[USA] O5-4 "The Seeker"

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Jay "Corvid"

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jun 5, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77430527
Discord name: Mexiimex
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Coming up on 6 months. and One full month of ingame time (From the achievement)
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: Australia
Time zone: AEST, GMT+11
Character name(s): Jay 'Corvid'
Civilian name: Michio 'The innkeeper' [Civilian]
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive Researcher | Holding
Overseer Assistant | Holding
SCP-096 | Holding
SCP-22415 | Holding
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

0 warns, 0 bans. and it will remain that way.

My Vtimes (Before and After LOA, There is a visible 1 week gap. And do note, I am a working adult.)
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for the O5-4 Role, as "The Seeker"
This position is held in high regard by those with the knowledge. "The Seeker" Represents the knowledge of the foundation, A man dedicated to the future of learning more of the anomalous world. More lore is provided below but this Position is extremely hard to attain and I understand any result from my application.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
While I believe every candidate deserves the position, what makes my application stand out is I do my very best to remain in character and provide professional and well eloquent roleplay scenarios, making sure I am clear and concise with my requests and responses, making sure that whatever I am saying will resonate, Holding the power above most of the site requires a very strong mental, will and determination. Corvid will not waste this opportunity.

Between engrossing tests with branching storylines that are still ongoing to this day,
During my time as an OSA, intimidating interviews that I curated to make sure they were memorable.
Integrity, honest and trustworthy in a position that requires spades of emotion and creativity.
The powers of a GM behind my actions make interactions immersive and intense to match whatever scenario I helm.
Acting alongside A-1, Overseers and Assistants Alike, I have learnt first-hand what is expected of this role and what actions I'll be performing to further the goals of the foundation.


What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
One of the Highest positions within the foundation. Becoming an Overseer is an extremely high feat for anyone within the SCP foundation.
The Overseers themselves are a shadow council esq. Group of individuals with the same goal. Secure, Contain and Protect. All Anomalous emergencies and Events are handled by this hidden group first and foremost. All reports are to be given to the highest authority on site and these members are just that.

While hidden, they do not hide their power over the foundation. Known as "Site inspection." to those under their power with the knowledge of the Council.
Every critical decision within the foundation can be traced straight to "Site inspection" and their will is iron within reason alongside the Ethics Committee members.

They hold all the same responsibilities as any other Clearance 4. These include:
Authing AA.
Authing KOS past airlock.
Enabling any CL4 Door/Lock/Bulk/Ect. from the safety of Floor 3/Behind A-1.
Upholding the foundation's Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics.
Ensuring Foundation Staff stay within the lines. And healthy work environments.

But. The major actions overseers hold power over are as follows:
Ensuring the safety of Site-65 through Securing, Containing and Protecting.
Maintaining knowledge of all Departments and their Objectives and Goals.
Assigning Certain Departments, being Research Director and site Director.
Overseer assistants, and A-1 Commanders.
Giving Site Inspection orders to adjust Site management, Changing Policies, CoC adjustments.
Assuming (I have not the information yet) attending and participating in Meetings between all the Overseers and to discuss foundation goals and objectives.
And Finally, Calling ERT. Code Blacks, and the nuclear option if all else fails to protect the integrity of the foundation (and server health).

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Handle Demotions/appeals. (Forced and Voluntary removal of position)
Using OOC materials and Areas to create roleplay experiences and to help server health.
Comment and support Site command suggestions in the forums
Vote on other Overseer applications and provide input.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Continued from my Last Application:

From humble beginnings, Jay 'Corvid' was always an inquisitive child. Wanting to explore the unknown and had very little fear for that which he did not know. This path led him down roads paved with confusion and inquiry. Not fully understanding what he's been experiencing. Skipping his teens and early adulthood which were nothing but a blur at this point. He was found unconscious by the foundation at age 19 after an incident in New York known as Project Palisade. Designation: 1K0-M55-W17. Genetically engineered biofilms were introduced into the population of New York City. Biofilms induced hypnagogic state in roughly 10% of infected individuals. Notes on Jay 'Corvid's body include: Rate of reality decay is increasing, but total collapse has not yet occurred, a rare and unusual case.

After being taken back to Site-██ Corvid was eventually woken to the bright lights of a medical bay, one unlike he had ever seen before. Walls lined in white and blue paint, an extremely sterile environment. Confused but curious about his current situation, he remained calm. As he was speaking to the doctors about his missing memories. A man in a grey suit approached Jay. Introducing himself as a member of the foundation and an Ethics Community Assistant. They were interested in the medical records and results of such an obscure and low percentage of survival rate. Only a few others have experienced reality decay without instant termination or acute insanity.

Fast forward to his full recovery. Jay was offered a position of junior researcher on a site across the border north. Canada. Site-65. Not one to turn down such an opportunity he accepted and was shipped off within the week. Days and days of spending his time in what was essentially what seemed like hell on earth to most. Was some of the most exciting times of Jay's life, experiencing anomalous activity he always suspected of existing but never had the proof. Writing documentation was a cakewalk when every piece of information was more interesting than the last. Rising easily through the ranks he eventually plateaued at Executive, his goals were to further this. Studying day in and out of the codes he was required to follow and uphold lead him to applying for the position of Site Inspection Assistant. Seeing a new career path down a road not yet travelled made him extremely interested in what the future will hold.

Ensuring all the pieces fell into place and all the responsibility he was to take on what would be a daunting but extremely exciting prospect. Speaking with as many contacts Jay had on site. Learning the ins and outs of every single role. Making sure that no mental or physical barrier would stop his journey. All that was left was left to the mercy of the Council. Was all his efforts in vain? Surely not. He spent months working to finalize what Jay believed was his best effort.


