[USA] "Peasant's" External Affairs Special Agent Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:187923313

Discord name: bogitos

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since July of 2022

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: United States

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Foundation: Luis "Peasant" Perez, CI: "Ozone"

Civilian name: Frank Balacheti

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:

What are your total levels?: 210

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
O5-2, O5-3, O5-4 (Former)
Overseer Assistant (Former)
Ethics Committee Member (Former)
Ethics Committee Assistant (Former)

Special Agent (Former)
Senior Agent (Current)
Site Manager (Former)
Site Advisor (Former)

Security Captain (Former)
Internal Affairs Ambassador (Former)
MTF A-1 PVT (Current)
MTF E-11 CSG (Former)
MTF E-11 CPL (Former)
MTF E-11 SPC (Former)

UNGOC 1SG (Former)
CI-D (Former)
CI-B (Former)
CI-A (Former)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Yes, I received 2 warnings in late July or early August of 2022 due to misinterpreting server rules. Then in January I received an RDM warning for another misinterpretation of server rules. I have not received any warnings since.

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
-I have been a Senior Agent since 8/24/2023. (Reinstated 8/20/2024)

Why are you applying for Special Agent?

-Of course, there are many reasons why I'm applying for Special Agent. The DEA is one of my favorite departments on the site, from the people who run the department to the role that the DEA serves are all things that interest me. As an Ethics Committee Member, there are very few times where I even get to fire a gun. As a DEA Special Agent, all I'll be doing is firing guns which is 100% something I want to be doing. I enjoy combat-based RP and it's something that the role of Ethics Member lacks. I would also like to play a bigger role in the DEA by taking up a CL4 position and helping people with any questions or concerns they may have. I have always considered myself a team player and becoming a Special Agent will help me do just that.

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:

-What makes me suitable for Special Agent is the extensive combative experience I've held in MTF E-11, MTF A-1, CI, GOC and even the GSD. I constantly strive to better myself in combative roles by playing them frequently and allowing myself to make mistakes so that I can learn from them. Additionally, I prioritize professionalism and leadership as I am currently holding a CL5 position and having those skillsets is needed. I have held a number of positions and continue to improve and get better each and every day.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

-I have written at least 20+ documents. Back when I was an IA ambassador, I actually created a presentation on how to make an exceptional document and some of those principles could be applied to the DEA as well. It covered things such as professionalism, spelling, grammar and where to submit incident/arrest reports. I have also made documents regarding the Research, Medical and Security departments. The majority of my documents are detailed and organized, and I like to pride myself as someone who is good at writing documents.

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:

-Assist Agency Managers
-Train new DEA agents
-Permit MC&D's to sell their merchandise on-site
-Respond to Code 1's
-Negotiate with GOI's such as the GOC and CI

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

-It was a beautiful day outside the iron fence of site 65, birds chirping, a light glaze of snow that had fallen onto the ground, and Nu-7 alert as aways. However, for Agent "Peasant", he had not seen sunlight in months. In fact, he had not heard the chirping of birds or smelled the faint scent of pine trees that surrounded the foundation in what felt like an eternity. Instead, Agent "Peasant" found himself in the personnel wing sitting across from the Director of External Affairs. The reason the Director was speaking with him was to discuss a possible "promotion" of some sort. But how did Agent "Peasant" end up in that situation? Well, it wasn't easy. It all began when Agent "Peasant" worked as a criminal investigator for the FBI also known as a "Special Agent". He was well established in the FBI and was known for being one of the youngest Special Agents in the FBI. It was March of 2018 and he had just turned 26. He had already been a Special Agent for a year now and was good at his job. One day however, the Director of the FBI decided to move the 26-year-old rookie onto a new case. The Director saw potential in "Peasant" and wanted to see him work hard. The case involved a cult group that had all mysteriously perished due to unknown means. The cult group lived in the middle of nowhere on the side of a mountain. There were 16 fatalities total which meant the entire cult had been wiped out. What kind of deranged killer could do something like this? "Peasant" thought. "Peasant" took a look at the gory crime scene photographs and shuttered. He would be flying out to the crime scene tomorrow to see it in person. Once "Peasant" had arrived at the scene the first thing he did was look at the bodies. He wanted to determine cause of death and swab for any possible DNA samples. He noticed that the bodies looked to have been ripped apart and torn but there was no sign of a murder weapon. About an hour or two later, the DNA samples "Peasant" had taken were unidentifiable which puzzled him. "Peasant" cursed under his breath because his investigation had gone nowhere. There was only one place "Peasant" hadn't checked for evidence. In a secluded area of the cult's property stood a small shed with the door broken off and blood smeared across it. "Peasant" became uneasy and drew his Standard issue Glock 19 from it's holster. As he began to step onto the threshold, he could see the 16th dead body laying lifeless, covered in blood on the ground. He took a flashlight out and began to look for new clues as to what had happened. Nothing, until he saw a picture laying flat on a desk covered in little drops of blood. It was a picture of two of the cult members posing with shotguns. However, in the bottom right corner of the photograph, there was a section scratched out. He took the picture as evidence and left the scene with only one clue. However, "Peasant" had seemingly lost the picture somewhere on the way back and tried not to let the anger get to him. Later that day "Peasant" got a letter in the mail that had his name on it. He opened the letter and saw the words "S.C.P. Secure. Contain. Protect." As he continued to read, he saw that someone had written "The "killer" you're after is no man. That's for us to handle. However, we do need somebody like you handling things on the inside of our organization. More will be revealed if you accept this job offer". "Peasant" then resigned from the FBI and was sworn into the SCP Foundation as a DEA Agent.

"So" said the DEA Director. "You've been here a couple of years now and have been doing a superb job here in the DEA".
"Thank you, sir," replied "Peasant".
"I feel that it is time for you to move up. You have a lot of things waiting for you kid... a lot of things" said the Director chuckling.
Last edited:
Nov 15, 2023
From: DEA Management

To: @"Peasant"

Subject: Application Status


We thank you for your interest in moving up within the Department of External Affairs. After careful consideration, we believe you are ready for the promotion. As such, we will be moving forward with your application. Please reach out to management directly (Caboose @ krat0_s) to receive your training before accessing your new equipment. Congratulations Special Agent Peasant.

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