[USA] "Peasant's" Ethics Committee Chairman Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:187923313

Discord name: bogitos

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Started back in July of 2022 unknown_2023.08.21-00.06_1 (2).png

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: United States

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Foundation: Luis "Peasant" Perez, CI: "Ozone"

Civilian name: Frank Balacheti

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Ethics Committee Member (Current)
Ethics Committee Assistant (Former)

Site Manager (Former)
Site Advisor (Former)

Security Captain (Former)
Internal Affairs Ambassador (Former)
MTF E-11 CSG (Former)
MTF E-11 CPL (Former)
MTF E-11 SPC (Former)

UNGOC 1SG (Former)
CI-D (Current)
CI-B (Former)
CI-A (Former)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Yes, I received 2 warnings in late July or early August of 2022 due to misinterpreting server rules. Then in January I received an RDM warning for another misinterpretation of server rules. I have not received any warnings since.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

-I am applying for the Ethics Committee Chairman role. The reason that I have decided to apply for the role of Chairman is because I believe that I'm finally ready to play a bigger role than I already am in the Ethics Committee. After serving in the Committee for nearly 2 months I have done a lot of things like adding additions to the Code of Ethics, working to improve the overall state of numerous departments, creating assignments for ECA's and helping to rebuild Omega 1's high command. Ever since my start at the Foundation I was destined to reach the top of the pyramid by any means necessary. Now, I stand one step away from fulfilling the goal I once set over a year ago. As Chairman I want to uphold the Code of Ethics to an even higher standard than it's already at and deliver justice to anyone that dares break the Code of Ethics. Additionally, I'm someone that is always looking to solve problems and prevent problems from occurring. I enjoy working with people and would like to create stronger relationships with groups like O5 and SA. As the Chairman I want to be seen as dependable and reliable by all serving in the Committee and the Foundation as a whole. I think my calm and even-tempered demeanor also makes me suitable for the position of Chairman. I will never lash out at somebody and will always remain calm in any given situation. I believe always having a positive attitude is a very important attribute that the Ethics Chairman must possess. Lastly, I'd just like to touch on my availability. If anyone ever needs something I will endeavor to make myself available. With becoming the Chairman, I understand that also means I will receive a lot more questions, concerns, suggestions etc. With that said I believe that I'm fully capable of responding to everyone's inquiries in a timely and professional manner.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee Chairman?:

-The thing that makes me the best candidate for Chairman is my ambitious nature. Once I set a goal I don't quit or give up. I get the job done. I worked extremely hard to make it into the Ethics Committee and I don't plan on staying as an Ethics Committee Member forever, I have bigger plans like getting the position of Chairman. My past experience and knowledge that I learned as an ECA and IA ambassador also shows how I'm the best candidate for the position of Chairman. I became an ECA on 03/06/2023 and since then have worked with numerous ECMs on assignments, all while learning more and more about the Ethics Committee and what they do. I made sure to ask questions and truly master the position of ECA. Shortly after becoming an ECA, I decided to become an IA ambassador due to the fact that IA works directly under the Ethics Committee. So, on 03/19/2023 I was sworn in as an IA ambassador and really started working towards my goal of getting into the Ethics Committee. I began to document arrests, enforce the Code of Ethics and learn how to work as a team with my fellow ambassadors. One time I received agent of the week due to my exceptional arrest reports. Fastforward to present day and I now have a great understanding of the Ethics Committee and IA. I have dedicated countless hours and immense amounts of effort into my previous roles all to prepare myself for the unpromised future. While serving as an ECM I have been examining the correct and incorrect decisions that previous Chairmans have made in order to better myself and either, follow in their footsteps or avoid repeating their mistakes. I trust my decision-making capabilities and I believe I am truly the best candidate for the position of Ethics Committee Chairman.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

-Make sure ethics are being upheld at all times
-Call code blacks when necessary
-Authorize mass terminations when needed
-Authorize a KOS on D-class if need be
-Authorize usage of the AA to MTF's
-Oversee research tests that require ethics approval
-Minimize pain and suffering
-Give orders to MTF Omega-1
-Make sure ethics is being upheld in all foundation departments
-Investigate any reports of any ethical issues
-Understand the Code of Ethics fully
-Authorize testing between two Keter class SCP's

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

-Decide on who the Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs should be (via application)
-Accept or deny personnel applying for the position of Ethics Committee Assistant (via application)
-Give assignments to Ethics Committee Assistants
-Help vote on possible Ethics Committee Members that have submitted applications
-Determine who should be the MTF Omega-1 commander
-Attend meetings in Discord or Teamspeak

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

"Peasant's" Background

Name: Luis "Peasant" Perez'

Age: 32

Weight: 75kg (166lbs)

Height: 1.8m (5 foot 11 inches)

