[USA] Osoro Mutekin's Executive Researcher Application

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Well-known Member
May 24, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:48067717
Discord Name: Pulsewalker#7790
For how long have you played on CG SCP: VTIME - 2 days, 15 hours, 45 minutes | SERVER - 3 weeks
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Central [CST]
Character name(s): Osoro Mutekin
Civilian name: Osoro Muteki
What server are you applying for?: USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held.


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?​

I have not been kicked, banned or warned for any reason whatsoever.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?​

I have a passion for the Research Department. In my short time speaking with the Executive Researchers up top and the Junior Researchers and Researchers below me, it has come to my attention that there is a lot of passion that goes into this department. It is a passion I have come to respect, and ultimately, I want to help hold my fellow man up to the standards that we are trying to create.

There have been multiple times where I have approached the Executive Researchers of my own volition in search of self-improvement, and after multiple attempts, I believe I have refined my approach to a point of nearly being able to perfect a method of imparting this knowledge to my fellow man. To create a fantastic roleplaying environment for the D-Class who join the server, to create a new, healthy standard for the Researchers that are trying to help foster this environment and to allow the SCPs to enjoy the concept of being experimented on without having to deal with the same old routine of having subjects thrown at them.

In a word: passion. In a secondary word: engagement. That is why I desire this position: to angle myself to be in the ultimate position to help my researchers reach their full potential.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?​

I'll refer back to my previous answer and draw upon it for that single word: passion. What I lack in time on the server, I believe I more than make up for in the depths of my spirit toward the Research Department. Even as a Senior Researcher, I take it upon myself to impart my knowledge and guidance to those ranked below me in hopes of fostering those great interactions between players, whether they are D-Class, fellow researchers or the SCPs we experiment upon.

As far as truly being suitable goes, I believe I'm a good fit because of the policies I could help to set in place. The standards I can help our researchers mark up to with the promise of gaining those Excellent ratings. Perhaps even being able to provide skills that they could take into their real lives and utilize far after their tenure on the server is over. This passion for education and refinement is something I believe will be central to my time as an Executive Researcher.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?​

As of right now, I have written 9 - 10 Excellent-Graded Documents.

If you wish to see examples of these documents, I have them in readable formats:
I believe that an Excellent document does not just come down to formatting and page count. While those two factors do weigh into the process, it is also about having an interesting Aim that serves a purpose to the Foundation and how this translates into a great roleplay for all players involved. For example, going to SCP-1162 (the hole in the wall) and recording the item that comes out is good from a research standpoint, as we can learn about the items that come out. However, is this fun? For the D-Class, the GENSEC, for the researcher? This is a common thing I see with newer researchers.

I took this simplistic SCP interaction and created a correlation out of it, wanting to learn more. I created an interview to try and quantify the luck a given subject had, asked them questions that forced them to think and get into character, then attempted to correlate their answers and dice rolls with the luck of the item they received. Overall, it made the document meaty, interesting and -- most of all -- fun. That is why we're all on this server at the end of the day. Excellence comes from engagement, and I pride myself on engagement.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?​

  • To serve as the example for the lower-ranked Researchers in everything that we do, from the conducting of research to our adherence to the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct.
  • To grade our Researchers' documentation on the basis of template adherence, spelling, grammar, information and engagement with the players involved.
  • To oversee research done on dangerous SCPs with high clearance levels and observe what lower clearance researchers are doing with their experiments to ensure they are adhering to the Codes.
  • To create and hold lectures on a somewhat regular basis for the sake of educating lower clearance members of the Research Department and ensuring the lessons stick throughout their tenure within the department.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in.​

When Osoro Mutekin was growing up, he actually had no background or remote interest in science whatsoever. In fact, his primary interest lied in the art of boxing due to his father's upbringing. As the son of a man who was on the edge of obtaining the Middleweight Championship, Osoro looked up to his father and wanted to train under him. At the age of six years old, Osoro was in the ring, sparring with his father's gymmates every time he could get there after school. Going into his teen years, Osoro was on the edge of gaining his boxing license after dominating the amateur circuit.

However, all of these aspirations would fall to the wayside. A tragic accident occurred while his parents were traveling into the depths of a nearby forest. Both of them met a tragic end, leaving Osoro by himself to make end's meet with the sudden absence of anyone in his life. The gym mates pulled together to keep Osoro financially stable, but the young man had lost his drive. His willpower drained from him until he reached the age of 20. High school was over, but there was no sight of college. No matter how much his gym mates enjoyed his company, paying for college was something that they just couldn't do.

There was no world for him.

No justice. No future. No life.

But there was always something lingering in the back of his mind, wasn't there? Why? He never learned about the cause of death. At first, it was simply due to not wanting to hear about their deaths. Yet he was older now. Still no answers. No future. He had to understand, he had to confront. So that's exactly what he did. Traveling into the depths of the very same forest that took his parents from him, the darkness of night did little to illuminate his way. No street lights to guide him, no breathing save for the ambiance of this death forest and his own ragged, fear-filled panting.

