[USA] Mr. Dalton's Ethics Chairman Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:421930267
Discord name: JustCallMeHunter#9793
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Joined over 1 year ago with 80 days of playtime. (1936 hours of playtime on this server)
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Dalton
Civilian name: Zach Galliston
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Currently Holding -
Ethics Member, Ethics Assistant Previous roles - IA Director, IA Ambassador, Ethics Member, Ethics Director (Now Chairman)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
- 1 FearRP/1 Fail RP, when I was fresh in the server and not knowing or getting used to the server again.
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I'm currently applying for the position of Ethics Committee Chairman. I wish to become the Ethics Committee Chairman because I want to change the way the Committee is run, currently, I feel like the Committee and its assistants should be taking a more hands-on approach in the departments they oversee, this can be through monthly meetings, interviews with people of said department, and taking a more active role in the Discord chats and Teamspeak. I also want to talk a bigger look at Ethical practices in research and GenSec, I believe that it's time for some adjustments towards the Code of Ethics to reflect the constantly changing site. I will evaluate needed changes by interviewing everyone in a selected department such as GenSec and get opinions and suggestions from the "Front Lines", I currently think the way we terminate D-Class should be looked into, how we test on them (Which would involve discussing possible changes with research as well). I also want to ensure that people in CL4 positions are doing their fair share of work and keeping up with a set line of activity in the month, I have commonly seen some members in Jr. and Sr. Cl4 positions have poor activity that is harming departments, we need to have a large meeting with SA, the O5 council, and the Ethics Committee to review activity policy and the activity of these people holding CL4 positions. I believe as the Ethics Committee Chairman I can make these needed changes to maximize department roleplay and allow departments to enter their "Golden Ages" as some people would call it.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee Chairman?:
I believe that my previous experience with being the Ethics Committee Director (Now Called Chairman) would give me a step ahead for the position, I have made a few mistakes in my past, everybody has made bad decisions in the past and I take those situations and apply them to my decisions that I make when I face new challenges. I first started my journey as an Ethics Member on July 10th, 2022, and became Ethics Director around July 27th, 2022 and stayed in that position for around 5 months until I decided to take a break from the server to come back to server 4 months later getting back into IA and working my way back into the Ethics Committee at the beginning of June this year! In my many months of being an Ethics member, I have hired people from IA directors, Medical Directors, Ethics Assistants, and Ethics Members. I have the experience of running the Committee in the past which back then was a larger Committee so now it will be an easier task with having three Ethics Members to direct to in their duties. Chairman Randal has taught me a lot about how to be a great leader, he showed me a new way of leading and I plan on incorporating his flame into my own style of leadership. Ultimately I want to give out more work to assistants in an RP aspect and utilize our resources more so I can give my experienced opinion on the people who decide apps, I want to host more meetings with Site Administration and the O5 Council, as well as setting up meetings with the departments we look over and that will be shown if I'm given a chance. I also want to bring back the Committee looking over the Code of Ethics from head to toe and seeing if everything is still up to date and determining if edits or additions need to be done, back when this was done last year, we would have great debates on what was in need of shining up!
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
In RP Ethics members have many responsibilities such as
1 - The most important responsibility is ensuring that the Code of Ethics is being upheld by everyone at all times, this can be enforced by IA specifically. This can be related to civilian treatment, D-Class treatment, and Foundation treatment!
2 - Site Wide orders, this can be site-wide amnestics due to info breaches, ordering KOS orders past airlock if D-Class are getting out of D-Block, Authorizing Advanced Armory for MTF and sometimes other select combative to fight off SCP'S and CI, and doing code black procedures!
3 - Review all department documents to ensure Ethics practices are being applied to that department's procedures and protocols.
4 - Having meetings with Department Directors and SA/SC to ensure departments are running smoothly, and if not, allowing the departments to voice their opinions on the issue and letting the departments suggest solutions are encouraged (Sometimes those suggested solutions need to be debated on which is why SA/SC is there to assist with these conversations)
5 - Giving out orders to O-1, this can be undercover operations to ensure orders are being dealt with, fighting off the foundation's enemies, and assisting with combative issues when requested.
6 - Another crucial job of the Ethics Committee is to look over the Code of Ethics and to make edits to ensure that site-wide procedures are Ethical and to address growing problems that are arising within the foundation.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- The Ethics Committee decides on the applications for Director of Internal Affairs as well as Ethics assistants and votes on the Ethics members and the Ethics Committee Chairman delivers the final verdict on the application.

