[USA] O5-1 "The Monarch"

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
2 years.


In what country are you located?:
Temporarily South Africa.

Time zone:
UTC + 3

Character name(s):
Jaden "Monarch" Reed

Civilian name:
Johnston Stone.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF A-1 Red Right Hand - Operative - [HELD]

MTF A-1 Red Right Hand - Specialist - [HELD]
MTF A-1 Red Right Hand - Enforcement - [HELD]

MTF A-1 Red Right Hand - Officer - [HELD]

MTF NU-7 Hammer Down - Operative - [HELD]
MTF NU-7 Hammer Down - Specialist - [HELD]

MTF E-11 Nine Tailed Fox - Operative - [HELD]

Internal Affairs Ambassador - [HELD]
Medical Consultant - [HELD]
Executive Researcher - [HELD]
Director of Research - [HELD]
Security Captain - [HELD]

CI - Operative [HOLDING]
CI - Strike Team [HOLDING]
CI - Marksman [HOLDING]
CI - Delta Operative [HOLDING]
CI - Officer [HELD]
CI - Commanding Officer [HELD]
CI - Commander[HELD]

Site Advisor - [HELD]
Site Director - [HELD]
Overseer Assistant - [HELD]
Ethics Committee Assistant - [HELD]
Ethics Committee Member - [HELD]
Chairman of the Ethics Committee - [ HELD]

O5-1 - [HELD]
O5-3 -

096 - [HOLDING]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Only a couple warnings from when the server first started and before I got into the roleplay and staff team.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
O5-1 - I am applying for this role to improve the current condition of Site 65. The current state of operations, research and events on the site are adequate but not the most efficient and effective they could be, and with my vast previous experience I know that I could contribute towards a more prestigious and advanced site that still performs like the Site that we all know and love. During my time as O5-1 I implemented various strategic protocols and initiatives that led to a massive improvement in various aspects of Site 65. I simplified current protocols, procedures increasing efficiency in various departments.

Since first acquiring the role of Site Advisor I've grown a love and passion in supporting the Site in administrative and command aspects. As these are the core foundations of supporting the Site, whether you'd like to admit it or not.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
After being a member of the foundation for a couple months walking around without a fancy title, I've been gathering and judging the current state and condition of the Site from a person who doesn't have much responsibilities but to tread the halls of the Foundation and experience each change that the previous Overseers have instated and from what I've seen there have been ups and downs as various people climb this mountain of a job. I believe that my multitude of experience in every department and previous involvements have made me into someone who knows exactly how this site operates, what is needs to survive and what is needs to prosper. My knowledge of the Site is unparalleled when it comes to that aspect.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The O5 Council have various responsibilities that will be highlighted in the following sentences. The most important responsibility that the Overseer Council has is High Level Decision Making, they are responsible for the performance and effectiveness of each Site Department; Research, Security, MTF and so forth. Policy and procedure development, the O5 council also establishes and revises policies and procedures that might be impacting the performance of the Site. Site safety is also an responsibility that the O5 Council holds during extreme breaches and they ultimately hold the power to end any kind of breach if performing correctly. The most important responsibility of the O5 Council is engagement as they could ultimately stay on Floor 3 not doing anything but creating roleplay scenarios and exciting dialogue will keep the roleplay on the server rolling, this is what I strive to do. Each O5 member is given a different department to oversee and ensure that they are up to standard that the Chief Overseer expects on them.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
The O5 Council Council handles the following applications;

>Site Director
>Director of External Affairs
>Overseer Assistant
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:


"In the grand halls of the palace..."

There he was, a baby who didn't cry but gazed. As if a million stars were born when he took his first breath, there he laid absolutely still. As if this wasn't his first life, nor his last. His gaze held an ancient knowledge, far beyond anything his age could understand or comprehend. Whispers of wonder filled the air as the nurses gossiped to themselves. "Doesn't he look like someone you know?", they both turned around and looked at the portrait of a tall dark man who never knew defeat. A strange resemblance?

"In the court's hallowed chambers, he decreed..."
He sat and stared upon his servants with a gaze that stared into the depths of their souls as if looking through them.
He said with resentment to the boring life that was given to him, he had everything but nothing could interest him. Each servant kneeled eagerly awaiting his next command as if they knew that some divine wisdom came from him, as if every order had only everyone's best benefit in mind. He never ordered for his own benefit but for everyone around him. While sitting down he heard a slight tingle in his ear that growed from whispers to talking


Curiosity was born within the Monarch's stone heart. Determined to uncover the truth, he sought solace in the vast halls of the royal library. The Monarch became consumed by an insatiable hunger for knowledge, fully immersing himself in every book in the library searching for the keyword that was whispered in his ear. He sat from dusk till dawn searching for the answer. In the absolute silence of the grand library surrounded by books, something clicked. He soon opened the pages of urban legends, stories and maps from a forgotten age together to reveal a map that showed the directions to the "FORGOTTEN LANDS". He walked out the door not packing anything following the map.

