[USA] "Peasant's" Gamemaster Application

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): bogitos

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Started in July of 2022

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: United States

Time zone: EST

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Ethics Member Luis "Peasant" Perez

Chaos name (include your rank): CI-G "Ozone"

Civilian name: Frank Balacheti

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:187923313

Discord ID (name#0000): bogitos

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP USA

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
ECM Application #2
ECM Application #1
Site Advisor Application #2
Site Advisor Application #1
IA Ambassador Application #2
IA Ambassador Application #1
ECA Application
Security Captain Application

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- Yes, I received 2 warnings in late July or early August of 2022 due to misinterpreting server rules. Then in January I received an RDM warning for another misinterpretation of server rules. I have not received any warnings since.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- No

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- No, I only have experience roleplaying on this server.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- At least 3-4 hours

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- I have many friends that are Gamemasters on this server and I have helped them with a numerous number of events. After helping them out and seeing what Gamemasters do, it made me want to become one myself. I feel like I'm a pretty creative person and can offer a lot of unique and interesting events to the server. I hope that I'm able to enhance everyone's roleplay experience through my events and allow everyone to have fun. I would say that a main reason I'm applying is not for myself but simply for the community. Lastly, I'd just like to add that I enjoy working with others and I would love to have everyone in the community help me with my events to make them the absolute best they can be.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I can help you create new and original events that would be well thought out and unique when compared to other events. I want to leave a positive legacy on this community, and I'd like to be known for my amazing events. So just to reiterate I'd like to help the community create some cool events and contribute to the gamemaster team in any way that I can. Additionally, I think that my openness to new things is what sets me apart from other applicants. I'm always willing to hear people out and see things from another perspective. I also pride myself in being able to handle criticism quite well and would never lash out at someone for simply providing me with feedback. Lastly, I have experience in many foundation roles ranging from Security Captain and IA Ambassador all the way to Ethics Member that many gamemasters might not have. Holding these positions would undoubtedly help me come up with unique events because I've had in-game experience with these higher-level roles.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

1. Unusual Incidents Unit (UIU)
This event would involve the SCP Foundation and the UIU. In this event the UIU is dispatched to Site-65 to work with the Foundation in locating and containing SCP-3470. SCP-3470 had originated in the United States and drove across the border to Canada. Unfortunately, the UIU has been
unsuccessful in containing the SCP due to being poorly funded which is why they called upon the Foundation for some help.

2. O5-5 and SCP-4339
This event will involve O5 council member O5-5. For some context, O5-5 who is in charge of overseeing Storage Site-77 has run out of room to house a new highly classified SCP. O5-5 has called upon Site-65 to store SCP-4339. When the current possessor makes a statement about the world using SCP-4339, the item causes a reality restructuring event to make it true. This does not affect physical properties. Executive Researchers+ will be allowed to experiment with SCP-4339 and Sr. Researchers wishing to test on SCP-4339 will need to be accompanied by someone who is Executive Researcher+. This event will start with the transportation of SCP-4339 to Site-65 and end in HCZ cross-testing. (Will need some A-1 to escort O5-5 into Site-65)

3. SCP-363
This event will involve a mysterious cave existing within the foundation. Upon entering the cave, it will be pitch black other than the sound of a chittering echo. As you go deeper into the cave you will begin to see a roughly 1.82-meter-tall centipede which will emerge and kill anything in its site. After MTF's have explored the cave for a little bit the lights will be disabled in the foundation and the centipede will leave the cave and go on a killing spree in the foundation until the lights are able to be turned back on. Upon the lights being turned on, the centipede will shrink back to a normal size (unless in an area with no light) and become docile and be able to be tested on by researchers.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

1. The Disappearance of Pinewood
In this event the entire town of Pinewood will disappear and be relocated elsewhere. The dimension that Pinewood was located to is a dimension similar to the "Upside Down" from Stranger Things. The new Pinewood will be barren and empty, and the sky will be a deep red color similar to blood. After the Foundation, CI and GOC investigate this disappearance, one GOI will be lucky enough to find a portal to the dimension and once teleported to that dimension there is no way out. Inside of that dimension there will be an immortal man known as "John". He will tell people that talks to him that he is the one that has taken Pinewood into the dimension called "The Revelation". John will explain that for each person that dies, he will collect their soul. Once there is enough death and suffering, John will be satisfied and teleport everyone back to their dimension after watching all the bloodshed and fighting occur.