The Committee also involves itself in discord and teamspeak when needed, many questions come up or the discussion of policy or the addition of such things happens a lot in the Civil Gamers SCPR discord. The Committee is also known to give input about other department positions but many applications are now decided by the Site Director!

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Part One "The Entrance" -

Dalton Bruno was in the Adirondacks (A large mountain/forest range in Upstate New York), and while on an expedition in the local forest, he located an SCP, SCP-4441-1. The SCP was to be contained fast due to possible mental effects, this caused a large portion of the containment force to be subdued. Dalton managed to capture the SCP with a trap he constructed in the SCP's habitat which impressed MTF E-11 and this event marked the beginning of Dalton's work within the foundation. As a worker in the foundation, Dalton has seen many unethical acts that have been done upon class Ds and other foundation members that needed to be dealt with, Dalton vowed justice upon those who didn't follow ethical procedures and will bring down corruption.

Part Two "Making Change" -
Dalton Bruno took upon the name "The Enforcer" as a way to symbolize the changes he has made to the Department of Internal Affairs and to show his determination for finding the criminals in the facility that have done Ethics violations. After "The Enforcer" took office as the Department Director he had many added responsibilities such as keeping his staff in line, reporting to ███ ██ ███████, the Ethics Committee, and working with all department heads to work on department policy and ensuring that the departments were educated upon those matters. The Ethics violations that GENSEC and the Department Of Research have been committing have not been going unseen and the violators have been served for their crimes, and measures have been put in place to prevent those situations from happening again. "The Enforcer" wishes to have a greater say in what happens on our great site and he plans on making that change in the Ethics Committee.

Part Three "The Comeback" -
Mr. Dalton has come back from his vacation and has seen some things that have gone south in the facility, it's time for him to come back and take another look at what to change in hopes to return back to greatness in the facility. It's currently unknown of the end goals of Mr. Dalton but if an opportunity arises for another higher calling, he might not decline the offer.

Part Four "The Change" -
Mr. Dalton has made his way back into the Ethics Committee after his much-needed break from Ethics Director. When he came back he went straight back to IA and fought off CoE, CoC, and Legal Codex violations on the ground, he submitted reports that have gotten people to strike, removed, and demoted. Even when he regained his Ethics Member slot back he still continues to respect the men and women on the ground that enforce the three written documents stated before. Now after learning from the Ethics Chairman and remembering the vast amount of problems he has faced in the past, Dalton is ready to take on the position of Ethics Chairman if given the chance. Will this be the final chapter of Dalton's story? Or will there be more after his potential job as Ethics Chairman? Either way, Dalton will still be there making changes and helping from any position he is in!
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+ Support

Hello, so most know me for my previously bad reputation within the server up until a few months ago. The main reason I changed was after a incident with Dalton, Barry, and almost all of IA. In which Dalton has personally reached out to me and had talked me off a cliff. I had no remorse for any action leading up to that point, but Dalton had opened my eyes. He has always been such a positive, enduring, loyal, and dedicated member to the community no matter how one is perceived. He is actively on the server, and never judges anybody no matter rank, mtf, level, etc. Dalton is a man who has done this job once before and deserves the right to do it once again being a great ethics member, ethics chairman before, IA director, and so much more having a outstanding knowledge of the Legal Codex and Ethics itself. Dalton has changed me for the better and changed many others; giving him this position will just open more opportunity to help everybody, so to the admin reading this (who has probably heard of me or warned me) this man deserves this spot more then anyone.
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May 5, 2023
Like Crow, Dalton you were a massive support during my first weeks as an Ethics Committee Assistant (Being I was assigned to you) You was always there to help when necessary and were a fantastic Mentor.

Friendly and an Overall amazing guy :)

Goodluck My friend!
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Well-known Member
May 30, 2023

I can safely say that Mr. Dalton is the most active Ethics Committee member. He'll engage anyone in RP or conversation, and he's always doing his best to be available to help out anyone on the server he can. Dalton is also a great leader, and plays his role as an Ethics member very well. He displays an interest in RP others on the server create, and he puts in effort to create RP of his own as well. While Dalton is not the most experienced member of the committee, I still strongly believe he would do amazing as Chairman.
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Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2022
+ Support! Dalton is more than qualified being the previous Ethics Director and a damn good one at that! You have the background, the knowledge, and the activity to be an amazing chairman. Good luck!
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O-1 Karuma

Well-known Member
Jun 27, 2022
- Support Is Server Leadership on another server and is basically inactive on ECM crowmitte for life
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