[USA] O5-4 "The Malevolent"

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Hello young one.


our friend should be the Overseer for a multitude of compelling reasons. Firstly, their natural leadership abilities are unparalleled. They possess the unique talent of guiding and motivating a team towards common goals, ensuring that every member feels valued and empowered. Additionally, their exceptional organizational skills make them adept at managing complex tasks and overseeing intricate processes with precision and efficiency. Moreover, their keen attention to detail and foresight enable them to anticipate challenges and implement effective solutions proactively. Their strong ethical compass and unwavering integrity also instill trust and confidence among colleagues, making them a reliable figure in any team. With their blend of leadership, organizational prowess, and ethical grounding, your friend is not just a suitable candidate for the position of Overseer, but an outstanding one.

(I wrote this 100%)
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Hello young one.


our friend should be the Overseer for a multitude of compelling reasons. Firstly, their natural leadership abilities are unparalleled. They possess the unique talent of guiding and motivating a team towards common goals, ensuring that every member feels valued and empowered. Additionally, their exceptional organizational skills make them adept at managing complex tasks and overseeing intricate processes with precision and efficiency. Moreover, their keen attention to detail and foresight enable them to anticipate challenges and implement effective solutions proactively. Their strong ethical compass and unwavering integrity also instill trust and confidence among colleagues, making them a reliable figure in any team. With their blend of leadership, organizational prowess, and ethical grounding, your friend is not just a suitable candidate for the position of Overseer, but an outstanding one.

(I wrote this 100%)
1696053584935.pngHey, man.. Where'd this come from..
  • reaction_title.7
Reactions: Scopes
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:197902550
Discord name: bipolar
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since June roughly.
Age: 17.
In what country are you located?: Norway.
Time zone: Character name(s): - Site Advisor "Deftone" Reznor - UNGOC SGT Felix "Nokk" Andersson (former)
Civilian name: - Jack America
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA.
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:- A couple, all are expired however.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Site Advisor
- DEA Special Agent
- Overseer Assistant

- MTF Alpha-1 Commander
- DEA Agency Manager
- CI Beta
- MTF E-11 CPL

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
O5-3, or any O5 position really. I have a fair amount of experience being a leader, especially in combative branches (Alpha-1 COM, SA over Nu-7, DEA Manager), and I feel like my skill set would best suit whichever position in the Overseer Council is over the combative side of the Foundation.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

- Experience:
Not only am I experienced as a member of Site Administration and an Overseer Assistant, but I have been on the server for quite some time and have become well-known around the site. I have numerous Senior CL4 positions under my belt and am currently holding one as a Site Advisor.

- Dedication: I have been dedicated to the "O5 Route" as some will call it for many months, ranging from being an Overseer Assistant to a DEA Manager to the Commander of the O5's personal MTF, Alpha-1. I strive to continue this path and work hard to make the site the best it can be.

- Familiarity: I am familiar with the responsibilities of the Overseer Council, after working with and around them for so long. This allows me to know my limits and what I can and can't do in the position. I also am familiar with most noteworthy names on-site and am a public face in the community as someone who can be trusted.

- Responsibility: During my tenure as SA, I have made it a point to get all assignments done on time and to the best of my ability. I have only received one infraction as a DEA Manager from the Ethics Committee for a rather minor issue, during my time as SA no such issues have come up.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?: The responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP are:
- Approving tests and documents from Research staff
- Overseeing site operations to ensure that everything is running smoothly
- Management of MTF Alpha-1
- Management of the Department of External Affairs
- Management of Site Administration
- Calling Code Blacks in the event of mass breaches that are going to be difficult to contain, as well as the use of the Alpha Warhead when containment is impossible.
- Authorization of Advanced Armory for personnel when breaches call for it.
- Being an RP leader and pushing for quality RP for all site personnel and GOIs.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?): The responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP are:
- Appointment of the MTF Alpha-1 Commander
- Applications for Site Director
- Applications for Overseer Assistant
- Applications for External Affairs Director
- Applications for new members of the O5 Council (O5-1 specifically is decided by Senior Server Leadership, however)
- Any and all changes to the Code of Conduct
- Working with the Ethics Committee to keep the Foundation Legal Codex up to dedicated - Planning RP events with other departments/factions

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The beginning.

On October 16th, 2004; a boy was born far to the north on the outskirts of Tromsø, Norway. The boy was raised like any other individual who was integrated well into modern society. He received his education from the school he attended in the city and was a good student with high grades, his mother and father taught him the Christian faith and he prayed every night to the God he was told to believe in. His friends, family, and loved ones molded him and sheltered him in the comforts of the modern world. He was oblivious to the horrors and abominations of the world, he was raised living the lie that normalcy was the body of the world and that stories of monsters were just that, simply stories... For 11 years. Until one fateful night, while the boy was asleep something awoke him. A cold breeze entered his open window followed by a whisper; The boy opened his eyes and was startled, it was a language he never heard before. He did not understand the voice but felt a deep calling to find Its source. Although initially frightened he mustered up the courage to peek through his window and see a forest in the distance while staring, the voice called him once more. A chill entered his spine, not from the biting cold of the Nordic winter, but from the whisper that echoed from the forest to him. But Aleks drew to it, he left his home and began walking towards the forest, as he entered deeper and deeper, the feeling of dread crept closer and closer. While going deeper Aleks heard ravens, he looked up to see them fly above the trees passing him by, and when he looked back down he saw the impossible. A man appeared right in front of the boy, he was an elder man with a long grey beard and a tall, lanky figure. He carried a three-pronged spear engraved with runes and the man's right eye was missing too.

