[USA] O5-1 "The Suspect" Application

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Active member
Jan 9, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:158123602
Discord name: realsuspect / Suspect#7778
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 7-8 months (over a month playtime)
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Australia
Time zone: AEST (UTC+10)
Character name(s): "The Suspect" (Foundation) Robert Le "Unchained" Mannson (CI)
Civilian name: Big Dazza
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
E-11 LT [Held]
CI-G [Holding]
CI-B [Held]
CI-A [Held]
Intel agent [Held]
Senior Agent [Holding]
Site Advisor [Held]
Site Co-Director [Held]
Site Manager [Held]
Site Director [Held]
O5-4 [Holding]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: No
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for the role of O5-1 chief overseer with the previous O5-1 "The Tempest" blessing. I am applying for this role as it is the next logical step to take in my current position as O5-4.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
-Experience: I have experience in being over departments and managing them because of my time in SA and as an O5 member. I have come to understand how the site is run from an administrative viewpoint by managing people and time in and out of the server. being a current O5 member is also a big plus due to me being up to date in every department and how things are going in said departments. With my previous experience around the site and in other roles, I have also been regarded as extremely trustworthy when dealing with situations.
-Activity: I have been extremely active in my time as SA, E-11 and currently as O5. We hold weekly council meetings and I have not missed a single one since I joined. my LOAs are few and far between meaning I can always be available whether that be in-game or in Discord/Teamspeak. I can put between 3-7+ hours in every day on site and I am always available on Discord except when I am asleep.
-Maturity and willingness to learn from my mistakes: from my many roles around the site and up until this point I have been constantly learning things and observing the people around me in similar positions. From these experiences, I have become a very mature person and exhibit the traits of a leader to those around me. I also have the willingness to learn from any mistakes a make and turn them into valuable lessons so as not to repeat them in the future and learn from them. this is the kind of mentality I will be bringing to the -1 role.
-Friendly and easy to interact with: A majority of people who I interact with on-site whether that be on a daily basis or once a month will regard me as being extremely friendly and have the willingness to listen and make an effort to be easy to talk to regardless if it is on-site or in TeamSpeak. being easy-going and easy to communicate with are huge positive traits for an O5 to have
-Willingness to make enjoyable roleplay: O5 is all about making rp for yourself and the other people on site, SC are regarded as being RP leaders in the community and I plan to keep this upheld to a good standard. I already have a current RP project ongoing and plan to make a new scenario involving the death of the previous -1. I also want to use this position to help improve and give extra flavour to any player-run rp or staff events.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The responsibilities of O5 out of RP are as follows:
-Voting on changes/updates to the CoC and giving input on CoE changes
-Voting on/appointing new site directors
-Authorizing 008 tests
-Authorizing Keter x Keter cross tests
-Helping the A-1 Co team with any issues that may occur
-Appointing a new DEA director
-Working with SA on site-wide policy changes as well as many other things
-Giving orders to Overseer assistants for them to do
-Calling code blacks when needed
-Nuking the site when ERT has failed or 008 has reached the surface

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
-Site director applications
-Appointing new A-1 commanders
-Overseer assistants applications
-Other O5 member applications

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

[my previous lore of becoming O5]
{Folder name “Khan”}
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{4 files present opening file name “research”}
{“Khan started off his career in the foundation as a researcher, soon after being promoted to Senior Researcher he joined the I-4 research subdivision and wrote papers on 106 and 035 during this time as well as tests on the Hume distortion fields but knew that his research was going nowhere as I-4 had been shut down so he decided to take a different approach”}
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{After leaving the research department and looking for more purpose in his foundation career he went through months of training at site [REDACTED] he made it into the MTF E-11 nine-tail fox as a private. From there he quickly rose throughout the ranks, while in E-11 he caught the eye of site administration due to the diplomatic way he handled things. Once getting the rank of LT site administration quickly reached out to khan and invited him to put an application in}
{Do you wish to open the next file named “Site administration” Y/N}
{It took “khan” a while to get used to becoming a non-combative once becoming a site advisor, after getting used to his new role in the foundation he really started to take his stride in site administration voting and voicing his opinion on many things on the site at the time while rubbing shoulders with the higher-ups. The Co-director who was over khan at the time passed away and khan stepped up to fill the shoes of Transient, after getting accepted for the Co-director position things started to get strange with khan. During a heated event with the council and ethics, khan wrongly decided to class A both the ethics member and the council member to make them forget the events that happened in the office. Khan was captured by A-1 and the council member decided to ‘interrogate’ khan on why he decided to do such an act against the foundation, after a week of ‘interrogation’ using different anomalies khan was finally deemed innocent and pardoned for his crimes against the council. But they did not forget what khan did on that day and so they started to keep very close tabs on khan and his activities on site. Eventually, the current site director at the time stepped down and it was time for khan to step up once again. After becoming the site director he published a number of policy changes and went on to revolutionise the site as a whole. Growing in knowledge and as a person, while all of this was happening he became widely known as a site director who was good at his job and even better at dealing with the situations on site.}

