[USA] ReconParadox trial Mod Demotion Appeal

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Dec 25, 2021

Steam ID:

Previous Rank (convert if required):
Trial Moderator

Who demoted you?:
Cloak (I believe)

Date of demotion?:
January 2022. Unknown exact date.

What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

What is the case against you?:
Inactivity. During my trial period, I failed to be online sufficiently or have a mentor for 1 week.

Is this true?:

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?:

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
Yes. I have a few warnings over the span of a year and a half, all of them are expired.

I have one permanent ban which I had appealed in late 2022 (I believe) for Misconduct against another player.

What is your side of the story?:
When I was a Trial Moderator, I went about a week without getting on the server much. For some reason that I don't remember, S.L never assigned me a mentor. So, I stayed offline and took a break from the server while waiting for a Mentor to be assigned to me. I do believe I remembered reaching out to people during the week to find a mentor, but never got one. At the end of the week, I was removed by Cloak for not being on the server during that week and not putting an LOA. He stated that it was my responsibility to continue to try to reach out and find a mentor myself. This is just what I remember.

Do note I have memory issues. If anything here isn't accurate, it's not intentionally meant to deceive. It's been a long time.

Why should you return / what will you change?:
I believe I should return because a lot of time has passed before I've done anything notably bad. Over the past few months specifically, I've tried to work to maintain a positive image in the community and influence others in a positive way. So far, for the most part, I've done this successfully. I've remained consistently active, built positive relationships within the community, and remained respectful. I believe that, over the work I've done these past few months, that I am capable of proving myself to be a more matured person than I was in my past.

I also believe that my contributions to the community could also further prove my dedication to it, and that I want the best for it. From being the Chief of Security and creating the Riot Response Team and Security Quiz with Cloak, to being an O5 Member when the U.S.A server first launched, helping it get on its feet. I've always tried to work hard for this community and always improve myself however I can to become someone I'm proud of. I hope that all of my contributions can help prove my character and show that I have no bad intentions, and I've made mistakes in getting warned and banned that I always regret and will always improve myself from.

If I do return and this appeal is accepted, I plan to be an active and contributing member to the staff team and to this community. I want to see this server thrive and become the community everybody loves and wants it to grow into. I want to contribute to the communities growth and contribute to a good path that the server will go down. Serving the community as a staff member and being able to effectively ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience are all just some of the things I plan to do if I am able to return. If accepted, I can assure myself to be a quality member of the team, of the community, and an active player overall that people can be proud of.
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