[USA] Rackarain Site Advisor application

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Staff of the Year
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Group Moderator
Aug 29, 2022
Your moms bed
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:77368334

Discord name: OPG Rackarain#2974

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since around August 20th.

Age: 23

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: MNT

Character name(s): Adam "Rackarain" Smith

Civilian name: Adam Smith

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-MTF Nu 7 Captain [Held]
Ci alpha [held]
MTF Nu 7 CPL [Hodling]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Yes rdm ,job abuse, minor glitching, fear rp

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I am apply because I am wanting to do more in the foundation. I feel that i would have more to do than being an mtf and guarding surface and dealing with civilians/GOI's. I'm always wanting to move up and show what i can do to with any task given to me .I have done about everything there is to do as gensec, research , medic, tech expert, and mtf. I still want to help the foundation but just in a different capacity. This would be the best way for me to do more for the foundation, it would take me a long time to reach commander since there are soo many other qualified people in my regiment that i don't think i would still be around when its my time to take the reins.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- I am suitable for site admin is that i have the necessary experience to do my job efficiently. I am one of the people to know how every regiment and department works since i work close with most of them already. From my experience from being about almost everything helps with me do my job at the best of my capability . I have been around the foundation for a while now. I do have ideas on how to help the foundation do better and keep the workers safer.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
-The job of a site admin is to assist the site director and to oversee branches. They must write a bi weekly report on their regiment/department they watch. They are to also assist the lead of the dep/reg they watch by listing and concerns or request that they want to bring up to the site command. They to review any documents to ensure there is no info leak or wrong clearance level being able to read it. They can authorize AA and give MC&D permits to sell goods to the site and can call for a sweep for d block.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian

Age: 29

Nationality: American

Background: Adam Smith was born June 14th 1995 in Seattle, Washington. His mother {Jennifer Smith} and father {Calvin Smith} were both killed when he as only 4 years old in a drunk driving accident, leaving him to live with his aunt and uncle and 2 cousins in Casper Wyoming. After 13 years living with his distant family Adam joined the army as a Combat Medic at the age of 17. Adam was sent to Germany and South Korea, where he spent most of his time helping injured solders and there family's. Adam was Honorably Discharged from the army after4 years from being shot by another solider suffering from PTSD while in his care. After being discharged Adam still wanted to protect and server so he deiced to become a police officer in New York City. During his time in NYC he discovered that people will do what ever it takes from them to make a living from steal and begging to being a broker and wallstreet conning innocent people out of their money. Adam worked hard as an officer being named rookie of the year for helping in stopping the biggest drug trafficking ring the city has ever seen. Adam climbed the ranks and was made a detective and helped stop more drug and person trafficking rings carried out by gangs and corrupt political parties. Adam was making the news a couple times for his heroic acts and which caught eye for a organization that was interested in his bravery and skill in law enforcement That group approached Adam at his home and offered him a job to help them with a cause to ensure the safety for the world. Those words meant dear to Adam since that is he wanted to do. From that point on Adam join the SCP foundation in which their job is to contain special creatures and protect to who are not ready nor strong of will to endure knowing that strange creatures and objects that inhabit in the worlds that we live in .After some time being in the SCP foundation adam was selected to join the marine regiment of the foundation called Nu-7 Hammer Down. Working with many men that he enjoyed working with and also seen die battle in order to protect sites he worked through the ranks and earned the rank of captain inside N u-7. Adam has been enjoying his time in the foundation and is willing to do more for the cause to serve contain and protect the lives of his fellowmen.
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Well-known Member
Sep 1, 2022
Clearance Level: 4

To:Adam "Rackarain" Smith

From: Site-65 Site Administration

Subject: Foundation Site-65 Role Assignment

Hello, @Rackarain . Thank you for taking the time to apply for this position. After deliberation between the members of Site Administration, we have come to a conclusion regarding your application. This application is to be denied. Elaboration on your denial is available if you decide to get in contact with Site Administration. You may re-apply in two weeks' time.
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