[USA] Quill's Application for Overseer Assistant

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May 25, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:580893261
Discord name: quill0298
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 358 Hours
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Quill
Civilian name: Quilliam
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF Epsilon-11 Specialist (SPC)
Whitelisted Roles: Security Response Unit, DEA Agent, Senior Doctor (Medical)
SCP: 096 (Shy Guy) 22415 (Helping Hands)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have not received any warnings, kicks or bans.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- I believe that I am the best candidate for the assistant role due to my ability to roleplay and take stuff serious with my attitude I am very strict and serious an always strive to become better, the role of Overseer Assistant has always caught my eye ever since I began playing on this server due to its position (Clearance Level 4) and the abilities it has. I will be able to use this position for the best and help with the servers health for example I will provide impactful and great roleplay to keep people interested and include every role in scenarios. Another key feature about me is my activity I am very active on the server wanting to play most of the day and night as it has enjoyment. I will be able to represent the overseer council and assistants during times of downtime or when the server is just very low on numbers. My roleplay will always focus on making sure that everyone is enjoying their time and not just sat waiting for a SCP breach or something big to happen.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- The responsibilities of this role are very simple they are helping hands and assistants to the council of overseers. They are the public eye for the overseers the way that the overseers can keep up to date and learn about internal and external matters without having to get involved and show themselves which may pose a threat to their safety and security of the foundation. Their whole purpose is to be the public view and represent the Overseers but they are also meant to be working with A-1 being the eyes and ears of the joint operation and Council to ensure that the Foundation and its secrets remain secure.

The assistants have multiple jobs around the foundation however it should always be focused on benefitting the Council. This includes the motto of "Secure Contain Protect" as they focus on providing a advisory position when major events like a SCP breach happen and they watch over these matters to ensure that the SCP's are dealt with swiftly with that they have the authorization to open AA and allow MTF Squadrons permission to use Advanced Armoury to ensure that the threats are dealt with. An the last tasks of the Assistant is to ensure that the Codes are being followed such as Code 1-5, Code of Conduct etc.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Overseer Council:
Case File #05
"Overseer Assistant Quill"
DOB: ████████
'Secure Contain Protect'

Quill has been a dedicated member of the foundation showing his loyalty and dedication working alongside Gensec officers and Department of External Affairs. Quill has worked his way up for approximately two years in this he made it into the elite squadron 'Epsilon-11' which he has been a member and specialist of for a year. During his time he has shown his true loyalty with the SCP's he has dealt with this includes SCP-███ and SCP-██ | Keter class SCP's.

It was during the month of January when 22415-3 and 22415-1 was called out to Heavy containment, lower to find a group of E-11 combatives dead. One with the black liquid leaking out of his eyes and mouth and the comedy mask by his side. SCP-22415-3 then contained the mask as Alpha-1 moved in with a Overseer member to see that one Epsilon member remained standing, blood covered all over his mask and armour and his weapon still warm. He was the one that stopped these rogues from leaving and stopped the comedy masks possession.


A-1 Major: "You were seen at the place of four E-11's corpses multiple gunshot wounds were inflicted into them and your gun was the only one without bullets loaded, explain"
Quill: "During the time of 01/24/2024, I had reports of multiple unidentified personnel down in heavy due to the lack of E-11 at the time I deployed on myself to investigate I later found SCP-███ 'The Comedy Mask' and a group of four E-11's"
A-1 Major: "Okay and your first reaction was to do what?"
Quill: "Following the 'Secure Contain and protect' I only had one task and that was to contain the breached anomaly, therefore I raised my issued weapon and fired it unloading six bullets into the SCP-███ head killing him"
A-1 Major: "You eliminated the anomaly however the E-11 what did you do to them and who were they"
Quill: "I do not have any knowledge of who those E-11 were they are not from this Site and possibly are fakes. Once I killed the anomaly they attempted to fire back and kill me however due to my weapon being raised first I was able to shoot first and knock two down before the final two shot me hitting me in the leg and arm"

Quill: "At this point I used my service pistol and was able to finish them off"
A-1 Major: "That is the end of the situational report, thank you for your time and this will be passed onwards to higher ups."

Due to Quill's loyalty at the time and preventing the breach of SCP-035 and its possession. Alpha-1 took this to the council and at this point the Council decided to remove Quill from service and allow him to join a non-combative force called the Overseer Assistants. He accepted it and continues to work for the Council using his tactical mind and dedication to overcome any situation. His work in the assistant role is to ensure that SCP's are contained and secured in the site working with E-11 and other MTF Squads for protection using his knowledge of SCP's greatly.​
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Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 8, 2023

He's spoken to me a couple of times about OSA, their duties, and the general experience. He seems genuinely interested and passionate about it. It is a junior CL4 position and despite his lack of experience, I think he'll do great.
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Apr 20, 2023
From: vanburen@scpf.int
To: quill@scpf.int
Subject: Application Status


| Application Approved |

Greetings Quill,

This is a message composed by the Site Inspectorate to inform you that your application for the position of Assistant has been accepted and is pending privilege transfer. You will be contacted on site to have your access clearance updated.

We welcome you, Assistant.
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