{Do you wish to open the next file named “the council” Y/N}


{Waking up in a room he didn't recognize khan quickly stood up he knew that he had fallen asleep at his desk while reading a file but he certainly didn't remember this place. A lone figure in a suit walked into the room with an arm held out, no words were said and khan took the man's hand and followed him. They walked across a glass hallway overlooking the great Siberian mountains. Once at the end of the hallway, there was an open door and khan stepped through. He saw a group of 3 people sitting at the table, and he knew all of them. -2 and -3 sat on either side and in the middle was -1, khan took a seat and the rest is history}

{Do you wish to open the next file named “The beginning” Y/N}
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{Logging out user 05-1….}

[Lore for becoming O5-1]
(all of which happened in-game and written into lore form)

it was another typical day on site for -4, sitting on floor 3 doing some paperwork and chatting casually with -1 and -2 about the site, both -1 and -2 seemed oddly nervous for some reason but -4 thought nothing of it. once -3 arrived they went for a walk around the site, first to the site director's office in which -4 had a lot of good times in as a previous site director. they then proceeded to go into the ethics wing and have a chat with the chairman at the time Randal Murphy. it was a brief interaction but still noteworthy nonetheless.

-4 was curious as to why they were visiting so many odd places at once, it wasn't like O5 to suddenly walk into the ethics wing but he still continued on with them regardless. Into HCZ next, they walked to the reactor room where all of the site's power came from, big werring turbines stood like pillars in front of the suited men they stood there in silence, listening to the sound of the turbines before leaving. rather odd -4 thought and even more odd was the fact -2 seemed to be missing, he dismissed his A-1 escort and left without a trace but -4 chalked it up to one of -2's typical games he played with the A-1.

When the group was making their way up to floor 3 the unthinkable happened. The alarm sounded and a guttural shriek could be heard within the site "A biohazard has been detected in D-block" A code 3 was called and the comms started to blow up "008 BREACH IN D-BLOCK" -4's eyes widened as he sprinted with his guards to the floor 3 elevator and went up, his guards mowing down the lifeless corpses of foundation personnel turned into 008-2.

-3 and -4 went into the room they knew all too well, the alpha warhead detention room and waited, they didn't expect to have to activate it but wanted a safe spot to wait out the outbreak. -1 was also missing as well as -2 still being nowhere to be found when he heard the voice of -1 and -2 come through the radio, it seemed as if they were arguing about something but what? they went backwards and forwards mentioning that -2 had caused the 008 breach to be a distraction of some sort for their argument and then 2 gunshots were heard from the server room.

going into the server room to investigate -3 and -4 saw the lifeless corpses of -1 and -2, a beaker of unknown liquid between them as well as a document. A-1 swept the room for any hostiles and found that there were none. -4 didn't know what to think until he picked up the document and started reading, it was in -1's handwriting. -4 flipped to the next page and read "You are now the new chief overseer -4, you must be wondering why it was so sudden but this document will explain it to you. although if you continue reading, I doubt you will be able to stay the same man knowing what comes after you die."

-4 kept reading the document in abject horror. the things it described and knowing this is the same fate that happened to "The Beacon" and now "The Tempest" was truly disturbing to his core. he came to a realization, he would not be like the past -1's he would succeed where they had failed as to not have the same fate horrible as them.

(I don't want to spoil too much as I plan to go along with this further in the future)

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Kai "Void" James

Well-known Member
Jan 8, 2023
+Huge Support

The Absolute BEST option for -1 Overseer-4 "The Khan" shows great Qualities for the new Chief Overseer RAAHHH
  • Haha
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Harold Hawks

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Mar 12, 2023

I had a talk with him about his plans for the future before knowing that they were doing applications for -1 because I could already tell he’s going to be filling Eric’s shoes like a glove. More likely than not even, making his own strides.

There is no better candidate at this time and I’d be shocked to see that he doesn’t get the role.
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