DOB: 09/04/1990

Born: Brooklyn, New York City, United States

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Status: Alive



Before viewing these files, please ensure that you are of proper clearance. Failure to show proper clearance is punishable by death.​
Luis Perez also known as "Peasant" was born in early September, 1990. "Peasant" was a former anesthesiologist who received his M.D. from Harvard Medical School. During his time as an anesthesiologist "Peasant" worked with neurosurgeons to treat cancer patients who had tumors growing in their brains. Although the mortality rate was often high due to "Peasant's" patients being extremely sick, "Peasant" always tried his best to save his patients. "Peasant" truly loved the job although it was sometimes heartbreaking to watch a Holter monitor flatline during an operation. To make matters more stressful for "Peasant", he would sometimes have to administer anesthesia to cancer patients such as kids and babies who were as young as 9 months old. Even though stress levels were high, and death was a seemingly common occurrence, "Peasant" always tried to give his patients the least amount of pain and suffering possible. As the years went by, death, became a "part of the job" for "Peasant" which seemed to numb him to the core. However, his attitude towards saving lives remained unwavered and he still did his absolute best to save all of his patients. One day while "Peasant" was on the way to work, he noticed that there was a commotion coming from a nearby alley. As he walked towards the noise, he saw flashing lights and police tape that read "CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS". Perhaps a murder or robbery had occurred, so he thought nothing of it and began to start walking towards his medical office. As he was headed up the block, he heard a woman scream "HELP! HELP! DOCTOR! MY LEG!". "Peasant" immediately turned around and began to run towards the woman. As he quickly ducked under the police tape and ran down the alley he was met with paramedics and police officers applying pressure to the woman's leg. As he got closer to the woman, "Peasant" offered to aid in helping the woman and told them that he is a certified M.D. The paramedics and police officers seemed to not even notice "Peasant" due to them being so fixated on the woman. Once "Peasant" was close enough to see the woman's leg he began to realize how bad the extent of her injury really was. The woman's leg was dangling from a few tendons connecting her knee to her thigh while spurting blood in every direction. "Peasant" was shocked at the severity of her injury and applied pressure to what was left of her leg. Around that same time, a sort of SWAT team looking unit arrived at the scene and began moving the police officers and paramedics aside. The paramedics quickly rolled the woman onto a stretcher and into the back of an ambulance to try and save her leg from falling off. "Peasant" then thought to himself what type of person could have done that to an innocent woman. It was a seemingly random attack, and it didn't make sense to him. Just when things couldn't get more hectic, "Peasant" was ordered to leave the premises by one of the SWAT team looking guys. "Peasant" asks the SWAT guy what had just happened, and his reply is "none of your concern". Annoyed and curious, "Peasant" started to leave the alley but instead, dives behind a nearby dumpster. Luckily for "Peasant" nobody saw. He then began to make his way back to the area where he had just been ordered to leave. He watched from a far as the SWAT guys secure the perimeter around the alley. "Peasant" watched the SWAT guys walk back and forth looking up at the alley walls. One of the SWAT guys finally broke the silence and yelled out "found it!". Immediately, the rest of the SWAT guys make their way over to a certain area in the alley. "Peasant" moves to another hiding spot to catch a better look. One of the SWAT guys then says, "scrambles on boys". The SWAT guys switch on their scramble goggles and begin to approach a section on the alley wall. They then began to take out paint rollers and paint over a spot on the brick alley wall. "Peasant" caught a small glimpse of what they were painting over. It appeared to be some type of creature or animal. "Peasant" didn't know it at the time, but he had just come into contact with a Keter Class SCP known as SCP-1155. This confused "Peasant" even more. Why would a SWAT team be painting over street art when there was a possible murderer in the premises? Just then "Peasant" was noticed by one of the SWAT guys and immediately apprehended. A bag was thrown over "Peasant's" head and he was walked into what sounded like a truck. He heard the SWAT guys laughing about him being dragged out of the dumpster and so when addressing Luis, they called him "Peasant". About 30 minutes later, the bag was taken off "Peasant's" face and he was sitting in what looked like a police interrogation room. Across from him sat a well-dressed man in a suit and tie along with a bulletproof vest. He asked "Peasant" questions about what he had seen, what he had heard and why he was in the alley. After some discussion the man pulled out a file and handed it over to "Peasant". Inside the file was pictures of "Peasant" at work along with pages and pages of his biographical information. "Peasant" was extremely confused and a little worried now. As "Peasant" was looking through the file, the man in the suit hands him another document that looked like a contract. He told "Peasant" he knew exactly who he was and that he is a great anesthesiologist. After "Peasant" looked through the contract he realized it was a job contract to work at a place called the SCP foundation. The man in the suit explained that if he signed the contract most of his questions would be answered. He also added that he would receive better pay and help even more patients than before. After a 20 minute discussion "Peasant" eagerly signed the contract to begin his career at the SCP foundation.