"Walking into the mist..."

The end of the map came and nothing was there. The Monarch stood confused, but remembered an ancient dialogue that his grandfather always repeated to him as a child.

"Death is the ultimate adversary, but even in darkness, a spark of defiance can ignite."

A mist approached engulfing the Monarch in it, and whispers slowly surrounding him

"You" "Save" "All"
"Can" "Them"

"Find Jack Harper"

"The Foundation"

These words span in his head until making him pass out. He woke up in a small pond, surrounded by water. Looking up to the sky. He stood up silently and called his accomplices. "Find Jack Harper."

"From the seat of power and sovereignty..."

Jack Harper approached kneeling at the Monarch, "You called me Your Highness?", "Explain the foundation, or suffer the consequences." Jack Harper then talked about the most well kept secret like it was never a secret to begin with. "Interesting, how can I get in". The very next day the Monarch stood as a Security Guard, watching over the D-Class Personnel that were slowly dragged away to test on in various experiments. It was within the Foundation's walls that I witnessed extraordinary events unfold—miracles capable of curing the world's poison: sickness, disease, violence, and war. Eager to climb the ranks, I went into the Foundation's archives, studying containment procedures and understanding the anomalies under our watchful eye. Through dedication, strategic thinking, and natural leadership skills, I advanced steadily within the SCP Foundation. I knew there was a position fit for me, at the very top. Where I could stand above everyone like I was born to do and lead this world into a new era, a new age.

"Present Age"

As I assumed the role of ##-#, I ushered in a new era for the Foundation. With a strong sense of purpose, I set out to make the organization a symbol of strength, wisdom, and safety in the world. My goal was to make sure we excelled in everything we did.

Thank you for your consideration. - Monarch.
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Shino Aeschylion

Well-known Member
Jun 2, 2022
South England


The US side definetely needs Monarch or someone like him to become O5-1,

Most people on the USA side are liberal sissies that constantly talk about gender politics and climate change. You approach them with logic about literally anything, RP related or not and they call you arrogant and unapproachable because you dare call them out on their BS.

Most of the USA side doesn't even establish their own protocols and constantly goes against their own ideals, it's a cesspool of hypersensitive people that have to shove every single quirky fact about them in your face. The last thing i'd want is one of these people to have power over anyone in the server because they're the type that lynch you if you dare oppose a singular opinion they hold dear. Oh and may I also add nepotism, You give one of these freaks a high position and they get their entire friendgroup into it, they want all the privelege without any of the responsibilities.

If Monarch or someone like him doesn't get this position then I am very concerned for the future of the USA side. This is a position that requires a capable individual and not a majority vote.

Thank you
  • reaction_title.7
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bro is a CI main guys (def hasnt held an 05 rank before or anything)
Past experience does not indicate whether someone is currently fit for a position, I am unsure if you are a US player but he is a CI-Delta main, since he has came back to the server he has non-stop created issues, despite having a large range of previous experience, all of it is from a fair while ago. He currently does not interact with O5 and the only interactions he has with foundation personnel are usually negative. I have heard a lot of complaints about him and have personally witnessed toxicity towards DEA while he has been playing CI.
Can you provide evidence to justify everything you just said? Because currently you're reducing a application's credibility by just regurgitating low level insults and horseshit accusations without anything to back it up.

The last thing senior SL want to see is people using hearsay accusations to prevent others from obtaining a position. I also love how you completely disregard past experience. even though our entire fucking planetary system uses past experienced as a indicator and gauge if someone is suitable for a position or role... It's a merit based system though I doubt you're anywhere near intellectually capable of understanding that. Only thing you're able to do is disregard past accomplishments and give a verdict to a individual that you yourself say that you're "UNSURE" if he's a US Player.

Like, how the fuck are you here giving a verdict to someone you don't even fucking know? I have a mentally challenged friend with dementia in real life that has more common sense than you and that's fucking saying something. He litterally slammed his head straight onto a concrete slab and yet he still has the cognitive function and ability to research someone or something before giving his opinion on them.

The audacity of someone like you to be barking random bullshit at people you don't even fucking know is so inconsiderate and oblivious that drives me insane.

Genuinely dumbfounded at the level of intelligence displayed.
I don't know if you realised this but I am sure monarch is a US player, I was unsure if shadow is a US player, I was replying to shadow. Please read context clues before displaying this level of toxcicity. I don't need to know whether shadow is a US player to say that monarch is a CI main.

Besides that no, I don't have evidence, I don't clip shit like that, yes it is hearsay but I have the right to give my opinion regardless. Currently I do not believe he is fit for O5.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022
Hello everyone,

Honestly this application was made for a specific purpose; contribution. And judging from the war of the replies. I'd like to close this application to put an end to this hysteria, something as simple as a application for a position was turned ugly and for this reason I'm just gonna shut it down. Thank you so much for the feedback, hopefully I can actually interact with some of the players here!
  • Wow
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