[USA] "Pawz" Medical Consultant Application

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Game Master
Game Master
Mar 30, 2024
"Pawz" Medical Consultant Application

Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Since October 2023 and roughly 454 hours.


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
Pacific (PST)

Character name(s):

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1715400232746.png

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
I am applying for Medical Consultant because I believe it is the next step in my career. I have escorted/been around enough consultants to get a decent understanding of what they do on a day-to-day basis, and I believe I would enjoy and do well in these duties. I'd really love to get some experience as a CL4 personal and I'd like to stay close to what's familiar which is medical.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
- I believe that I would be a good fit for Medical Consultant because I am very well versed in medical procedures as well as used to working in high stress situations. I am a very approachable person and level headed which I believe would be a great asset for the medical department with specifically walking medical trainees through their medical license test and assisting doctors. I feel that I have been in the medical department (specifically as a combat medic) for long enough to have a good grasp of what is expected of consultants and what they are responsible for. Lastly,
I do really enjoy helping people and I'd love to take that a step farther and help more people.

1) I'm a pretty active member of the community and play almost daily

2) I'm friendly and welcoming to new players and people that need help for IC/OOC reasons.
3) I have been roleplaying for roughly five years and have a lot of experience

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
One of the most common issues brought into medbay is "I'm sick".

1) Ask the patient to follow you back to sick bay
2) Ask the patient about there symptoms
3) Direct them to lay down on the testing bed
4) Press the activation button and wait for the diagnosis
5) Once diagnosed retrieve the correct cure.

Bacteria Infection
-> Erythromycin
Chest Infection
-> Amoxicllin
Common Cold
-> Dextome/Cough Syrup
Sinus Infection
-> Chlorphenamine
-> Oseltamivir Phosphate

6) Administer 50 ml of the correct medicine and direct them to return to medbay if they have anymore symptoms.

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
The Medical Consultant is one of most senior positions in the Medical Department and are 'role models' and leaders of the medical staff. Consultants are entrusted with things such as,

1) The training of new medical personal to
receive their medical licenses
2) Combat Medic tryouts and ensuring aspiring
combative medical personal are responsible and fit for the job.
3) Guiding other medical staff
4) Performing Physc Evals on personal.
5) Providing therapy to those who need it
6) Prescribing medication
7) Any CL4 duties that may be requested of me (Bulks, Job Bans, Tribunal Jury)
8) Surgery/Advanced

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Nowadays a combat medic within the ranks of the SCP foundation, Charlie didn't always find herself on the front lines. She started out as a tech-savvy medical student. Her academic performance soon caught the eye of the foundation whom proceeded to recruit her. Soon enough she found herself receiving military-like training for the use of firearms and for the purposes of surviving within the new dangerous conditions of the foundation. She learned many new skills from other medics and consultants and quickly found herself being coerced into joining a sub-division within medical. Charlie suddenly found herself escorting CL4 personal and meeting so many new people. Charlie took this opportunity to learn about multiple other departments and things she would of never been had the opportunity to learn before. Specifically when escorting consultants is when she learned the most and decided this seemed like a job she would enjoy.

Charlie was unwinding from a stressful evening of treating nonstop injured D-Class personal and foundation personal from civil unrest in D-Block. Charlie was far enough into her career as a medic and was thinking what's next, what was right for her. Charlie was staring at the consultants office wondering if this was the right path for her, she knew she did not want to join an MTF regiment as she found herself having to much sympathy to perform a job that brutal. And she knew that she always felt most comfortable helping people rather than hurt. Charlie finally felt comfortable enough to apply after the countless hours of weighing if this was the right path.

Charlie finally decided to actually start filling out an application for the Consultant position. After quite a while of writing, deleting, rewriting and proofreading she figured the worst she could be told is no and pressed send. Charlie eagerly and warily stared at her email box every few minutes after submitting the application.
Apr 6, 2024
+ Support
Paws is an ideal fit for this position, especially given her propensity to learn and engross herself into her role. She has also established good standing and rapport with most high clearance foundation personnel. Very attentive and observant when treating patients. Lots of promise and potential!


Well-known Member
Mar 2, 2024
Pawz is an amazing individual who has always had a positive nature about them. Extremely eager, motivated and does an amazing job in medbay in general. She deserves this rank 100%.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Mar 17, 2024
Pawz is an amazing player in the community and an excellent rper, she is very versed in the medical field and understands what is needed from her. I reckon she will be best fit for consultant without any issue!
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To: Pawz
From: Daniel R. Kight
Subject: Application Accepted

Dear @Pawzz , thank you for applying for the position. We in the medical team have reviewed your application, and we are going to be accepting your application to join our team, we would absolutely love to have you on the team as you are qualified and absolutely delightful to work with.. You may contact me through my email when you are ready to begin the orientation process, have a wonderful day Dr. Pawz. (discord: playdoughzombie)
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