[USA] O5-4 "The Untold"

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Kai "Void" James

Well-known Member
Jan 8, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:508594495

Discord name: Void or HypaVoid

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 8-9 Months Somewhere around there.

Age: 25

In what country are you located?: Canada

Time zone: MDT

Character name(s): [Hypa - A1] , [Void - Agency Manager]
Civilian name: Kai James

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Agency Manager [HOLDING]
- Alpha-1 CSG [HOLDING]
- C.I Beta [HOLDING]
- Intel. Ambassador [HELD]
- Special Agent [HELD]
- Senior Agent [HELD]
- Intel. Operative/Agent [HELD]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
FearRP - I broke out too fast and didn't give them enough time to say "Don't Break Out" (It Didn't Sound like anyone was near me)
- Minor Glitching - I got Taught that if you use The SCP-Candy and drink potent you become The Flash and I wanted to be The Flash
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am Applying for O5-4
- I am applying for an Overseer Position Because I really wanted to try and reach Goals I had set in mind from the moment I Joined the server. Not only that but also to Enhance RP working alongside the Other Overseers and improving Known Departmental Issues as well. And i believe i am Ready and understanding of what my Duties Would be and Will get them done very well.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I am Professional, i tend to keep my Goofy Side Behind Close doors so that I can maintain a professional and proper attitude at my duties. I know how to problem Solve Professionally Instead of losing control and or being lazy.
- I have quiet a bit of Experience Working Around Other Overseers or Directly with them and on top of that have SR. Clearance Experience. In these cases I'M not just talking about my Experiences with the overseers in my Alpha-1 Operative stages I also had the opportunity to work with the Overseers during my time in Intel. and a little bit in the D.E.A. So I do understand their Responsibilities and their Professional Manors. As my time in the Department of External Affaires I was given the opportunity to uphold the responsibility of holding the rank of Agency Manager which gave me the best Ideals of what its truly like to Run a Department and show how well my leadership qualities are. This is not the only time where I was given the pressure of being in a leadership position, I use to be an Intel. Ambassador Before although not a SR position I had to step it up and lead the Intel. Dpt. almost Alone for at the very least 2 Months
- I would say I quiet mature when it comes to decision making and problem solving and just in general mature. From what I've been told I don't cause too much problems but instead resolve it before the worse Case Scenario. Although I have a backbone I would never Blow a situation and problem out of control but instead work towards a solution for both parties to be happy.
- Very Active! I am on everyday from either early on the in morning to staying up all night there would never be a time I'm inactive (I no life this Shizle). I always Answer DMS on discord when people need to reach out and or always have my Teamspeak Open to respond to PMS and or Pokes when needed.
- Very Friendly. This is pretty Self Explanatory for those who know me as I tend to always assist everyone and have a genuine Conversation with them or simply just be the friendly figure I am around everyone.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
Nuking The Site When ERT fails and or If 008 Reaches Surface
- Calling Code Black During Major Breaches
- Giving Orders to Overseer Assistants / Alpha-1 For Extra Activities to do
- Help Appoint/Vote for Site-Directors
- Updating / Changing the CoC
- Working with Site-Administration on changing or adding new/old Policies
- Working With the Alpha-1 Co Team with Internal Problems when needed
- Authorizing 008 Tests / Cross Tests
- Leading RP Scenarios

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Voting/Appointing New Alpha-1 Commanders
- Reviewing Site-Director Applications
- Reviewing Overseer Assistant Applications
- Voting/Appointing New Department of External Affairs DPT. Directors

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
[Lore Before/Joining The Foundation]

The Year is 2012, Kai James is a JTF2 Operative within the Canadian Military. He was a very decorated Soldier, not only was he at the rank of Warrant Officer with multiple Deployments on his belt. Kai fought many battles mentally and physically to get where he was today in the military and he stopped at nothing and never given up. He was very recognized. Not just Because he was in the special Forces but also because he lead the best Espionage Missions the JTF2 has ever seen with 100% Success Rates. This brought the attention the CSIS and they reached out to Kai about an opportunity to work for them after re-reading all his Very Successful Espionage Missions on his deployments. The Call Was Intercepted unknown to the CSIS. After the Offer Kai Decided he would love to take up the opportunity to become a CSIS Operative. But little did he know that he was bout to get the call that would change his life forever. Skipping Forward 4 Years later he finally Finished his Contract within the military and pursued the Call he received Years ago about a position within the CSIS as an operative. He Was Watched All Those Years Later. Just as he was about to call CSIS recruitment Center his phone rings from a number that just registered as *NIL* Curious as he was always was he picked up the phone. Upon Picking up the phone a Deep Voice Says "Mr.James , We are quiet Glad you decided to pick up the call this Fine Afternoon" Kai Responds "Who Is This? And How did you get this Number?" Kai was alarmed at the fact he was contacted out of the random like this since he lived his Years in the special Forces in Secret with very Little knowing of him or his private Information. "We've Been Watching You for quiet a few Years and we want to present you an Opportunity to work for something Greater than CSIS" Kai Responds "and How can this be better than Working For an Amazingly Decorated Spy Agency" .. " We Are Far More Superior than any Agency on this planet, If you wish to continue to an Interview Please Meet us At *Gives a Set of Coordinates* we will have some operative there who will escort you to our Facility" Kai was quiet Intrigued he repeated to himself "Greater than any Agency on the planet" he had to take this opportunity " Wait you Said Facility?" *Phone Hangs Up* Kai Set Forward to those Coordinates given without Hesitation.

