[USA] Puggo's Site Advisor Application

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Dec 30, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:180318025
Discord name: Puggo3423
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 16,286,580 seconds (52% of a full year)
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Jack "Puggo" Taylor , "Calamity" [LSP-NCO], "Bulanos"
Civilian name: "Chevalier"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Currently Holding - Ethics Committee Assistant , Omega-1 Major, CI-D
-Currently Held - IA Ambassador x2 , Epsilon-11 x3 , Nu7 x1 , CI x4 , GOC x2 , Executive Researcher x2 ,
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

-ERP x3 [Months Ago]
-Pac Abuse x2 [Expired]
-FailRP x5 [Expired]
-RDM x3 [Expired]
-Naming Con [Expired]
-Toxicity x2 [Expired]
-Severe Toxicity [First Day I Joined]
-AFK Kicks x2
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

- I am currently applying for the position of Site Advisor for a multitude of reasons. One of those and the main one is to generate passive roleplay. Site Administration is at some points limited to the amount of on-site roleplay they can carry out but I believe I would be able to create good instances and keep other personnel occupied with a task. Another reason is to provide more input/help into the creation of documents, as I love to write and provide input into such. My last reason for wanting to join is wanting to be involved in more "out-of-character" progression, and to be able to help more within the community by means of Discord and Teamspeak. I feel as though Site Administration has a lot that I could learn from and I would preform incredibly well if given the opportunity. I would ensure that RP is met to the fullest expectation and that all Site Personnel are enjoying their time on site.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- I have 2 main reasons why I believe I am suitable for Site Administration:

Overall Experience on the Sever: I have been around for over a year and have been extremely active that entire time. I have months in the Research Department, Department of Internal Affairs, as an Ethics Committee Assistant and around 2 months in Omega-1. For over 70% of my time on the server, I have held a Clearance 4 role, and in that time I have learned a lot of incredible skills including "Administration and Management" inside different Departments and Regiments, how to provide better communication with other leads of different Departments and Regiments, and how to remain professional during rough times. Also I held Ethics Committee Chairman for a bit, like 2 months, and EC for 2 months as well.

Document Creation: For my time being on the server, I have written countless documents. For starters, I have written over 30+ excellent documents, 3 of those being in-depth 40 page documents. I have also worked on pieces of the "D-Class Work Program", writing up all of the D-Class Work Permits that are used In-Game. Alongside that, I have spent countless and I mean countless hours on cleaning and re-organizing ScipNET. The last note I will make on my Documentation skills is that I have worked on and tweaked multiple handbooks and documents for departments around.

Roleplay: I have been a very active member in the community for a while now, and I enjoy actively engaging in on-site roleplay and actively encourage it. Without a shadow of a doubt will I be creating Roleplay Scenarios will all Department and Regiments alike.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- In a Role Play scenario, Site Administration is responsible for all but not limited to:

Voting on Site-Policy Changes to ensure the site is running smoothly
Leading the Site through emergencies
Reviews of Departments and Regiments
Voting on multiple Senior Clearance 4 Positions
Maintaning Relations with G.O.Is
Keeping contact with higher-ups of different Department and Regiments to ensure efficiency.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

January 24th, 2008. Fired From The Chemical Laboratory.
--Incident Review--
Jack Taylor had been working for 3 years and was noted as being *Erratic* and *Out of Control*. One day, Mr. Niek just happened to piss him off the wrong way. All we know is that he said something that deeply upset him and he just went off. Grabbed him by the back of the neck and threw him into the vat of molten silver.

October 8th 2011. Fired From Accountant and Publishing Inc.
--Incident Review--
Jack Taylor worked with us for a little under a year. We had to let him go because he just seemed like he wasn't in his own head at times. Would be extremely quiet for hours on in then scream and jump out of his chair. Scared the fuck out of us all. He was incredibly talented, however. He had incredible penmanship. And his documents, outstanding.

July 22nd, 2020. Private Investigations License Removal
--Incident Review--
He did incredibly well with us, but he went overboard with it. He would become obsessive with the information he obtained and had it all so neatly organized. He was constantly talking about the missing pieces and would never leave without a full document of data and information. But he went after the wrong person. Some form of Secret Field Agent that the government sent. We got the message from him saying that they found him, but then we got sent some very horrific pictures and that's where we cut it off.

