of the Ethics Committee is unavailable than it is the Ethics Assistant’s job to take place of and help with what they can for the department that is requesting any of the Ethics Committee Members while making sure to report all of what's needed to the ECM's
Ethics Assistants are looked at as people who have the intent to RP. It is needed for them to be professional and make sure to engage in RP as well as start some RP situations around the site whenever they can to bring more immersion to the game.
Ethics Assistant's are some of the most vital members during a bad breach if they are the only high clearance Foundation members that are able to authorize Advanced Armory. They are to assess the situation and size of the breach and decide whether to or not authorize Advanced Armory for MTF groups. IF they are the highest clearance that is allowed to authorize it.
Testing Authorization:
If there are no Ethics Committee Members on to sign off on certain testing paperwork that researchers need a Ethics member to sign off on it is the ECA's job to read through the document and assess if it's an ethical test to be doing. Certain test's need ECM's only signature and an ECA's signature won't be good enough.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Here let me load up some information real quick on the subject we are focusing on today.






[Loading Profile…]



Profile Loaded…]

Click Here to view Full Profile

Hmmm… Seems like the typical profile, let me check for any more information on this subject.





Click Here for information found…

Uhhhh… I did not expect that, contact a supervisor and let know about this subject. They may be capable of a lot.​
Incoming Message From: Ethics Committee Vice Chairman Luis "Peasant" Perez


Greetings, Mitski.

In regards to your application for the position of ETHICS COMMITTEE ASSISTANT, after a Committee Vote; your application has been accepted. Congratulations!

Please contact me (via discord @bogitos) with any further questions or concerns regarding your new position.​
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