"Hello, young one." the One-Eyed man uttered. The One-Eyed man destroyed the lie that the young Alex believed. He told the truth about him, about everything, about what lurked in the darkness, about the horrors and wonders of the world. He told him about the disgusting nature of the modern world and he told him that he and Alex could change it together. From then onward the One-Eyed man took the young Alex into his fold. He said he came from a realm far more different than this world and that he used to rule the land Alex came from, that things were far more different millenniums past. Alex would learn many things from the man, every night he would wander into the woods and the man would train him and mentor him. His influence was strong on the boy, Alex began skipping school, avoiding friends, and disappearing at specific times. Alex’s family would be horrified to see Alex return with old Norse runes tattooed on his body and hear him chanting unintelligible languages in his room. After some years when Alex was 14, his parents found out about Alex’s wandering into the woods. While Alex was forced to stay home his parents called the police to investigate that area. When the officers entered the forest to scout out what was drawing Alex into it, Alex would hear thunder striking and men screaming. It would be quiet again but those officers never came back.

It wouldn’t take long until a certain organization entered the scene, Alex looked from his window to see helicopters fly over his house and the forest, he looked to the ground to see armored vehicles driving to the border of the forest, they parked and units of men in black military-like uniforms kitted out with firearms began mobilizing to the forest. Alex waited a few minutes watching the forest from his window and he noticed a storm was stirring. He saw lightning strike with thunder roaring as gunfire broke out. The trees began to catch on fire and soon enough the forest was in flames. Alex jumped down from his window and began sprinting to the burning forest, he ran past the corpses of the men and he caught a glimpse of a symbol of three arrows pointing inward. As he kept running he saw the ruins and ashes of his once mentor's home, where he had been learning and training for years. Alex saw no trace of the One-Eyed man. All Alex saw was a raven's feather amongst the corpses and ashes.

The Foundation.

As the years passed, a tattooed 16-year-old individual by the name of Alex Reznor was recently recruited into the SCP Foundation general security force. He had a certain uniqueness about him and a look in his eye, his quiet demeanor made him mysterious to some and unnerving to others. From the beginning he proved to be far more effective than his colleagues, it was clear to his superiors that he was meant for greater and it wasn’t long until the Nine-Tailed Fox would catch on to the recruit. When Alex passed the E-11 selection training his skill and effectiveness were proved once more. When SCPs broke out and wreaked havoc while unleashing chaos… Alex Reznor would come. After countless containment breaches he and his fellow Epsilon-11 operatives contained, he obtained the rank of corporal and became a non-commissioned officer for E-11. However, Alex’s future wasn’t within The Nine-Tailed Fox, another task force caught wind of Alex, The Red Right Hand would come for Alex through a certain Lieutenant by the name of “Dictator”. Operatives from Alpha-1 kidnapped Alex and took him to an undisclosed location. “Dictator” would give him a choice, Alex could either stay with E-11 and never see him again or undergo training that if passed would allow him to join the O5 Council’s highly secretive and elite task force. Alex chose the latter and became known as A-1 Operative “Deftone” after passing the training.

Deftone was different from his fellow A-1 operatives. Though his equals were brutal and unforgiving, Deftone was cold and calculating and his quiet demeanor shined brighter in A-1. He’d had been taken into the fold of Lieutenant Dictator’s squad called “Nemesis”. It was through that squad Deftone would meet his good friends Reaper, Scarecrow, and Centurion. Deftone would go through numerous high-level operations before advancing into the rank of Corporal and becoming an NCO, it was through this position that his leadership skills would finally shine, he would lead on the field against GOIs, anomalies, and rogues and pull through what some would call impossible odds. One spot was open in Alpha-1 Command and from many CSGs that were present, Deftone was picked amongst them to become the next Lieutenant, the squad system was revived in time of his promotion, and Deftone was chosen to lead a highly combative unit. Deftone named it Nemesis in honor of his old team but his squad proved to be arguably superior to its namesake with the revived Nemesis quickly dominating on the field under the lead of Lieutenant Deftone.

While Deftone was a member of command and still rising through the ranks, he was constantly organized A-1 into being even more effective than it already was, improving it any way he could and making sure perfection was Its standard. It wouldn't be long until Deftone became a member of Its high command and became Lieutenant-Commander alongside his Commander "Smoker" of the regiment. As Second-in-Command of A-1, his skills were put to even greater use, making drastic changes and rooting out ineffective qualities within the task force. When Smoker had disappeared the mantle of Commander fell unto Deftone and he became the leader of the Red Right Hand. The O5 council's orders through Deftone's ambition reflected by his men's ferocity was a sight to behold. Through Deftone's vision, the regiment prospered and was an unstoppable force.


Years alongside countless trials and tribulations later, a 21-year-old Site Advisor "Deftone" Reznor would lay in his bed, restless. He stared at the ceiling, thinking of everything he's done in his life and what he built. When he was still in school, when he met the One-Eyed man when he joined the foundation, and when he became an Alpha-1 operative. He wondered what was next for him. He got up and opened a drawer next to his bed. In it, a raven's feather would lay, and his memories would flood his mind. He was a child again, in that burning forest filled with smoke and ash. He snaps out of it and collects himself again. He went back to bed and saw the symbol of the foundation on the ceiling. Deftone had more to do.

A knock would be heard at his door. Deftone, ready with a Deagle cautiously opened to see who it was. It was the Chief Overseer.

"Hello, young one."

+Support, well deserved.
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