Jay Corvid current day is an extremely dedicated member of the Overseer Assistant Group. Interacting with as many individual Site-65 staff as possible, gathering as much information as he can learn in his position, and Relaying as many objectives as possible to his assigned council member.
His assigned objective is to interview as much as he can from the Department of External Affairs using the will and power he holds under direct orders, This culminates with the purchase of a "Mind-scape Device", specifically requested from his connections with MC&D. This device allows the owner to curate a pocket dimension esque space inside the mind of the Owner, "The Perfect Office". Selecting interviewees to floor 3, ensuring their cooperation and filing all information immedietly afterwards. His battle with inner emotions determines where the office sits, in turmoil, contempt, in tranquillity. Or simply in content knowing he's doing the actions required to keep himself and all of Site-65 safe.

???: "The mind is a powerful place.
Corvid: "What you feed it can affect you in a powerful way."
???: "It's pretty useful, right?"
Corvid: "yeah, but its not always safe..."

After multiple powerful members of the foundation began to revolt. including the Director of Research he once looked up to. Gone. His mind altered in a twisted way, causing mass deletion of foundation property and data. Spending months re-acquiring the statistics of years lost. Resolving himself in the steel mind he needed to hold to retain as much knowledge behind the foundation.

Extreme intelligence gathered in his mind racing with searching the SCI-Net and Filing cabnets. As many reports, he can re-acquire and files that were lost to time, His goal becomes clear. Gather... Gather as much information, As many experiences. Anomalous activity reports, Everything. There is nothing that will stand in his way of gaining the information he desires to know, spending hours deliberating over intricate details.

Reports with missing Information? Learn...
Reports of lapses of judgment? Why...
Information being Hidden? Find...


Thank you for reading my Application, Any Support + or - are highly appreciated and feedback is always welcome. Simply by reading this to its finish is a most welcome and crowning achivement. giving Me and Corvid the time of day and the respect earned.
I may not get the position this time, but no mistake. I will continue to apply myself, learn and Seek another opportunity when the time arises.
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Neutral leaning -Support
Although I've had good interactions with you, you lack the necessary experience to move into a Site Command position. I would be happy to change my neutral/negative support if you could list any ways you have created meaningful RP on your OSA/executive jobs or if you can provide examples of what makes you stand out compared to other assistants/executives.
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May 25, 2022
-Support In my honest thoughts you lack the experience to enter the ranks of the O5, when looking at previous applicants and the position you hold I'd expect you to have been in a MTF Officer position or A-1 itself, Such as previous o5 have been A-1. I believe you should seek out the position of Department Leader go further in research to better your understanding in the highest positions and most powerful.

-The only positive I see is your Exec and Assistant as these are heavy RP focused and the O5 positions are RP focused this could mean that you know the RP and could perform it to that level however right now you need more experience (Join a MTF or go further in Research Department.)
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never held a Sr CL4, majority (if not all) people I see that get site command without having held a senior CL4 are garbage, work your way up in a department first.

It's a generalisation but applying for O5 without any senior cl4 experience is crazy, especially when you never stood out as an exceptional OSA, atleast when I was commander

The app is also incredibly rushed and not that good, even just briefly skimming over it, could have ran it through grammarly or something at the very least lmao
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Feb 12, 2023
-Support for the same reason
never held a Sr CL4, majority (if not all) people I see that get site command without having held a senior CL4 are garbage, work your way up in a department first.

It's a generalisation but applying for O5 without any senior cl4 experience is crazy, especially when you never stood out as an exceptional OSA, atleast when I was commander

The app is also incredibly rushed and not that good, even just briefly skimming over it, could have ran it through grammarly or something at the very least lmao
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Jay "Corvid"

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jun 5, 2024
Can we get a picture of your vtime?
I can provide a Vtime screenshot, I have edited the app to have one.
Do note I recently took a 1w LOA. and can provide one before and after I came back (today).

I appreciate all the +/- support and completely understand the response the app is currently getting, It is after all expected. I do plan to continue the path from the beginning again and respect all those who have provided feedback I will learn from and improve for the future. I feel and agree this was rushed and opportunistic/too optimistic, a more "This slot is open may as well throw my hat in." and any more responses are highly welcomed.

I also re-wrote to fix the grammar issues that were stated within the app to neaten things up.


Well-known Member
May 18, 2023

Like stated above, you may not have experience, but this application shows you are willing to step forward into a position and learn about it. Based on other responses, you seem to have great RP.
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Dayumian max

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Apr 5, 2024
I can provide a Vtime screenshot, I have edited the app to have one.
Do note I recently took a 1w LOA. and can provide one before and after I came back (today).

I appreciate all the +/- support and completely understand the response the app is currently getting, It is after all expected. I do plan to continue the path from the beginning again and respect all those who have provided feedback I will learn from and improve for the future. I feel and agree this was rushed and opportunistic/too optimistic, a more "This slot is open may as well throw my hat in." and any more responses are highly welcomed.

I also re-wrote to fix the grammar issues that were stated within the app to neaten things up.
I would like to see what the vtime shows now. , and the one before the loa.
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Following Attachment approved by Chief Overseer "███ █████████"

Greetings, Assistant 'Corvid'

Following evaluation amongst my peers as well as any notes we have compiled regarding your tenure as a member of our Assistant Program, we have decided not to elevate your process. We believe you have potential, however we want to confirm more from you in the future.

You may contact any member of the Council for specialized feedback if you wish.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

Application Denied

Signed, Chief Overseer "The Geneticist"
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