January 18th 2021. A New Beggining
"Well, you cant be called Jack Taylor anymore, and probably never again. Your new name is "Bulanos" , and it means spontaneous. I think you'll do well within the regiment, but don't go causing issues and getting people killed. We'll keep a close eye on you, just do what you've been doing. I think Walter is heading to core, go gaurd him."

October 24th, 2023. Hard Work
--Audio Log--
10:12 Mapper: Bulanos, did you upload it to the IA folder yet?
10:14 Bulanos: Yes, give it a bit. I want to make sure there isn't a Red Right Hand doc in here.
10:17 Mapper: Well come along, I think I have something you want to see
10:20 Bulanos: Yeah, what is it?

January 17th, 2024. "Mission Impossible"
"I never thought it would happen, never thought the time would come. You've done enough for your position, and have shown what we have desired to see. Welcome aboard, "Puggo".

January 29th, 2024. "Welcome Home"
Hey "Bulanos", are you changing your name? I mean, it wouldn't be all that intriguing if you did but it'd suit a bit more. And the red suit, a lovely touch.

May 6th, 2024. "A New Trial"
"I never thought this day would come, yet I approach the Site Administration hall once more. I approach worrying that this may not end the way I wish, but I hope I will see a happier light cast upon us."
Nov 15, 2023
Biggest +support
Puggo is someone who helps enhance others rp on the server and is incredibly kind. If it weren't for him, the job of medical consultant would be much less enjoyable considering he did a lot to enhance my rp. Lets not forget hes a fucking pro at his job cause he was a former site advisor. If anyone can perform this job well its him.
Got removed 2 hours ago also is not a CI-D or an O-1 MAJ, on another note I have no faith in him upholding this part of SA 1715030513739.pngas he quite literally started a war against GOC for almost no reason when he was Chairman also his multiple bouts of power tripping such as when he refused to follow medical department policies and then instead of correcting his previous actions he forced us to change the policy he broke with his power as Chairman.
May 31, 2023
Des Moines, Iowa
Got removed 2 hours ago also is not a CI-D or an O-1 MAJ, on another note I have no faith in him upholding this part of SA View attachment 15488as he quite literally started a war against GOC for almost no reason when he was Chairman also his multiple bouts of power tripping such as when he refused to follow medical department policies and then instead of correcting his previous actions he forced us to change the policy he broke with his power as Chairman.
-supporting your -support
Dec 30, 2022
Got removed 2 hours ago also is not a CI-D or an O-1 MAJ, on another note I have no faith in him upholding this part of SA View attachment 15488as he quite literally started a war against GOC for almost no reason when he was Chairman also his multiple bouts of power tripping such as when he refused to follow medical department policies and then instead of correcting his previous actions he forced us to change the policy he broke with his power as Chairman.
Hello "Watergate", and thank you for adding this message. Lets start off with your points:

For the part of "started war against GOC for almost no reason",
1. I did not alone start the war. I gave my blessing on it and it was brought to me by Site Manager "Raven." Also, the UNGOC had gotten caught selling personnel as well as getting caught over 8 times Assessment Raiding and killing Clearance 4 Personnel.

For the part of "power tripping such as when he refused to follow medical department policies and then instead of correcting his previous actions he forced us to change the policy he broke"
2. It was not me that made the change alone. I had the blessings of O5-1 and O5-2 as well as the Entire Ethics Committee's backing. The rule was not well known and none of Site Command thought it should stay the way it did.

If you have anything else to add do feel free to!
Jun 3, 2022
Not even a full day has gone by from being removed from ECC, you were removed for a reason and is now applying for high positions. From the brief time I have interacted with you I have seen nothing but...
- Ego that makes you talk down on others.
- Disrespectful.
- Abusing your power
- Doing the very opposite of the job of ECC.

Give it some time instead of immediately applying for something else not even a day past your demotion from ECC.
Not even a full day has gone by from being removed from ECC, you were removed for a reason and is now applying for high positions. From the brief time I have interacted with you I have seen nothing but...
- Ego that makes you talk down on others.
- Disrespectful.
- Abusing your power
- Doing the very opposite of the job of ECC.

Give it some time instead of immediately applying for something else not even a day past your demotion from ECC.

ironic coming from this guy.
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