List an example mission for each of the following:

O-1: "Shouldn't Have Messed with the Law"
Mission: The CI has overrun the Ethics Committee offices and it is now being heavily fortified. O-1 must take back the Ethics Committee offices and make sure all ECMs are safe.

A-1: "Recuperate"
Mission: The CI has unfortunately made their way to F3, specifically the nuke room and is threatening to detonate the Alpha Warhead if they don't get to leave the Foundation with an O5 member. A-1 must figure out a way to either outsmart the CI or attempt to kill all CI in the nuke room with a risk that the Alpha Warhead is detonated killing all Foundation personnel. A-1 should reach out to the ethics committee so the committee can help.

Nu-7: "Drop the Hammer"
Mission: There has been reports that SCP-682 has multiplied and there are 2 instances wreaking havoc in Pinewood. Nu-7 was chosen to go and deal with the instances. Nu-7 must use their large numbers to capture/kill all 682 instances. They may use advances armory weaponry, heavy vehicles and perhaps even ask other MTF's to assist. However, the CI might threaten the whole operation by attempting to weaponize the 682 instances. Nu-7 will have to prepare for the worst and fight 2 fronts. Who will win? CI or Nu-7?

E-11: "Just Another Day in the Office"
Mission: The largest containment breach of Site-65 was just reported with 4 SCP's breaching containment. E-11 must take back the site and prevent the SCP's from making it to the LCZ or even worse... the surface. Luckily for E-11 their scanners had detected a possible mass breach, so E-11 was prepared for the worse and armed to the teeth. Additionally, E-11 was prepared with firing lines and other departments of the site helped to prepare for the containment breach.

CI: "New Toy"
Mission: The CI had been working on project "New Toy" for months and it is finally complete. The CI was able to successfully weaponize SCP-6096. This SCP can find and kill any target that the CI desires, the only downside is that SCP-6096 can only move at walking speed. SCP-6096 is impossible to kill and any attempt to do so will result in that person being killed. Additionally, SCP-6096 can only go after one target at once and also takes a 5-minute break and remain immobilized after each person that it kills.

UNGOC: "Mushroom Man"
Mission: Capture and kill SCP-5771. SCP-5771 is a giant "mushroom man" that kills anyone in a nearby radius by releasing deadly spores unintentionally. SCP-5771 is actually just a giant friendly mushroom eager to speak with people. You must fight against the Foundation and CI in order to complete your objective of capturing and killing the mushroom. Hazmat suits and gas masks are required to even go near the mushroom. In order for the mushroom to speak, a biodata sonification device must be hooked up to the mushroom.

Foundation Staff: SCP-1879 the "Indoor Salesman"
This SCP can manifest itself behind any door in the foundation and will try to sell you random items. SCP-1879 will not go away until you buy whatever he's selling. However, he will ask for something in return like your heart, your soul or your attention. This SCP also has the ability to appear and disappear whenever it chooses and is seemingly immortal and cannot be hurt. The only way to get rid of this SCP is to buy everything that he is selling so he is able to meet his sales quota.

stee ven

Well-known Member
Aug 12, 2022
I will say + support.
- Site Command position very trusted in the community.
- Good RP
- Good Interactions
- good application


Well-known Member
Oct 27, 2022
For your first event listed, try to go into more detail as to what the anomaly will do/how it will interact with other players/factions. Other than that, this looks pretty good!


SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
May 25, 2022
Application Accepted

Hi "Peasant" ,

On behalf of the Game Master Team I like to thank you for making an application for the position of Trial Game Master, this is to let you know that you have been accepted to conduct the next step of the application process.
Please contact me for your next step.

Kind Regard,
Event Team Lead Gregory
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