Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
It has almost been a whole year since I started, I joined late February and have been playing ever since.
18 years old
In what country are you located?:
The United States of America
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Jack "Pickles" Ranger
Civilian name:
Philip Gamer
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF E-11 LCPL "Pickles" [HELD]
CI Delta - "Amendment" [HOLDING]
DEA Senior Agent "Pickles" [HELD]
MTF NU-7 Private "Pickles" [HELD]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
RDM WARN MAY 1st - Shot a GENSEC who was shooting at people.
NC WARN Tue May 2nd - Name was "Jeffery Coomer"
FAILRP WARN Sat May 27th - Unknown
RDM WARN Sat Jun 3rd - Unknown
Mixing WARN Aug 29th - Talked as 939-54 during an event [Was supposed to be cleared but never did]
RDM WARN Aug 31st - Unknown
What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu):
[This was not included in the app format but I thought it would be nice to include.]
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
It has been something i've wanted to do for a while and i've been encouraged to do so for a long while. I've always enjoyed researching the various anomalies on site and working with Darby, Ivy, and many others who have inspired me. For a while, I had my doubts and was very hesitant for joining but after some considering, I've decided to attempt.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I've roleplayed various roles in situations and was an active participant in the Game Master role but I unfortunately lost that position. I believe I am suitable because I am willing to come up with roleplay enhancements and a good research study on actual good SCPs.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
Documents can be excellent in many ways but the Research Department prioritizes quality over quantity. Formatting is a required part of a document, and it easily assists with organizing everything. Uniqueness is needed in many ways, on how you describe certain words, use different phrases or patterns of speech, and finding pictures to add to documents. Sourcing materials will also assist, but do not forget, we still mark plagiarism so always quote and cite others works. And finally Patience, patience is required for documents to excel due to how long they need to be worked on for, they are supposed to be research studies but not full novels.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
The responsibilities of an Executive Researcher are to oversee, format, and participate in tests within the foundation. Executive Researchers can also appoint people to oversee Clearance Four Tests if Site Administration approves of such. Executive Researchers are also able to approve documents and cross-tests, and reward credit to those whom have made extremely well made documents and research studies that might benefit the research department in the future! Next to Dpt. Directors of Research, Executive Researchers play a key role of holding Research together by holding regular contests and offering good roleplay for both the Anomalies and the Researchers.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Jack "Pickles" Ranger
Age 32
Research & Development
Jack was born in El Paso Texas as an only child of two local Business Owners. Lucy and Devin Ranger. During his time in Texas, Jack was born during the drought of the late 1990's. His parents were poor minimum wage workers who did not expect to have Jack in any sort of way but loved him too much to be able to consider alternatives. Jack was a quiet baby, and from notes acclaimed by his parents; "Rarely ever cried or screamed, which was a blessing." Jack grew up as a regular child but seemed more academically ahead which motivated a lot of his peers during his time in school. Though, like his time as a baby, he was quiet and preferred to keep to himself. At the age of 13, Jack's father passed away in a work place accident within his mining company that was quickly covered up. Jack's mother was outraged and attempted to seek justice until an unexpected figure arrived. A man in a suit and tie knocked on the Ranger's family door the day Jack's mother was taking the local police department to federal court for the suspected cover-up. The man offered a deal to the woman for compensation. The deal was to work for the Organization that covered up her husband's death. The Foundation was intrigued by Lucy's past, an biology professor broke after mastering an education she thought would support her family. They offered her a position in the Foundation, giving free housing and security for both her and Jack. She was hesitant but fell into the snares of the Foundation as Sr. Researcher Nancy Brown whom later designated many anomalies in her field.
Jack was raised in a military base, and was supported for his brilliancy by the Foundation, but his mother continued to shield him and protect him from the same fate as her but Jack was interested for what they wished to continue in. After Jack reached 20, he left the military base to go into Biology and Chemical Weapon Research. After mastering, he would continue his teaching's before being contacted by the foundation to serve in the Research & Development Department of Site-65. Jack agreed and was moved to Pinewood, Ontario, Canada for his luxury stay at one of the most dangerous sites to work within the Foundation.
Only time will tell.