[USA] Mr. Dalton's ECA Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:421930267
Discord name: JustCallMeHunter#9793
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 52 days of playtime, joined last year around this time.
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Mr. Dalton "The Enforcer"
Civilian name: Zach Galliston
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: - Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Currently Holding -
IA Ambassador Previous roles - IA Director, Ethics Assistant, Ethics Member, Ethics Director (Now Chairman)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- 1 FearRP and 1 Fail RP, one was when I first joined their server and wasn't aware of the rules and the other one was when I came back from my break and was checking out new areas of the site.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- I believe that the majority of my 52 days (this is the time I have been on-site, I have been playing for almost a year) of my playtime has been in service to Ethics, I was a previous Ethics Director and held a big part in Internal Affairs which basically is the department that enforces the CoE and CoC, I have read the CoE more times than I can count! I'm very active on site, I can be seen for 10 hours in some sessions, I'm on every day for the most part, and if I'm not it's only for a day due to college or family time. I'm a strong leader as well, I can give orders to over 10 + people at a time and direct large operations as seen in previous roles, I was EC Director, and calling Code Blacks and Ethics lectures was something I did a lot. I believe that I can provide an interesting and beneficial opinion to the committee when requested due to my vast experience in the field of Ethics! I want to get back to making great changes for the foundation again and I have no doubt if Ethics provides me with work, I can give back 100 times more than expected.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- I will list the responsibilities below...
1 - Watch over the site and ensure that the Code of Ethics is being followed, this can be from GSD giving the 1 warning with three seconds after, researchers briefing their D-Class before the test, all MTF divisions on terminations of civilians, D-Class, and Foundation staff.
2 - Conduct interviews with department leaders to discuss Ethics and how their department can improve on reaching an Ethical department! All findings will be reported to the Ethics Committee
3 - Conduct investigations given by a committee member and cooperate with O-1 on the investigation.
4 - Holding lectures teaching the foundation staff about the CoE and commonly Unethical things departments are doing.
5 - Giving orders to O-1 when Ethics are off site
6 - Reporting issues to the Ethics Committee, this can be a wide range of issues relating to common problems I see, reports on Department Directors, and other lvl 4 staff for tribunals.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Part One "The Entrance" -

Dalton Bruno was in the Adirondacks (A large mountain/forest range in Upstate New York), and while on an expedition in the local forest, he located an SCP, SCP-4441-1. The SCP was to be contained fast due to possible mental effects, this caused a large portion of the containment force to be subdued. Dalton managed to capture the SCP with a trap he constructed in the SCP's habitat which impressed MTF E-11 and this event marked the beginning of Dalton's work within the foundation. As a worker in the foundation, Dalton has seen many unethical acts that have been done upon class d's and other foundation members that needed to be dealt with, Dalton vowed justice upon those who didn't follow ethical procedures and will bring down corruption.

Part Two "Making Change" -
Dalton Bruno took upon the name "The Enforcer" as a way to symbolize the changes he has made to the Department of Internal Affairs and to show his determination for finding the criminals in the facility that have done Ethics violations. After "The Enforcer" took office as the Department Director he had many added responsibilities such as keeping his staff in line, reporting to ███ ██ ███████, the Ethics Committee, and working with all department heads to work on department policy and ensuring that the departments were educated upon those matters. The Ethics violations that GENSEC and the Department Of Research have been committing have not been going unseen and the violators have been served for their crimes, and measures have been put in place to prevent those situations from happening again. "The Enforcer" wishes to have a greater say in what happens on our great site and he plans on making that change in the Ethics Committee.

Part Three "The Comeback" -
Mr. Dalton has come back from his vacation and has seen some things that have gone south in the facility, it's time for him to come back and take another look at what to change in hopes to return back to greatness in the facility. It's currently unknown of the end goals of Mr. Dalton but if an opportunity arises for another higher calling, he might not decline the offer.


Active member
Sep 16, 2022
Previous Ethics Director (Chairman)
Good Interactions
CL4/CL5 Experience

Dan McCarthy

Well-known Member
Sep 27, 2022
Message from the Ethics Committee


Hello, Mr. Dalton!

Thank you for taking the time to apply for ECA. After careful consideration and committee vote, we have decided that you would be a suitable candidate. We would like to offer you a position within the Ethics Committee as an Ethics Assistant.

Your application has been Accepted!

Please contact an Ethics Member to receive further instructions.

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