[USA] Ramuh's Security Captain Application

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Feb 13, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59352597
Discord name: .isosceles
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I started playing in February of 2023.
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): [F] "Ramuh", [CIV] "Cactuar", [CI] "Ifrit"
Civilian name: Cactuar
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- [Current] MTF Nu-7 Sergeant
- [Current] DEA Senior Agent
- [Current] SCP-096
- [Current] Chaos Insurgency Gamma
- [Held] MTF Beta-1 Command Sergeant & Special Agent
- [Held] MTF Omega-1 Command Sergeant
- [Held] UN Global Occult Coalition Major

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No.

Why are you applying for Security Captain?

There are a few reasons I'm applying for Security Captain as opposed to any other Junior CL4 position. My first reason is that I've always been a little interested in the position ever since learning about it & seeing two of my friends in the position when I first started playing. I watched them & other Captains perform their duties(Licenses, sweeps, etc) & was just generally interested in the position after that. I believe that this position is the best fit for me out of all the other CL4 positions & that I would genuinely enjoy playing on the job & assisting the rest of the department. My second reason for applying now as opposed to when I first joined is time, back then I was a dedicated MTF main(Beta-1 on top fr) & I also frequently played as a GOC, which eventually took over as my primary job on the server when I became an officer & it remained that way until I resigned several months later. Since returning, while I am in CI & Nu-7, I still have a lot of time to play on other jobs & I believe that now would be the best time for me to apply & start gaining CL4 experience in this position, depending on how much I enjoy it I may even main Captain for a few weeks should I receive the position. My third & final reason for wanting to become a GSD Captain is something I mentioned in my previous reason, which is CL4 experience. I've played the server for several months now & I have yet to gain any Foundation CL4 experience(Almost got it in Beta-1 but ended up getting GOC LT first so I was ranklocked). While I understand that my third reason may not be a very good one, I felt it was important to be honest about why I was applying for this position.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
I believe that there are many things that make me suitable for Security Captain. The first thing that I believe makes me suitable for Captain is my experience on the server & in GenSec. I've been playing since February(With a 3 month break from Jul-Sept) & in that time I've had the opportunity to experience numerous roleplay scenarios & I've gotten to explore most of the non-application based jobs on the server, including GenSec. As far as my experience in GenSec goes, I've never been a Captain however I have lead successful sweeps, mass terms & generally kept it organized in the past(Haven't had many recent opportunities to do so though) as a Security Sergeant & now as a Security Officer. Additionally, I have experience in showing new GenSec how to perform their duties & other important things for GenSec to know. The second reason I believe I would be a suitable fit for the position of GenSec Captain is my maturity & ability to take responsibility for my actions. I've been in several leadership positions on this server & in other communities & have learned many things in them. Thanks to those experiences, I believe that I would be able to handle all of the responsibilities of a GSD Captain. The final reason I believe I would be a good fit for Captain is my activity, I have a lot of spare time & my real life responsibilities can be done whenever I want throughout the day, so I can be available in the mornings, afternoon, evening, whenever really. While this doesn't mean I'll be on all day every day, I will be available throughout the day & will be able to get on the server when requested. Additionally, I still do spend multiple hours a day on the server & would be more than happy to spend a few of them on Captain every day.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
In no particular order, these are some of the responsibilities of GenSec Captains in RP
- Hosting License Tryouts (RRT/HWL)
- Be an example for other GenSec
- Train & educate new GenSec
- Keep D-Block organized & under control
- Ensure GenSec are performing their duties adequately at all times
- Organize & lead sweeps

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
(Sorry if it's crap, haven't written lore in forever)

Full Name: Peter Moore
Code Name: "Ramuh"
Clearance Level: Three
Current Position: Security Officer

Peter & his younger brother, Tommy, were born & raised in the small town of Angus, Ontario(Pop. 12,046). Growing up together they were extremely close, they had the same friends, the same hobbies, and generally just did everything together. Unfortunately for the two brothers, that changed in high school. While Peter did very well in most of his classes, he was simply outperformed in everything by Tommy despite being a year older. Their parents supported both of them but from Peters perspective they favored his brother due to the celebration of his academic achievements. By the time the Peter had graduated, he had gained an inferiority complex & he had grown distant from his family. Unsure of what to do, Peter decided to enlist in the Canadian Army.

Peters time in the army was mostly uneventful, he primarily partook in peacekeeping operations & focused on training & building up his skillset. Upon returning to Canada, Peter made the decision to move further North, as he had only grown even more distant with his family during his time in the military. Peter ended up moving to a little town in the Northwest Territories with a population of less than ten thousand. He pursued a career in law enforcement & performed well for several years. Unfortunately for him & his department, they made an arrest that resulted in the deaths of more than half the department. The law enforcement officers believed there was an arsonist on the loose in their town, many buildings had burnt down in the past few months & they finally had a lead on the individual responsible for it. Unfortunately, the person responsible for the fires had turned out to be a Type Blue reality bender that had slipped under the Foundations radar. Upon raiding the warehouse he was believed to be in, multiple officers spontaneously combusted, causing instant panic in the surrounding officers, including Peter. The majority of the department was slaughtered before Mobile Task Force Delta-4 "Minuteman" & Mobile Task Force Tau-5 "Samsara" arrived on the scene & contained the Type Blue. During the clean up scenario in which amnestics were being administered en masse to the town residents & the police force, the Foundation took note of Peters history & his ability to survive against the Type Blue. Before amnestics were administered to him, a thorough background check was done & they made the decision to offer him a position in the General Security Department at Site-56.

After a lot of consideration, Peter accepted the position offered to him, he had nothing to lose as most of his friends had died to the Type Blue & his relationship with his family was non-existent at this point. He went on to spend many years at Site-56 working as a Security Officer, he worked to keep D-Block under control & lead several successful sweeps, catching the attention of his superiors. All of that leads up to now, in which the Department Chiefs are determining if he would be a viable Captain or if he should remain in his current position of Security Officer.
Apr 12, 2023
Da Trap House

Hello @Ramuh Thank you for applying.
Your application has been ACCEPTED.
Contact me trapjesus or speff. on Discord for the next step.
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