[USA] Mitski's Site Advisor Application

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CN SCP:
I started playing on the server on 1/27/2023 and have played pretty consistently, if needed I can provide my Vtime


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
Central Standard Time

Character name(s):
"Mitski” (Foundation) "Jupiter" (Chaos Insurgency)

Civilian name:
(It changes all the time for events.)

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Overseer Assistant
UNGOC Specialist

MTF Nu-7 [Hammer Down] Corporal
Chaos Insurgency Brigade Commander
MTF Nu-7 [Hammer Down] Lance Corporal
MTF Epsilon-11 [Nine Tailed Fox] Sergeant
MTF Omega-1 [Laws Left Hand] Command Sergeant
(Was Rank Locked due to CI rank, could've moved up.)
Ethics Committee Assistant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

1: Friday March 17th (15:19) 2023 [FailRP]
I cant fully remember what exactly I did but I believe it was before I knew it was FailRP.

2: Monday April 24th (21:50) 2023 [Toxicity/Mixing]
I was 076 on the UK server and i was trapped between a shield and a doorway where I could NOT move, I kept saying stop shooting because I called a sit and he wouldn't stop, and the shield broke and when I killed him I started being toxic. I do regret getting like that and I have not been toxic since.

3: [Hitbox Abuse] This got appealed
Hitbox Abuse
^^^^ This is the link for the appeal.

4: Thursday June 29th (10:47) 2023 [Minor Glitching {A}]
I was using chemicals because I run the Atlas chemical division of CI, we found out if the type blue and jugg drink immortal flesh immediately after being injected by aminocalciol, they would gain permanent +5 regeneration, me not knowing this was minor glitching but it is due to NULLing Type Blues decay this escalated to talking to SL and ended up giving me a minor glitch warning

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I am applying for Site Advisor due to me enjoying the RP side and more noncombative side of things. Running around gunning everything down is getting very repetitive and as a Site Advisor there are SO many opportunities to create RP and create so many storylines. Ever since I joined the server which has probably been a total of a year I've been combative so I really want something different.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I have had a bit of CL4 experience as well as documenting experience, I have been in plenty of RP scenarios to be able to handle myself in such situations that requires me to be clear headed and be able to make clear and concise decisions for the site. I really enjoy talking to people, so if anyone decides they want to come up to me and ask me questions or just talk to me for whatever reason, I greet them with open arms.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Making sure to authorize the usage of Advanced Armory during the proper times following the Handbook, as well as authorizing KOS on D-Class Personnel past the airlock if such is needed. As well as the ability to authorize gensec to run a sweep on D-Block
Site Administration are able to change policies for most if not all the departments on site by speaking with the departmental leadership and working together to figure out if a new policy is needed.
Departmental Reviews:
Every 2 weeks there will be department reviews where I will sit down with the leaders of whichever department at that time and ask them about any policies that need to be changed or any that should be added, is there anything else that is able to be done, all of this needs to be noted down properly on a clipboard.
Another very important responsibility is cooperating with GOI's for any reasoning, whether its to simple trade something or if its for something like a treaty between the two factions.
Site Advisors are looked at as people who have the intent to RP. It is needed for them to be professional and make sure to engage in RP as well as start some RP situations around the site whenever they can to bring more immersion to the game.
It is part of the Site Advisor’s job to sniff out any potential suspicious activity within the Foundation and their Departments, that could be corrupt Gensec Captains or could even corrupt MTF members.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Here let me load up some information real quick on the subject we are focusing on today.






Loading Profile…]



Profile Loaded…]

Click Here to view Full Profile

Hmmm… Seems like the typical profile, let me check for any more information on this subject.






Click Here for information found…
Uhhhh… I did not expect that, I guess we can go ahead and check the application and talk with the rest and see what they think.
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+Support leaning to neutral

You do a great job within being an Overseer Assistant and a lot of players do know you. However you recently just got OA about 12 days ago. I feel as you should wait for around a month before going for Site Administration.

But overall nice application and your details are spot on with your effort. Good luck for SA!
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+Support leaning to neutral

You do a great job within being an Overseer Assistant and a lot of players do know you. However you recently just got OA about 12 days ago. I feel as you should wait for around a month before going for Site Administration.

But overall nice application and your details are spot on with your effort. Good luck for SA!
I also was an ECA for about a month or so, I cant exactly remember how long.
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Well-known Member
May 5, 2023

You've proven yourself to be committed to roleplay and you are an active participant within the community, no less a good person in general. I heavily support you getting Site Administration, in and out of bias. Since you are game master, you better do some Site events too!
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
Greetings Mitski,

Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for the Site Advisor. This message is to inform you that your application for the position has been unfortunately denied due to not being seen fit for Site Admin.

If you would like to discuss manners further, you may reach out to me over email (Discord: chad1).

You may reapply in 2 weeks after this message is posted.

Kind regards,
Site Director "Plug"​
  • Angry
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