A warm breath wafted across the nape of his neck. A vile creature, a wicked demon with the aim to finish him in one jagged slash. A snap of the neck. A slit of the throat. Osoro slowly turned his body around, facing the monster. It was like a wall of pure ebony, darkness given life, a pair of pearl-white orbs staring down at him. There was a mixture of curiosity and raw malice in the creature's gaze, and for a moment, Osoro gave pause.

"What.. are you?" Osoro asked.

The response he received was not human. This rage-filled cacophony of noise that ripped free from the vocal chords of the beast in front of him grinded on his ears like nails on an old chalkboard. Osoro screamed out, clutching at the sides of his head knowing that he was about to die. However, perhaps it wouldn't be all bad.. to meet the same fate as his parents. To fall.

To die.

Gunfire filled the air, the creature reeling back. It didn't seem to feel pain, yet it registered that it was in danger. Osoro knew that he was in danger was well, for if he stayed here, he would be in the crossfire. The boxer bolted out of there with the best footwork he could muster. The monster.. he had confronted it. It wasn't the darkness of the forest that killed his parents, it was that thing. He had to know more. He had to understand how this monster came to be, how to kill it.

Osoro joined college the next year. He became a professional boxer to help raise money for his degree in the only way he knew how. Environmental science was his major, but it was a mere means to an end. The boxer dedicated himself to researching everything about that forest, learning the lay of the land, recording everything about the beast he could possibly observe. However, in the end, the beast disappeared. All at once, as if it had never existed to begin with.

He didn't have much time to be confused, for soon after, Osoro's life had changed. One day, he was in college. The next, he was in the Research Hall, met with fellow Researchers where he would be briefed on their understanding of the situation. The creature he had been observing all this time was an SCP that had finally been brought back into containment. His knowledge that he shared throughout his studies with the college had been removed from the public eye. Any who came into contact with it had no memory. All that was left of his research was that which the Executives and the Director of Research looked upon.

Osoro was given a choice: to continue this level of research he had shown to them through his papers or to abandon his degree, his research and these newfound aspirations alongside losing his memories of everything he had striven to do regarding the SCP. He weighed his decisions, but.. ultimately, there was no real choice, was there?

He was ready to die to that monster that fateful night. If he gave up on this, he'd never know why, how or more about who slayed his parents. He was challenged to do research for this facility in order to understand more, and in the pursuit of that..

Osoro had become a Researcher.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022
We are at Executive limit this app with Probs be on hold until we have spots open.
Mar 20, 2021
Application Reopened

As an executive has resigned, a position is now open. Your application is now in consideration. Please notify us if you no longer wish to apply.

USA Director of Research Samuel "Pynput" Rodriguez
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:48067717
Discord Name: Pulsewalker#7790
For how long have you played on CG SCP: VTIME - 2 days, 15 hours, 45 minutes | SERVER - 3 weeks
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Central [CST]
Character name(s): Osoro Mutekin
Civilian name: Osoro Muteki
What server are you applying for?: USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held.


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?​

I have not been kicked, banned or warned for any reason whatsoever.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?​

I have a passion for the Research Department. In my short time speaking with the Executive Researchers up top and the Junior Researchers and Researchers below me, it has come to my attention that there is a lot of passion that goes into this department. It is a passion I have come to respect, and ultimately, I want to help hold my fellow man up to the standards that we are trying to create.

There have been multiple times where I have approached the Executive Researchers of my own volition in search of self-improvement, and after multiple attempts, I believe I have refined my approach to a point of nearly being able to perfect a method of imparting this knowledge to my fellow man. To create a fantastic roleplaying environment for the D-Class who join the server, to create a new, healthy standard for the Researchers that are trying to help foster this environment and to allow the SCPs to enjoy the concept of being experimented on without having to deal with the same old routine of having subjects thrown at them.

In a word: passion. In a secondary word: engagement. That is why I desire this position: to angle myself to be in the ultimate position to help my researchers reach their full potential.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?​

I'll refer back to my previous answer and draw upon it for that single word: passion. What I lack in time on the server, I believe I more than make up for in the depths of my spirit toward the Research Department. Even as a Senior Researcher, I take it upon myself to impart my knowledge and guidance to those ranked below me in hopes of fostering those great interactions between players, whether they are D-Class, fellow researchers or the SCPs we experiment upon.

As far as truly being suitable goes, I believe I'm a good fit because of the policies I could help to set in place. The standards I can help our researchers mark up to with the promise of gaining those Excellent ratings. Perhaps even being able to provide skills that they could take into their real lives and utilize far after their tenure on the server is over. This passion for education and refinement is something I believe will be central to my time as an Executive Researcher.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?​

As of right now, I have written 9 - 10 Excellent-Graded Documents.

If you wish to see examples of these documents, I have them in readable formats:
I believe that an Excellent document does not just come down to formatting and page count. While those two factors do weigh into the process, it is also about having an interesting Aim that serves a purpose to the Foundation and how this translates into a great roleplay for all players involved. For example, going to SCP-1162 (the hole in the wall) and recording the item that comes out is good from a research standpoint, as we can learn about the items that come out. However, is this fun? For the D-Class, the GENSEC, for the researcher? This is a common thing I see with newer researchers.

