[USA] Ottoman's ECA Application

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Aug 26, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:569500739

Discord name: okdofullgodogo

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 7 months

Age: 13

In what country are you located?: Canada

Time zone: PST

Character name(s):
CI: Paul 'Not' Paul

Civilian name:

Bo Gunn

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF Nu-7Major (Former CSG) Yes
Ethics CommitteeAssistant x2No
DEASenior AgentNo
Internal AffairsAmbassadorNo
MTF Omega-1CorporalNo

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

3 Warnings a while ago, 1 for Pac Abuse. 1 For Metagaming. And 1 for Job abuse. All expired

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

I am the best candidate for ECA Because I am responsible. I have held ECA Twice before and I know how to be a good Assistant. I have held many leadership positions and Ethics related positions. I know all about the COC, COE, and Legal codex. I am also active in the community and in game. I am on everyday and can be a great asset to the committee.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

Following The Orders Of The Ethics Committee
Helping The Committee In their duties
Authorising The Use Of AA (Advanced Armoury) During Containment Breaches
Authorising Sweeps
Writing Reports To The Committee
Signing Documents
Enforcing The COE
Staying Professional And Mature
Ethics Committee Assistants are tasked with following orders given to them by the Ethics Committee; they may act as a middleman between the committee and the rest of the site.
Ethics Committee Assistants are also to help the committee in their duties, which may include ordering MTF Omega-1 or administrating the site when no SA+ are on. They may also assist in administering the site.
When containment breaches are not containable by regular means, ECA's may authorize Advanced Armoury if no SA+ are on-site.
If D-Block is getting out of hand, (Rioting D-Class) ECA's are allowed to Authorize a sweep of D-Block; they can assign a GSD Captain to carry out the sweep with all GSD members.
ECA's are also tasked with writing regular reports to the Ethics Committee about any important things that happened on-site while they were away or any updates regarding orders given to them.
Another job of ECA's is signing documents; for example, this can be a research study on 914. ECA's may authorize a test on 914 if they get approval from EC, or if there is no SC+ on, they may authorize or deny it.
ECA's are responsible for enforcing the COE at all times.
And last but not least, ECA's must remain professional and mature on-site at all times, even while off-site. This is one of the most important aspects of being an ECA, as they are representatives of the committee and must be respectful to everyone they talk to.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:


*The Chairman inserts his card*



**Would you like to open this file?**

The Chairman types "Yes".

Name: Jonquavius

Alias: "Ottoman"

20 Years

11 Months

11 Days

Date of birth: October 7, 2003

Gender: Male

Job Details:

AMTF Nu-7 Captain (Previous Omega-1 Corporal, Nu-7 Command Sergeant, Internal Affairs Ambassador)


On October 7th 2003, Jonquavius was born in the snowy village of Pinewood, to a Security Captain at Site-65. When he was just 6, his mother passed away, and he later joined the foundation as a technician. Eventually, he became a Security Cadet. During a violent riot, a D-Class shot him in the arm. His injuries were treated in the medbay. He quit Gensec and was scouted into MTF Omega-1 The Laws Left Hand. During his time in O-1, he guarded the Ethics Committee Members with his life. He later Resigned, and Joined Nu-7 As a Captain.
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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Nov 26, 2022
New Project.png

Greetings Mr. Ottoman,

At this time we The Committee have decided to place your application on hold for a period of one week so we may further discuss your application and how to proceed. If you have any further questions please send me an email (reckerxf).

Warm Regards,
Matt Recker
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