[Intel./D.E.A Lore]

It has been 4 Years since he was first Recruited into the S.C.P Foundation as an Intel. Agent. Kai was Appointed the Position of Intel. Agent For as long as he can remember when working in the S.C.P Foundation. He has dealt with SCP Breaches , Assassination's , Chaos Insurgency Raids and even Internal Interrogations. He has seen things that he would've never seen as a JTF2 Operative, he left his old life behind and his family behind to be apart of something he knew would be for the rest of his life. Little Did Kai know in a few more years he was about to receive his first promotion within the Foundation into a Clearance 4. In The Foundation A Clearance 4 personnel is very Respected and expected to uphold a lot of responsibility for the rank in their Respected Departments. The year is 2020. Mr. James was just given a promotion to Intel. Ambassador he was sworn in as a very respected member within the Intel. Department, and with his promotion they gave him the Code Name "Void" for his secrecy and his tendencies to complete task as if he never existed. With his promotion he was leading a new generation of Intel. Operative and Agents and training them , BootCamps and other recruitment processes within the department. After he experienced what it was like and got the perfect feel for his new positions he met his first Overseer and he happened to introduce himself as The Chief Overseer. Kai was very Surprised and happy as he had always heard about an Overseer Council but only Rumors' never truth and now he finally knew. After meeting with the Chief Overseer where they Discussed the Alarming Increase in Hostility and Militias that are Considerably just Focused on Killing/Kidnaping and Info breaching Foundation Secrets and members, Kai came up with an idea about a Discrete Sub Unit that would be Regularly Class E'd to Assist the Overseers with Taking out these Threats and Info breaches without Trace and Pure Accuracy. The Unit was called the C-Unit otherwise known as the Confetti-Unit For their Emphasis on the party Materials and codewords used within the unit. This was the first time Kai was given the opportunity to become a true Commander of something that would considerably grow his recognition within the SCP Foundation. He started working the O5-1 to create a unique Tryout Process and Squadrons within the C-unit as he only wanted the BEST of the BEST to be apart of something this serious. After that was all created the Recruitment Rate of which people were entering the Intel. Dpt. SKY ROCKETED above all previous Charts and then so came the Mini Regiment C-Unit who carried out a lot of Successful Missions for O5-1 "The Beacon" From Recovering Documents about Very Classified Information to Assassinations and kidnapping of People of interest. But Little did Kai know that one person of the name of Mike Tanka would be the downfall of the C-unit and the Intel Dpt. Months Later The Intel Dpt. was merged with the regiment Beta-1 aka The "cauterizers" Where kai would Continue his journey growing in the ranks.

[D.E.A - Alpha-1 Lore]

After the Merge of Intel. and B-1 Kai Faced a new challenge and growing Opportunity. The merge affected everyone and their Previous Positions but that didn't stop Kai from his Excellent work ethics. He was appointed Special Agent which was a Junior Clearance 4 Position within the Department of External Affairs, he was quiet Content with it. After He Served well as a Special Agent he started working a little bit more with the Overseers and The Alpha-1 Regiment around the site which got his name out there. Not long after he got his Promotion to the position of Agency Manager, his first time being apart of something huge within the SCP Foundation, his First ever Senior Clearance 4 Position ever held and set forth his journey Begun. After Alpha-1 Caught Wind of his promotion and his Hard Working abilities they sought out find Kai and get him into the Alpha-1 Regiment. Soon After Looking for him they found him in the middle of an Interrogation and swiftly Put a bag Over his head and detained kai, they brought him to a very Discrete location somewhere where kai has never seen before. This was something new and Kai was quiet Frightened after he realized who kidnaped him. The Major Says " Hello "Void" We've been watching you and you have been selected to Join Alpha-1" Kai was in a state of Excitement to the point it was very Visibly obvious he was Excited "When Do I Start" . He was given the Code Name "Hypa" something new as they faked his death to the whole D.E.A where they mourned Over the death of their Agency Manager, he was living his new life in the Alpha-1 Regiment as a New Enlisted. Kai was given the Code Name Hypa for reasons being he was very Hyperactive during the Competitive Selection Process for Alpha-1 and they said it really Suited him. "Hypa" has been Wiped of all memories of the past Completely with a whole Fabricated Memory for his new Position in the Alpha-1 The Red Right Hand. But he had these "Dreams" of a past life as a Special Forces Operative and just Shrugs it off not knowing he use to be a very Decorated Soldier before joining the Foundation. So then Continues Hypas Journey Within his family and Home in the Foundation.

