[USA] Puggo's Ethics Committee Application

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Dec 30, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:180318025
Discord name: Puggo3423
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 16,286,580 seconds (52% of a full year)
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Jack "Puggo" Taylor , "Calamity" [LSP-NCO], "Bulanos"
Civilian name: "Chevalier"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Currently Holding - Site Advisor , Ethics Committee Assistant (Legacy) , CI-D (Legacy)
-Currently Held - Ethics Committee Chairman, Ethics Committee Member, Omega-1 Major , IA Ambassador x2 , Epsilon-11 x3 , Nu7 x1 , CI x4 , GOC x2 , Executive Researcher x2 ,
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

-ERP x3 [Months Ago]
-Pac Abuse x2 [Expired]
-FailRP x5 [Expired]
-RDM x3 [Expired]
-Naming Con [Expired]
-Toxicity x2 [Expired]
-Severe Toxicity [First Day I Joined]
-AFK Kicks x2
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
- I'm currently applying for the position of Ethics Committee Member and here's why. I want to take a hands-on approach in activities amongst the site and better the Committee whilst doing it. I want to enforce the Code of Ethics amongst more departments and regiments. My time spent in Internal Affairs, Research, Epsilon-11, Nu7, Omega-1, and Ethics Assistant has given me hints into ways The Code of Ethics is enforced and in some aspects its taken lightly. I would also like take a more in-depth holding in external communications like "TeamSpeak" and "Discord". I also wish to make documents a more useful source of information across the site, using ScipNET to better it all, one day making it the main source of information for Departments. I also wish to better include myself with Site-Wide decisions and keep better communications between the Ethics Committee and all other branches. The final reason is I wish to see more RP generalized on Site. Currently on the US site its heavily focused more towards Combative Ways, whilst I would work on generalized passive RP. I intend to create more Roleplay on site, much more roleplay. The site has became damn near fully combative, and roleplay has been dying out. With my activity, I plan to be on-site at a constant rate providing as much of my time as possible into creating a safe environment for people to enjoy doing what this server was created to do, RP.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
- My overall experience around the site. I have had many months of time put into the Research Department, giving me a vast array of knowledge about the SCPs and how documents can be made and perfected. Switching over to the Department of Internal Affairs, I spent months of my time enforcing the Code of Ethics and training new agents on the constant, many of which have turned into Ambassadors themselves. At one point I was also helping assign tasks to Ambassadors and file paperwork for the Directors. Whilst I was doing all of that, I better learned the aspects at how to defend the site by joining Epsilon-11 and Nu-7. This gave me more information on how the Chain of Command around the site works and how to better defend the foundation as a whole. Now in my later career, I am an Omega-1 Lieutenant and Ethics Committee Assistant. Here, I have learned how the site works internally and externally, working alongside many of the Directors and Site Administration members. For the past few months, I have been working on fixing the ScipNET computer system, making tweaks and changes to documents containing and archiving alot of previous infobreach worthy documents. Among other things, I have been working on countless other projects to promote Roleplay amongst different Departments.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
- In RP Ethics members have many responsibilities. These are just a few.
1 : Enforcing the Code of Ethics at ALL TIMES. This can be by going to Department Directors and getting overall feedback.
2: Reviews of all Departments. This can be as simple as reviewing documents and ensuring all procedures and protocols are being met and up-to-date.
3: Giving orders to Omega-1 and ECAs to ensure they are working on tasks and always feeding information to the Committee.
4: Site Wide orders. This can be KOS orders, to AA Authorizations, calling Code Black incase of extreme SCP breaches, all the way to Site-Wide amnestication due to severe info breaches.
5: Meetings with Department Directors, SA and Site Command. This can be to ensure everything in all of the Departments are running smoothly, and having meetings with everyone there draws out opinions and ideas and makes for more interesting conversations and less debates.
6: Editing/Keeping The Code of Ethics up-to-date. This is important as Department and Site-Wide policies change on the constant.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- The Ethics Committee helps inside the Discord and Teamspeak. They help with questions and discuss an array of topics inside. The Discord is where most of the decision making aspects are done. They can make votes on different ideas, contact all Departments and Administration, and contact SL for ideas or additions that could benefit the server. The Ethics Committee used to vote on more Director Applications, but now most Department Director applications are decided by the Site Director.

- The Ethics Committee also votes on Directors of Internal Affairs and Ethics Assistant applications. They can also help voting on Ethics Committee Members but the Chairman makes the final decision.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

January 24th, 2008. Fired From The Chemical Laboratory.
--Incident Review--
Jack Taylor had been working for 3 years and was noted as being *Erratic* and *Out of Control*. One day, Mr. Niek just happened to piss him off the wrong way. All we know is that he said something that deeply upset him and he just went off. Grabbed him by the back of the neck and threw him into the vat of molten silver.

October 8th 2011. Fired From Accountant and Publishing Inc.
--Incident Review--
Jack Taylor worked with us for a little under a year. We had to let him go because he just seemed like he wasn't in his own head at times. Would be extremely quiet for hours on in then scream and jump out of his chair. Scared the fuck out of us all. He was incredibly talented, however. He had incredible penmanship. And his documents, outstanding.

July 22nd, 2020. Private Investigations License Removal
--Incident Review--
He did incredibly well with us, but he went overboard with it. He would become obsessive with the information he obtained and had it all so neatly organized. He was constantly talking about the missing pieces and would never leave without a full document of data and information. But he went after the wrong person. Some form of Secret Field Agent that the government sent. We got the message from him saying that they found him, but then we got sent some very horrific pictures and that's where we cut it off.

January 18th 2021. A New Beggining
"Well, you cant be called Jack Taylor anymore, and probably never again. Your new name is "Bulanos" , and it means spontaneous. I think you'll do well within the regiment, but don't go causing issues and getting people killed. We'll keep a close eye on you, just do what you've been doing. I think Walter is heading to core, go gaurd him."

October 24th, 2023. Hard Work
--Audio Log--
10:12 Mapper: Bulanos, did you upload it to the IA folder yet?
10:14 Bulanos: Yes, give it a bit. I want to make sure there isn't a Red Right Hand doc in here.
10:17 Mapper: Well come along, I think I have something you want to see
10:20 Bulanos: Yeah, what is it?

January 17th, 2024. "Mission Impossible"
"I never thought it would happen, never thought the time would come. You've done enough for your position, and have shown what we have desired to see. Welcome aboard, "Puggo".

February 10th, 2024. "Welcome Home"
It itches. It itches at my soul. I love the work, I love the job, but the Committee is calling my name. Omega-1, guess who's back?

May 6th, 2024. "The Great Betrayal"

Dr Random K.

Blacklisted Player
Oct 8, 2023
Site 54
Seems like he'd be a good fit for the committee. In fact I'd even trust him to become ECC some day...
Jun 3, 2022
- Support
Huge - Support, I don't +/- anyone in a long while but this dude needs to stay off Ethics for a while.

- Dude had an ego making him talk down to others and be disrespectful.
- Completely unprofessional and abused his power.
- Not even been a full day yet and dudes already reapplying for ECM.
- Barely even know the dude and the stuff I've witnessed from him seems like he needs some time off from Ethics.

In total, dude needs a break from Site Command positions, give it some time then reapply.
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