[USA] Pilgrim's Overseer Assistant Application

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James "Baker" | "Pilgrim"

Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
Steam ID
Discord name
For how long have you played on CN SCP
6 Months
In what country are you located?
Spain, originally from USA
Time Zone
Character name(s)
James “Baker” (FOLD) Pilgrim (FNEW)
Civilian Name
Polgrom The Merchant
What server are you applying for?
Do you have a mic?
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
Holding > | MTF A-1 PVT, 096 | CI-B | < Held > Ethics Committee Assistant, MTF A-1 LCPL, Security Captain, E-11 CSG, CI-B, Omega-1 LCPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? And why?

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?

Mostly because I want to enjoy this experience and fulfill my dream of being it, I feel, that if I become this I can bring a lot of leadership such as good communication, accountability, integrity, honesty, creativity, innovation, inspiring others, etc, helpful, kind, team working, hard-working, I work well with others. I have plans, I want to build a career within this experience/job, I know what to do as a part of the Overseer Assistant and the responsibilities it upholds, including problem-solving, decision-making capabilities, and negotiation. Persuasion, perseverance, motivation, and elegance when I first saw this it came to my interest straight away. I thought for once in my life I could be this, I thought to myself. I also want to also become an Overseer Assistant on this server because I think that I will be a good addition to the team, thanks to my previous experience in other related jobs on other servers. Furthermore, I used to be an Overseer Assistant on many other servers. Likewise, I joined approximately a few days ago and during that time I got to experience the server and how things work around here. I would like to attempt to contribute My “Extensive” Knowledge of Overseer Assistant on the server as a whole, I have been Overseer Assistant on different servers for both sides, Over my time on the server, I have helped teach, with Overseer Assistant -related issues; I used my level of experience to assist them on their journey to becoming the best and explained to them some hardships of piloting and how it will sometimes take a toll on your time on the server. I was the main Overseer Assistant for both sides when I joined them and can comfortably say I've helped teach both and have increased them. I also have my activities backing me up, I am one of the most active members in A1 and willing to be on the OA at the moment and am on pretty much daily, this type of activity coming from myself should be expected considering they have been handed the reigns to an entire force on the server and at the end of the day they get the biggest input on the changes of what happens in OA. Moreover, I highly encourage activity and hard work to be done, and do lots of it myself. My Goals for the foundation if I am given the rank of OA are easy to say that you can do, but are hard to accomplish. One of my main goals is to heavily improve the rate that OA has good activity and knowledge, I personally believe my High levels of activity beat any of my competitors applying for the rank of Overseer Assistant, on weekends I’m normally on in AM and normally get off around 10PM. On weekdays, I normally join the server around PM and leave at 12:30PM, averaging around 60–70 Hours on the server every 2 weeks, and have been consistently keeping that up since January this Year.

What else makes me the best candidate for Overseer Assistant, may you ask?

I've gone through the CoC and CoE, on how Overseer Assistant works also including the duties of Overseer Assistant numerous times to keep myself up to date. I really like this server because it's a breath of fresh air for me as it's a new concept, and it has seen a lot of development to make it unique from the rest of the servers. Besides, I have quite a lot of experience in a High-stress situation related job, seeing as I've held numerous high-ranking positions within different Overseer Assistant over the years on different servers, and that has given me a lot of knowledge on basic conduct. Additionally, I can offer good communication, accountability, integrity, honesty, creativity, innovation, inspiring others, etc., helpful, kind, team working, hard-working, I work well with others, I have plans, and I want to build a career within this experience/job, problem-solving, decision-making capabilities, negotiation. Persuasion, perseverance, motivation, and elegance. One of the things that make me the best candidate is my leadership; I can establish order in any situation that requires it and delegate tasks in a clear and concise manner, leading to a more orderly and efficient work environment. I am also strict with the people who I work with as I expect great things from them which in my opinion pushes them to complete tasks to the best of their ability which is what we need regularly, Furthermore, I possess an array of skills which all come with separate responsibilities and obstacles to deal with on a regular basis while dealing with people of different skill-sets I believe with my extensive knowledge of the and ability to not only command but assist other people make me the best candidate for the job. I can make any and all people in the Overseer Assistant become better and more efficient than they are currently.

Other things I am able to offer.

I am kind, I love football, and I am helpful. I have some hobbies I like to do such as sports such as running, tennis, football, swimming and skiing, music, dancing, painting, reading, computer games, writing, socializing, etc. Furthermore, I can offer Good communication, accountability, integrity, honesty, creativity, innovation, inspiring others, etc., helpful, kind, team working, hard-working, I work well with others, I have plans, and I want to build a career within this experience/job, problem-solving, decision-making capabilities, negotiation. Persuasion, perseverance, motivation, and elegance. One of the things that make me the best candidate is my leadership; I can establish order in any situation that requires it and delegate tasks in a clear and concise manner, leading to a more orderly and efficient work environment. I am also strict with the people who I work with as I expect great things from them which in my opinion pushes them to complete tasks to the best of their ability which is what we need regularly, Furthermore, I possess an array of skills which all come with separate responsibilities and obstacles to deal with on a regular basis while dealing with people of different skill-sets.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?

Overseer Assistant's responsibilities include; making sure O5's orders and policies are followed around the facility, overseeing departments assigned to the assistant by the council and being the council's eyes and ears in the facility and reporting back any unusual actions by the members of the staff, especially higher clearance personnel.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in.

James Baker was born in 1991 and became a part of the research team after being scouted by the foundation in his 20s. He had a twin also named Chloe that went on to live with his father as both parents were separated due to financial and relationship issues. During his time as a Jr. researcher, and he learned many valuable things about the foundation, gaining interest in their main goal of learning about the anomalous. After 2 years of being a Jr. Researcher, he was promoted to Researcher, giving him access to clearance Level 2 and being able to further his knowledge about the foundations of SCP. Shortly after his promotion was transferred to a new site, which was designated Site-65, where he met his Twin (Chloe) who he hadn't seen since the day his parents were separated. He then learned that Wilson's Twin (Chloe) had also joined in with the regiment called MTF E-11 which was overall dangerous, of course James was worried about her all the time. They always had time to talk about their parents when they had a break or just spare time and became a which was more combat based rather than knowledge-based. They then decided to agree that one of them will be called by their full name and the other just referred to as CHL to not confuse the rest of the foundation staff. And so WILL continue to work his way up the ranks, and here Wilson is attempting to get a position of Overseer Assistant.
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Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
SCP Foundation.png

Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding ████████ Assistant Applicant - Pilgrim

Application Denied
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of ████████ Assistant

After much deliberation, your application has been denied. We have gone with two other candidates at this time. You may reapply in 2 weeks.​
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