I took this simplistic SCP interaction and created a correlation out of it, wanting to learn more. I created an interview to try and quantify the luck a given subject had, asked them questions that forced them to think and get into character, then attempted to correlate their answers and dice rolls with the luck of the item they received. Overall, it made the document meaty, interesting and -- most of all -- fun. That is why we're all on this server at the end of the day. Excellence comes from engagement, and I pride myself on engagement.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?​

  • To serve as the example for the lower-ranked Researchers in everything that we do, from the conducting of research to our adherence to the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct.
  • To grade our Researchers' documentation on the basis of template adherence, spelling, grammar, information and engagement with the players involved.
  • To oversee research done on dangerous SCPs with high clearance levels and observe what lower clearance researchers are doing with their experiments to ensure they are adhering to the Codes.
  • To create and hold lectures on a somewhat regular basis for the sake of educating lower clearance members of the Research Department and ensuring the lessons stick throughout their tenure within the department.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in.​

When Osoro Mutekin was growing up, he actually had no background or remote interest in science whatsoever. In fact, his primary interest lied in the art of boxing due to his father's upbringing. As the son of a man who was on the edge of obtaining the Middleweight Championship, Osoro looked up to his father and wanted to train under him. At the age of six years old, Osoro was in the ring, sparring with his father's gymmates every time he could get there after school. Going into his teen years, Osoro was on the edge of gaining his boxing license after dominating the amateur circuit.

However, all of these aspirations would fall to the wayside. A tragic accident occurred while his parents were traveling into the depths of a nearby forest. Both of them met a tragic end, leaving Osoro by himself to make end's meet with the sudden absence of anyone in his life. The gym mates pulled together to keep Osoro financially stable, but the young man had lost his drive. His willpower drained from him until he reached the age of 20. High school was over, but there was no sight of college. No matter how much his gym mates enjoyed his company, paying for college was something that they just couldn't do.

There was no world for him.

No justice. No future. No life.

But there was always something lingering in the back of his mind, wasn't there? Why? He never learned about the cause of death. At first, it was simply due to not wanting to hear about their deaths. Yet he was older now. Still no answers. No future. He had to understand, he had to confront. So that's exactly what he did. Traveling into the depths of the very same forest that took his parents from him, the darkness of night did little to illuminate his way. No street lights to guide him, no breathing save for the ambiance of this death forest and his own ragged, fear-filled panting.

A warm breath wafted across the nape of his neck. A vile creature, a wicked demon with the aim to finish him in one jagged slash. A snap of the neck. A slit of the throat. Osoro slowly turned his body around, facing the monster. It was like a wall of pure ebony, darkness given life, a pair of pearl-white orbs staring down at him. There was a mixture of curiosity and raw malice in the creature's gaze, and for a moment, Osoro gave pause.

"What.. are you?" Osoro asked.

The response he received was not human. This rage-filled cacophony of noise that ripped free from the vocal chords of the beast in front of him grinded on his ears like nails on an old chalkboard. Osoro screamed out, clutching at the sides of his head knowing that he was about to die. However, perhaps it wouldn't be all bad.. to meet the same fate as his parents. To fall.

To die.

Gunfire filled the air, the creature reeling back. It didn't seem to feel pain, yet it registered that it was in danger. Osoro knew that he was in danger was well, for if he stayed here, he would be in the crossfire. The boxer bolted out of there with the best footwork he could muster. The monster.. he had confronted it. It wasn't the darkness of the forest that killed his parents, it was that thing. He had to know more. He had to understand how this monster came to be, how to kill it.

Osoro joined college the next year. He became a professional boxer to help raise money for his degree in the only way he knew how. Environmental science was his major, but it was a mere means to an end. The boxer dedicated himself to researching everything about that forest, learning the lay of the land, recording everything about the beast he could possibly observe. However, in the end, the beast disappeared. All at once, as if it had never existed to begin with.

He didn't have much time to be confused, for soon after, Osoro's life had changed. One day, he was in college. The next, he was in the Research Hall, met with fellow Researchers where he would be briefed on their understanding of the situation. The creature he had been observing all this time was an SCP that had finally been brought back into containment. His knowledge that he shared throughout his studies with the college had been removed from the public eye. Any who came into contact with it had no memory. All that was left of his research was that which the Executives and the Director of Research looked upon.

Osoro was given a choice: to continue this level of research he had shown to them through his papers or to abandon his degree, his research and these newfound aspirations alongside losing his memories of everything he had striven to do regarding the SCP. He weighed his decisions, but.. ultimately, there was no real choice, was there?

He was ready to die to that monster that fateful night. If he gave up on this, he'd never know why, how or more about who slayed his parents. He was challenged to do research for this facility in order to understand more, and in the pursuit of that..

Osoro had become a Researcher.
+ support, i will be offended if he doesn't join us. He is an amazing researcher :)
Mar 20, 2021
Application Accepted

The executive team is in agreement that you are the best candidate, as well as an amazing person for the team. Your dedication is obvious, and you are well known among the research staff. Welcome aboard. We hope your amazing work will continue with us far into the future.

USA Director of Research Samuel "Pynput" Rodriguez
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