[USA] "Pods" Overseer Assistant Application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 15, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:582873053
Discord Name: jm17
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5,474,520 seconds (Roughly around November of 2023)
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Foundation: "Pod" | Chaos Insurgency: 'Pod'

Civilian Name: Jess Kian
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

I am currently holding:
Nu7 MAJ | DEA Special Agent | DEA Senior Agent | SCP-096 | SCP-22415
I have held:
A1 PVT | E11 SGT | CI-D

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 1x NLR warn [Expired] | 1x Metagaming warn [Expired] | 1x Prop Abuse warn [Active]

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

Experience: To be an efficient assistant to the overseers, it is a good idea to get CL4 experience so that you have had time to learn the Code of conduct and code of ethics, as well as the foundation legal codex and then enforce it onto those you lead. Having experience as an Nu7 CO and a DEA special agent would show that I have experience in leadership abilities, which would be needed for an assistant just in case the appropriate authorities aren't on site and I would have to lead. I have also written a few documents in regards to Surface operations regarding interrogations, which I believe would be helpful if I were requested by O5 to interview foundation personnel on their departments and write reports. Outreaching to others internally is important as an assistant and having outreached to external parties such as CI on many occasions. I believe I am fit for overseer assistant for these reasons.

Something New for me: Even though most of my time was spent in combative positions, I am usually quick to learn duties regarding what different departments do. I have balanced how to be efficient in what DEA and NU7 do during my time in surface operations, learning how both work with each other like clockworks. With overseer assistant, It would be a great chance for me to focus on something else rather than a combative role and strive to learn the RP on the server as a non combative.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

The Bridge: As an assistant, you work as a connection between the foundation at large and the O5. Therefore, you will have to make yourself available for any questions and concerns from foundation members. or if it come to it major complaints regarding a high ranking foundation member that requires site command attention. Any major finding that you hear or find must be reported to the O5 council as you work as the eyes and ears for them. You may also conduct interviews on department and regiment members under orders from O5 or on your own accord to get information on how everyone in the foundation is doing and then report it back.

Site Control and management: Overseer assistants assist Site administration and Site Command with managing the site. This may range from authorizing AA, [If needed] helping departments on different codes, and assisting IA in enforcing the code of conduct if required. As an assistant, looking out for the site in these small ways can improve the relations between the O5 and the departments that acquired your help.

Representation: You represent the O5 council in the event they are not on site. During this it is in your best interest to improve relations between yourself and foundation departments, as well as non foundation personnel such as the UNGOC, the town of pinewood and more.

Carrying out orders from O5: You may get unique orders that may be something else entirely besides enforcing the code of conduct and site management, such as investigations and many other tasks. In the event that lethal force is needed, you may work with MTF Alpha 1 to carry out the will of the overseers.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
After Working with Nu-7 for a while, "Pod" has wondered what else to do besides killing the usual CI raid at entrance zone. Walking around, "Pod" Stared at the elevator to floor 3 wondering if he should work with those who work up there. He had visited floor 3 upon request from assistants a few times but that's it. Upon some time and thinking, he made his request awaiting a response from the overseers. His usual work would contain of defending surface from the ongoing activity of CI on surface, until he was requested VIA secure comms to head up to Floor 3. Upon arrival to the waiting room, he was told to wait for his interview with the person who summoned him up to Floor 3. "You Needed me Sir?" "Not much aside from I read your application for a reassignment, not the best writing but I think you will do great. What made you wish to follow this goal of assisting the council?" "I got tired of the fighting and all that. things get boring doing the same old for a while." "That's an interesting response, I know you grew to be close to some of your fellow regiment members, if you were to accept this offer, you would have to go under a different name for security purposes relating to our mission right?" "That's quite a dilemma you are giving me sir. I will be honest, I haven't been the best with these types of things, but since I am here I will accept your offer." "Good, you will find your gear in the office. Welcome aboard! Just be sure to keep this between us alright?" In the assistants office "Pod" found new cloths and an M1911, as well as a new CL4 keycard with a different name reading [REDACTED].
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