[USA] Norton Klez's 2nd OSA Application

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Nov 12, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:68413352
Discord name: ironhandsgaming
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 802 Hours
Age: 24
In what country are you located?: Turkey
Time zone: GMT+3
Character name(s): Norton Klez, Adam Locke, Iron Hanz, Adam Lock
Civilian name: Adam Locke
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do have a mic
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF Nu-7 Hammer Down CSG, External Affairs Operative, SCP-22415, Internal Affairs Agent
Held: MTF E-11 Nine Tailed Fox (I can't remember the rank), CI - Alpha, Internal Affairs Ambassador, Ethics Committee Assistant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have 2 warnings. Job Abuse and Fail Rp. I got Job Abuse warnings because I changed my job to report someone meanwhile I could have just done it in the same character while being in a rp scenerio. I got Fail RP warning because someone yelled "Help the chairman! He is getting kidnapped". After hearing that I started shooting at the D-Class kidnapping the chairman. That was a warning because I completely forgot I was on Ethics Committee Assistant while shooting.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

I believe I am a good candidate for Overseer Assistant because of the amount of time I have spent on this server on many roles and the amount of CL4 experience I have. To talk about the CL4 experience I have been an ambassador for a really long time. Along with that around half a month ago I became Ethics Committee Assistant too. From these CL4 jobs my knowledge of Legal Codex and Code of Ethics greatly increased. I am a person who likes making reports, writing documents especially I love creating Google Sheets files to organize my work place.

I also somewhat good at coding too which made few of my tasks as Ethics Committee Assistant easier thanks to the applications I created for my self and others to use. I simply made a private website where once you paste the interview answers from an interviewee into input areas in the website, after pressing the "Finish" button the website was creating a .dat file and sending it to you so that you could have an in-game document ready as soon as the interview was done.

To conclude, I have 2 CL4 experience already with the knowledge of Code of Conduct and Legal Codex. I am a great learner and I am a very organized person.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
  1. Giving D-Class personnel work permits so they can work as a janitor, chef, receptionist and some extra stuff.
  2. Authing AA in depending on SCP count and their locations in the foundation.
  3. Some research documents can be signed by Overseer Assistants.
  4. Assistants can auth sweeps if D-Class personnel creates extreme situations.
  5. Assistants are always working for the O5 Council and they perform tasks given by the O5 Council.
  6. Creating documents and reports for the O5 Council.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Internal Affairs agent Norton Klez was so dedicated to his job. He wasn't only focusing on foundation members breaking the Legal Codex or not but when in tough situations like breaches he was making sure to escort non-combative personnel to breach shelter. His dedication was seen by other Ambassadors and Directors in the department. After many code blacks, SCP breaches and Chaos raids Agent Norton Klez got promoted to Internal Affairs Ambassador. He earned that one promotion which let him train more agents in to the department lead a team of agents to ensure the safety of the foundation. Norton Klez always dedicated him self to becoming Director of Internal affairs. He made plans, documents and much more however he couldn't not get the position. It's been too long for him in that department. One day while he was training an Agent in the lecture hall a figure showed up behind the door which had a small glass panel.

As soon as Norton got closer to the door, the figure started moving away from him leaving the office. Norton started running opening the door with his right shoulder. After leaving the office he couldn't see the figure at first but then in front of Checkpoint Charlie he noticed a man with a black hat looking at him and slowly entering the core sector. Norton went back to the office to grab Tech Expert clothing so he could investigate this. When he went inside he saw a not on the door that says "You won't be needing that". A nervous feeling captured Norton Klez. He suddenly backed up from the office. He started going to the core slowly to find the man and figure out what was going on. Up ahead Norton saw the mysterious stranger going in to the Ethics Wing. Once Norton Klez entered the reception area he stopped. Where did the man go?

Norton started looking around for clues. He looked at the south wall and saw the hat he has just seen on the mysterious man nailed on the wall right in front of a poster. Norton took the hat and looked at the poster. "Now hiring Ethics Committee Assistants". Norton doesn't know why but he saw this as a new step for him in the foundation. He doesn't know who led him here or how but he was sure he was going to apply for the Ethics Committee. After getting accepted as an Assistant due to his previous experience in the Internal Affairs Department Norton dedicated him self making interviews with a lot of department personnel to make every department a better place for everyone.

After so many interviews foundation members regocnized Norton Klez as one of the most active members of the Ethics Committee. The word got out all the way to the O5 council. One day while preparing documents, a bunch of A-1 entered the Ethics offices. There was someone with them. That person.. It was the guy whom Norton saw months ago at the core, the mysterious man with the black hat. Norton left his office and stood in front of him. The mysterious man said "Mr. Norton Klez, we have a position open just for foundation members like you..".
Apr 20, 2023
From: vanburen@scpf.int
To: klezn@scpf.int
Subject: Application Status


| Application Approved |

Greetings Norton,

This is a message composed by the Site Inspectorate to inform you that your application for the position of Inspector Assistant has been accepted and is pending privilege transfer. You will be contacted on site to have your access clearance updated.

We welcome you, Assistant.
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