[USA] "Pablo" Medical Consultant Application

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Well-known Member
Feb 2, 2023
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
6 months.

19 years old

In what country are you located?:
United States

Time zone:
Eastern Standard Time

Character name(s):
-Foundation: Pablo A. “Ese”
-Chaos Insurgency: Pablo C. “Neta”

Civilian name:
Pablo E. “Jefe”

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
  • Yes​

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • CI-B (Holding)​
  • DEA Agent (Holding)​
  • IA Agent (Holding)​

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
  • No​

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?:
  • I have found medical to be fun and enjoyable. And I wish to help others find their own type of enjoyment with the medical department whether that be helping people with psychological problems, giving medical attention or by being a versatile combat medic.​

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
-Most of my time while with the foundation have been in the medical department. I have experience in leading personnel, I also know the necessary protocols and procedures when it comes to medical. I believe I could help with bringing more people into the medical department by assisting and helping out new trainees.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
-The medical procedure for fixing a fracture
  1. X-ray the patient to find what is fractured.​
  2. After identifying the fracture use the medical Menu. (!medic)​
  3. Grab an empty beaker. (spawn “empty beaker”)​
  4. Grab the appropriate drug for the fracture. (spawn “drug”)​
  5. Insert the the drug into the empty beaker​
  6. Grab an empty drug jar. (spawn “Empty drug jar”)​
  7. Insert the beaker inside the drug jar to create the medicine.​
  8. Give the medicine to the patient.​

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
-The responsibilities of a Medical Consultant are to lead by example for the people of the Medical Department. Also to provide medical personnel with advice or assistance to any questions or help they may need. As well as help medical trainees by issuing them their medical license test when they meet the level requirements, if the trainee passes the test the Medical Consultants provides the trainee with their medical license.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Before Pablo was born his parents immigrated from México to the United States in search of a better life. He and his siblings grew up in the US being raised catholic. As a kid Pablo would always lend a helping hand, growing up wanting to be someone who could always help those in need.
Later in life after graduating from high school Pablo would go on to join the Army National Guard wanting to help his community, as well as a means to pay his tuition for medical school. While enlisted with the ARNG Pablo went into admin & relations to be a Religious Affairs Specialist given the knowledge and history he already has with christianity and catholicism. Some time after graduation from med school he would find work with Trinity Health, a not-for-profit Catholic health system, as a physician assistant.
Pablos first encounter with the anomalies world would be on a ARNG mission to assist people who were affected by a local wildfire. He was stationed as relief camp coordinator for a town, setting up camp in and around a local church. Later as the fire worsened he would be asked by a clergy to assist with a situation occurring on a different floor of the church. As Pablo neared the room where the situation was said to be, he started to hear chanting and what could be described as a deep voice yelling at the chanters. He would enter the room to find a man floating midair screaming as the people around him started chanting louder. The clergy that asked Pablo for assistance asked him to help hold the screaming man down on a bed while the others continued the chanting. After what seemed like an eternity, the man stopped screaming and passed out. Pablo left the church to get some fresh air and to process what had just transpired, one of the camp workers approached Pablo informing him that the fire had begane to die down and was now more manageable. A week later after the incident Pablo would be approached by two people identifying themselves as agents of the Horizon Initiative, a religious organization formed by the main three Abrahamic religions who serve God and protect humanity from the anomalous. The agents would recrute Pablo to the Shepherd Corps of the Horizon Initiative, allowing him to continue his work but on a much greater scale.
Pablo would serve many years as an “HI” agent, assisting with the containment or destruction of harmful anomalies and acquiring relics for the Scribe Corps. He had been stationed as an embedded agent within the ARNG and Trinity Health Hospital to monitor the communities around him. Later in his career Pablos “HI” sect would start a program with the Foundation as a means to strengthen relations. He was stationed at site-65 as a Medical Consultant to help with training the foundation's medical staff.

Click Bills

Well-known Member
Dec 13, 2022
Man has been active on medical as long if not longer than me
He is amazing, and if I had the chance I would've accepted his app, hes a responsible guy and can be trusted.
Good Day, Mr Pablo,
I am glad to announce your application has been accepted
I have seen your work, and I am impressed with how you handle yourself. I have seen many doctors but you always found a way to excel.
Please reach out to me for an interview in 2-3 days
Best wishes,
- Deputy Director of Medicine Jon Dingleshmerg
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