A couple of months later and "Peasant" had learned about what he had saw. The street art was actually SCP-1155, the SWAT guys were actually members of a MTF called MTF Pi-1 "City Slickers", the man in the suit was a DEA agent and that woman's dismembered leg was a result of 1155's anomalous capabilities. "Peasant" now felt that his work as an anesthesiologist wasn't just serving cancer patients but serving humanity. He would operate on D-class and foundation personnel along with his favorite SCP, SCP-2295. His patients appreciated the way he treated them during and after surgery, thus, "Peasant" quickly became an important member within the Foundation. One day during a particularly out of control containment breach, a member of Omega-1 ran into the Medical Center carrying an unconscious Ethics Committee Member. The Omega-1 told "Peasant" that he had been experiencing flu-like symptoms with high fever. Due to "Peasant" earning the title of Medical Consultant and gaining CL4 knowledge he quickly realized that the breached SCP was none other than SCP- ███ and the ECM had contracted it. Luckily for the Omega-1 and "Peasant", they knew ███ had been breached and were already wearing biohazard suits. "Peasant" immediately told all medical personnel not wearing biohazard suits to exit the room immediately. "Peasant" told the Omega-1 that the ECM had contracted ███. Unfortunately, due to the many ███ breaches that had occurred in a short period of time, there was no resources available to reverse the effects of ███. The ECM was going to have to die. "Peasant" explained the circumstances to the Omega-1 who refused to terminate the ECM. With quick thinking "Peasant" quickly drew his M9 pistol from its holster and shot the ECM directly in the head killing him instantly. Shocked, the Omega-1 drew his gun on "Peasant", and he was arrested for his actions. While in confinement, "Peasant" was surprised to see his door open up. Standing outside was two Omega-1 personnel and a member of the Ethics Committee who happened to be the Chairman of the Ethics Committee. The ECC asked "Peasant" to follow him to his office. Confused and scared for his life "Peasant" followed. The ECC sat down at his desk and the two Omega-1 personnel stood guard at the door. The ECC then spoke to "Peasant" about his actions. The ECC explained how his actions were completely justified. The ECC commended "Peasant" for his actions. "Peasant" had stopped the spread of ███ and was able to cause the least amount of pain and suffering possible for the ECM that he had killed. "Peasant" didn't let the ECM turn into an instance of ████ and also shot them in the head allowing a quick death. Although "Peasant's actions caused the death of an extremely important member of foundation personnel, he arguably saved hundreds of more lives. The ECM explained to "Peasant" that, that was the type of thinking they look for in the Ethics Committee. The ECC then reached into a briefcase and slid a document over to "Peasant". "This is your chance for a new beginning Luis," said the ECC. Upon inspecting the document "Peasant" realized he had just received a contract to become an ECM. "Peasant" smiled and signed the document. His role in the foundation was now bigger than it had ever been before. The ECC stood up and shook hands with "Peasant". As they walked out of the room together the ECC said "welcome to the committee my friend".

1 year later...

Audio Log
Location: Site-01

Time: 18:00 hours

Date: ████

████████████: I'm sure you're aware of Mr. Kalashnikov's demise by now.

"Peasant": I am.

████████████: I'm sorry for your loss Mr. Perez but we need to get down to business. I need a new Ethics Chairman. I have already spoken with the other members and now I'm meeting with you. Tell me, what sets you apart from the other members?

"Peasant": My loyalty to the Foundation. I have always upheld the Code of Ethics to the best of my ability and never done anything even remotely close to being treasonous. Additionally, I-

*The site is experiencing multiple keter and euclid class containment breaches. Full site lockdown initiated.*

████████████: We need to move now! Rendezvous with ████ at Gate B. I will be in contact with you soon, stay safe Mr. Perez.


Max "Arcturus" Shephard

Active member
May 18, 2023

Similarly to my +Support on his ECM application, Peasant has always been pleasant and has always been really great to work with. Peasant has always listen to my concerns about certain situations and was always quick to respond.
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  • reaction_title.7
Reactions: Pyro
P - people person
E - enthusiastic
A - active
S - smart
A - active x2
N - networker
T - team player

+ Major Support

I met Peasant when I joined back into the server and I have to say he's been in my close circle of friends for a long time and has been an amazing asset for any department or regiment he has been a part of, IA Sr Ambassador worked his butt off there, E-11, SA (Site Manager), and as an Ethics member. If he wins I will still be happy to work with him, if I win he becomes my Vice Chairman. I wouldn't want anybody else to fight the many Unethical heathens of this site then Mr. Perez, good luck to you and the foundation.
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