[O5 Character Lore (Some Based on Real True Events)]

The Year is now 2022, The Alpha-1 Operative Hypa was not at the rank of CSG. But little did he know that he was about to get the greatest Opportunity of a Lifetime. Hypa was now a very well known Operative in Alpha-1 Loved by lots and hated by some he put his Name out there as someone who was great at many Tasks working alongside his Brothers within The Red Right Hand he carried out duties pertaining to mostly protecting The Overseer Council. As his position as an NCO he held trainings , Mentored The Enlisted and help train them into their new Career and journey within the Alpha-1 Red Right Hand. One year later during regular Guarding Duties on the Overseers, Something was different. The Chief Overseer "The Tempest" and O5-2 "The Forgotten" were acting Strange but Hypa never Dared Question an Overseer and he had no need too he was use to his new lifestyle doing Crazy things for the Overseer Council. But This day was Different there were all 4 Overseers on site this day but O5-1 Ordered all of Alpha-1 To stay only on Guard duty for him, Of Course We followed Orders. Then in moments Time The 008 Zombie Virus Was breached and reported at Med Bay and in a haste we escorted O5-1 Straight to Floor 3. we had VERY close encounters with those Things one sadly we lost a few great Soldiers to the fight to ensure O5-1 made it safely to floor 3 but we knew exactly that we are to die for the Overseers If needed anyways. After Securing him he Ordered Every Single Alpha-1 Operative to assist with the 008 Breach. This would be the last Order we Ever Received from O5-1 "The Tempest". Without Hesitation we all Got Geared up and Deployed to hold the Entrance Zone against those Freaks, Killing Everyone Single infected Personnel and safely Escorting Those who aren't to the surface. That's when out of nowhere We get an Emergency Alert from O5-4 to report to back up to Floor 3 Immediately so we dropped our Fight against the 008 and RTB'd. Upon Arriving -4 and -3 were standing there looking worried and said they heard loud bangs in the server Room. He Ordered Us to Sweep The server room with the Overseers present for the sweep. What we seen was Disturbing. After entering and clearing it out Hypa Walked towards the middle of the room to where he is staring at the dead bodies of O5-1 and O5-2 and a note lying in the center of both bodies. Hypa's LT picked up the Written Note and handed it over to -4 to then which we were given orders to clean up the mess in Server Room. Hypa was very disturbed as he really honored serving for O5-1 "The Tempest". When Hypa Went to Pick up the Body of -1 he noticed a small handheld Radio device. Normally he would've reported this to an Overseer since it was property of O5-1 but he decided to pocket it and continue his Duties in cleaning up the mess. Nobody Knew he just stole Property of an Overseer. Couple days Later Hypa heard strange noises Emitting from the Radio he took off the previous -1 and a voice was heard saying "Mr. James I couldn't Help but Notice you have found my little Radio" Hypa Jumped and tossed the Radio back on his bed, he was Very Frightened as he hasn't heard that name in Years since his journey into Alpha-1. "Still as sneaky as the day you joined The Foundation I see" Hypa Responds "Wh-Who is this?" The Mysterious man responds "That is something you will find out Someday but today I have yet another Opportunity for you greater than the current one you have been given" ... Hypa Stayed Silent " As you see You know that there are now Vacant Overseer Positions and i have yet to find someone that matches The Perfect Talents we want for replacements... But it has seems that i was wrong... Mr. Kai James how would you like an Opportunity Of Great Responsibility?" Kai was in Absolute Shock as he heard what he just heard. Kai Responds " I accept Sir." The man proceeds to respond with "Wonderful! Well I guess the next time we speak again would be in person Mr . James Farewell for now" . Months have Past and he still hasn't uttered a word to any of superiors or his Brothers he is side by side with everyday. The only thing on his mind is if this was a plot to find a Traitor that stole property or a true New Opportunity. Soon After he was approached by a man wearing a Fedora Hat and in a very long Trench Coat and pulled Hypa aside and said. "I told you the next time we Spoke would be in person Mr. James or should I say Mr . Untold"
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Active member
Jan 9, 2023

Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding ████████ Applicant - "Void"

Application Denied
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of ████████

After much deliberation, your application has been denied for the appointment to the position of ██-4. Although your work for the Foundation is duly noted and appreciated, we cannot accept you at this time. Please wait two weeks to reapply.

For more information or questions, you may contact an ████████.​
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