[USA] Personnel File: O5-4 - “The Lobbyist”

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Dr Random K.

Blacklisted Player
Oct 8, 2023
Site 54
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80391156
Discord name: drrandomk
For how long have you played on CG SCP: First joined in October 2022, Active without major breaks since October 2023
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: Germany
Time zone: CET
Character name(s): External Affairs Manager “Odin”/"Heimdall" [BTAC-C] ; A-1 SGT “Entropy” ; Assistant Salahudin II. “Sultan” ; CI-D “Random”
Civilian name: (Changes constantly)
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
External Affairs Manager, Special Agent, Senior Agent [Holding]
MTF A-1 SGT [Holding]
Overseer Assistant [Holding]
CI-D [Holding]
SCP-096 [Holding]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
A single one for fearrp in October, I do not actually have 8 RDM warns, contrary to what my kill message might lead you to believe

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for the role of O5-4 ("The Lobbyist"), as I (currently) see it as my ultimate goal on the server to join the O5 Council. I find the roleplay possibilities quite intriguing and decided to at least give it a shot, even if my chances might not be that high (...yet). I see O5 as the only way up aside from DEA Director positions (which are currently filled), as I would be unwilling to give up DEA and A-1 for anything but it (which eliminates SA as an option for me, though there are no vacant positions anyways).
I've chosen the name "The Lobbyist" as I believe that having a character with a bit more of a shady/uncertain GoI background could lead to lots of roleplay opportunities. MC&D is a lot deeper than the whitelist on the server may have one believr, which I would like to explore.
I am also applying for this role not because I am completely confident that I could get it, as some might look for even higher ranking applicants (though I am already a department leader in the most active/largest department), but also to gain the experience of having applied for it and gathering fredback on things to improve on for future attempts if I don’t get it this time (though a man can always hope).

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I am very active on the server, trying to interact with people as much as possible through my different roles and actively engaging with the community in-game, on TeamSpeak and on Discord.
Through my activity, a member of Site Command would be guaranteed to be available during my playtime, allowing for a smoother experience for everyone.
While active, I also always try to actively engage with the server, instead of just sitting in secluded channels or areas to interact with a small portion of players.

I believe myself to be, and based on feedback I have received through my actions, a chill person to be around, while maintaining a positive attitude towards the people I interact with no matter their rank - I will try to show an adequate amount of respect to everyone, as I find it important to remember this is still just a game, and that nobody likes to get on just to be disrespected for not having spent as much time on the server as others. I also generally never lose my cool, and can handle situations well even while under stress, remaining appropriate to the situation.

During my time on Civil Networks, and before that in similar environments, I have always been adapting to different environments quite well, judging circumstances appropriately and acting in an adequate manner. To better do this, I've been in both GoI's reaching at least NCO in both, and spent plenty of time in DEA to gather as many different experiences as possible, as well as a decent amount of time in the different CL3 and below jobs to learn how different departments work. Furthermore, I have spent plenty of time on Overseer Assistant, spectating those departments and regiments which I have not been in myself, such as E-11 as my OSA assignment, figuring out how they operate and how to work well with them.
All of this has allowed me to properly adapt to any rp or ooc scenario that I may find myself in.

During my time in Civil Networks SCP Rp, and before, I have proven myself to be a capable leader, having a lot of experience with leading and organising those under me (be it in DEA leading the whole department to some degree, the enlisted and lower NCOs in CI as a Delta, the enlisted in UNGOC or the enlisted in Alpha-1 under me) and doing so successfully. I would call myself charismatic enough to keep those I work with engaged in what we are doing, and making sure that order is upheld as I lead them. I would consider myself to have, in part, led a new generation of DEA players, having inspired some to stay active within the department and aim for higher positions. From my experience, my style of leadership usually works quite well, having had success with it both on Civilnetworks and before that.
Though of course challenging, I believe I could be up for the challenge of leading even more people, that comes with an Overseer position.

I would consider myself relatively knowledgable within the SCP universe, having read a fair amount of tales and SCP articles to further my understanding of the different SCP canons and their most important bits of information. Though this allows me to do a fair bit already, I am also always willing to look up and read anything of relevance to rp situations, to gain a better approach for a smoother roleplay experience for everyone involved.
The same applies for in-game documents - I have read through most documents relevant to my positions and am willing to read, review or write any documents to either expand my knowledge of the server or by using my knowledge to expand on the server's content.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
- Providing roleplay scenarios/tasks to the whole site (to some degree)
-> Given their permissions and authority as Overseers, members of the O5 Council can easily create and direct larger roleplay scenarios that affect a multitude of people in all departments and regiments. Coming up with new ideas and putting them into practice helps the server's rp to stay fresh and keep people from getting burnt out through
- Overseeing developments within their assigned departments
-> Being assigned over certain departments (research, alpha-1) means that the O5 councils should mainly focus on giving them important roleplay decisions (though they should by no means neglect the other departments/regiments).
- Keeping the Code of Conduct up to date
-> With server content being ever changing and people finding new ways to circumvent existing rules, it is important for the Code of Conduct to be upkept to prevent such loopholes from existing in the long term.
- Implementing site-wide policies
-> Working with Site Administration and Ethics similar to how the Code of Conduct is maintainted, policies need to stay up to date in the same manner.
- Giving orders to Overseer Assistants and A-1
- Authorise certain Crosstests and 008 tests
- Call Code Blacks and Alpha Warhead Detonations

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Appointing the MTF Alpha-1 Commander
- Voting on O5 Applications
- Deciding Overseer Assistant Applications
- Deciding Director of Research Applications
- Voting on Site Director Applications

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

[The Following File is Restricted to Clearance Level 5
Unauthorised Access will result in Termination]

Loading meeting excerpt...

