[USA] Ottomans Second Inspector Application.

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Aug 26, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:569500739

Discord name: okdofullgodogo

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 Year and 4 months

Age: 14

In what country are you located?: Canada

Time zone: PST

Character name(s):

Foundation: Jonquavius 'Ottoman'

CI: Paul 'Not' Paul

Civilian name: Bo Gunn

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

DEASenior AgentYes
Internal SecurityInvestigatorYes
MTF Nu-7Major(Former LTCOM)No
Ethics CommitteeAssistant x3No
Internal AffairsSenior AmbassadorNo
MTF Omega-1CorporalNo

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

1 Warning for Pac Abuse, 1 for Job abuse, 1 for Metagaming

Why are you applying for Internal Security Inspector?

I am applying for inspector because I have been playing ISD alot recently, and I fell back in love with it. The people in the department are the most friendly and hospitable in my opinion. I also would like to move up the ranks of ISD again. I also believe it is a chance to see the more Non-Combative side of this server.

What makes you suitable for Internal Security Inspector?:

I am suitable for ISD Inspector because I know all Legal Documents well. I dedicated a good chunk of my time on this server to ISD (9 Months) as an Ambassador (Before ISD Rework) I also have many ideas I can bring to ISD. I also don't arrest people because it's fun. But only when necessary to enforce the FLC. During my previous time as an Ambassador, I started an ISD Subdivision for a little while.

What do you think describes an ideal Internal Security Inspector?:

An ideal ISD Inspector is someone who is fair, lenient when needed. Someone who can give new ideas to the department. But keep doing their day to day tasks efficiently and thouroughly. Someone who is well rounded, knows the documents of their department well. And can be a good leader to their subordinates.

How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?:

I have written many documents for Nu-7, ISD, and Research. During my early time on the server, I wrote 5 Excellent graded research docs. I also made the documents for the Nu-7 Subdivision "Drill Sergeants" which is still going on today. I also wrote the documents required for an ISD subdivision.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP?:
Inducting new agents into ISD
Guiding agents and helping them with any questions they may have
Hosting training sessions and lectures for agents
Creating documents when needed for the Commissioners and Directors
And last but not least, enforcing the FLC, COC, and COE across the site

Please elaborate on why you think you'd be a good leadership position holder for Internal Security:

I would be a good leadership position holder for ISD because I have past experience in an ISD leadership position. I am fair, respectful and can get a job done quickly. I am also responsible and don't get into drama often. I have many ideas I can give to the department, and I truly believe I can help everyone in ISD.

Please give some lore about your Internal Security Inspector character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Name: Jonquavius Tiggle

Alias: "Ottoman"
Age: 21 years, 1 month, 2 days
Gender: Male
Position/Rank: ISD Investigator
Location/Assignment: Site-65

Physical Description:

  • Height: 6 Feet
  • Build: Average build, slightly lean.
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black, wavy hair.


Early Life (Pre-Foundation):

  • Jonquavius was born on October 7th 2003 in the small village of Pinewood, soon after he was born, his mother tragically passed away a few months after he was born. His dad, who was already a Security Captain within Site-65, had to take care of him from now on. Once Jonquavius was around 17 years old, his dad showed him around the facility. During his visit he fell in love with Security and guarding D-Block.

Recruitment/Introduction to the SCP Foundation:

  • Once he turned 18, he signed up to become a Cadet within Site-65. During his time as a Cadet, he contained many riots and was a well rounded cadet. One day, during a heated riot with the use of LMG's. Him and his other Security guards were supposed to infiltrate D-Block to find the source of the Machine Guns. When he entered lower D-Block and went to the back bathrooms, he found out that there were 3 Chaos Insurgency members handing out guns to the D-Class, Jonquavius was shot just before his fellow guards could get the kill on the CI members. One of his friends dragged him back to Medbay, where he laid in a Coma for the next few months. Later for his brave achievements, he was given the Foundation Defense Medal, and was promoted to Security Officer. Soon after, He wanted to stray away from the combative side of the foundation, and moved to Internal Security, He applied for inspector, got accepted, and is now stationed at Site-65 as an ISD Inspector


Well-known Member
Jun 28, 2024
Application Accepted

Hello, @Ottoman

Thank you for applying to the position of Internal Security Inspector. After careful consideration, we have decided to ACCEPT your application! Please get in touch with a Director of Internal Security or Training Commissioner at your earliest convenience for your orientation.

Thank you.

Deputy Director of Internal Security, Adam 'Red' Renkov
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