SCP Foundation Protected Site-01

[Overwatch HQ]​

- O5 Council Meeting Room -​


O5-6: “You can’t actually be serious right now, [REDACTED].”
O5-1: “I very much am. Now, let us return to the topic at hand - it is time everyone casts their vote.”
O5-6: “This vote is an insult to everything that this council stands for.”

The votes are in for the following vote: Ascension of candidate to the O5 Council.
The result is as follows:
O5-1: In Favour
O5-2: In Favour
O5-3: In Favour
O5-4: Abstain [Vacant]
O5-5: Against
O5-6: Against
O5-7: In Favour
O5-8: Against
O5-9: In Favour
O5-10: Against
O5-11: In Favour
O5-12: Against
O5-13: Abstain
Result: In Favour: 6; Against: 5; Abstain: 2

O5-10: “This is a joke, right? We are not seriously letting someone working for Marshall, Carter & Dark on this council, …are we?”
O5-1: “The votes are in favour. O5-4 has been chosen.”
The Chief Overseer presses a button on his console, opening the door to the council room.
For a few seconds nothing happens, before a man steps into the room.

O5-4: “I knew you would make the right choice, fellow Overseers.”
Some of the members who had voted against the ascension are visibly frustrated.
O5-1: “Welcome, friend. Have you chosen a code name yet?”
O5-4: “Indeed I have. Fitting my ascension to this council, I will be known as The Lobbyist.”
O5-6: “This council really has lost its integrity.”
O5-4: “Now then, as agreed, all anomalous objects currently under my administration will be transferred to the SCP Foundation. Amos Marshall won’t be happy about this, but it’s not like he’s my boss anymore now.”

[End of Excerpt]

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[ Warning ]
By Order of the O5 Council - The following File has been designated Clearance Level 5.
Unauthorised viewing will result in termination.







Welcome, authorized personnel. Please answer the question below.

Does the Black Moon Howl?
The price of salvation is yet unpaid."

Welcome, ████████████. Granting unrestricted access to personnel file.

Name: "The Lobbyist"
Civilian Name: [Data Expunged]
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Rank: Overseer

"The Lobbyist" is a 35 year old male of European descent and origin, who has been working for Marshall, Carter & Dark before his ascension to the O5 Council.
According to O5-4 himself, he worked directly under Amos Marshall in a position quasi equivalent to the partners ███████ Marshall, ██████ Carter and ████ Dark, however, aside from his evident influence within Marshall, Carter & Dark LLP and his wide inventory of anomalous items, there is no hard evidence to back up these claims.
Based on his actions, it is believed that O5-4 has had extensive knowledge of the SCP Foundation's inner workings even before being chosen as O5-4.
A DNA test issued by O5-1 has had some peculiar results, which may hint at his origin:
Blood tests showed abnormal hume levels above the human average, and parts of his DNA sequence hints towards anomalous gene manipulation.
Though there is no direct match for any Foundation-known individuals, the closest match (98.7% match) is with former Department of External Affairs Agency Manager "Heimdall", who is marked MIA and was presumed dead following an incident in which he followed a reality bender through some sort of dimensional tunnel [>Incident Report DEA24.5A].
On ██/██/202█, O5-4 approached O5-1 through a secure communication line following a spot in the O5 Council opening up (how he had known of this personnel change is unknown), offering full cooperation with the Foundation with his numerous resources in Marshall, Carter & Dark LLP in exchange for his ascension to the council. Though hesitant at first, a vote was called and "The Lobbyist" was assigned to the position of O5-4 with 6 votes in favour and 5 against.
It seems that O5-4 had been in contact with numerous Overseers prior to the vote, in which he convinced them to vote in his favour.
Since his ascension, O5-4 has been lobbying several governmental bodies in favour of the Foundation, including the European Union and German Government.
Information on his operations is classified to Clearance Level 5/O5 due to ethically questionable methods through the use of anomalous items obtained from MC&D.

At the moment, O5-4 is stationed at Site-██ alongside ██-█, ██-█ and ██-█.
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Last edited:
Jul 30, 2023
major +support
I am from the UK yes but I think my opinion is still valid for the character of random, they have always been fantastic to interact with whether in discord or when I pop into US server and I have seen the amazing work they have done for DEA first hand. He has the experience needed for the role of O5 with senior CL4 experience in DEA and OSA and A-1 experience which will have allowed him to learn how O5 functions. Give this man O5 right now
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Big Iron

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Dec 20, 2023
This dude has been THE best mentor to me when I was in BORTAC and even in Special Agent and he still continues to be an amazing mentor. I think above all else he is the best fit for this as a natural leader and a great friend.
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Well-known Member
Oct 8, 2023

During my time in DEA, this man has been an exemplary leader and mentor (Taught me everything about DEA) to his subordinates and I can attest to that. He loves what he does and is pretty good at it, I couldn't see a more fitting candidate for this position in my humble opinion.
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