(USA) Red Iculous Executive Researcher Application

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Jun 8, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67116206
Discord name: maury8922
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
507 hours 8 minutes and counting (began in 2022).
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST (Canada & US)
Character name(s): Red “The Six” Iculous
Civilian name: Meekam Rediker
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Director (Past) [Application Link]
Site Advisor (Past) [Application Link]
Executive Researcher (Past) [Application Link]
CI-B (Past)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I do not have any kicks/bans/warnings.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?:
I am applying once more for the position of Executive Researcher to aid my fellows in restructuring the infrastructure of the Research Department. Part of this will be largely done on my end by hosting lectures to ensure new and old Researchers alike are familiar with the rules, regulations, codexes, and overall policies within the Foundation; and to keep them entertained of course. I’ve done all the research I can think of so far on the pre-2024 SCP’s, but as two years have gone by, things have changed.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I like to think I understand and appreciate everyone’s love and desire for a creative, cooperative narrative with the SCP Universe, and the wider sci-fi/fantasy idea it captures so well. CN has been and continues to be a living entity that holds many different people and histories in its confines, and I’d like to continue helping it grow and thrive. Specifically, my work in human services enables me and many others in the same field to stack information and ideas in our heads and convey these using simple, comprehensive methods.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?:
Before the SCPNet wipe, I had 5 excellent-grade documents, maybe more. As they are no longer accessible, please refer to my previous applications as a way to authenticate this claim. As of returning, I have 1 excellent-grade document under my belt. As I cannot think of a better way to describe “What makes a document excellent”, I will default to my statement from two years ago:

Excellent-grade documents can be described as multifaceted, but it is a very horizontal formula: Formatting, appearance, and organization. Following good formatting practice helps to make the reading standard and easy on the eyes of the reader. At the same time, appearance can best be characterized as adding relevant photographic, videographic, statistical, or transcribed evidence to support the study. The organization is key for all the above, as having an introduction, description, aim, methods, hypothesis, findings, conclusions, and credits to the participating personnel are essential to making a document worth the grade.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
Administrative supervision and grading of documents uploaded to SCIPNET, supervision of Foundation personnel working under the policies and banner of the Research Division, and assisting the Director of Research in maintaining the integrity, progress, and efficiency of Site-65’s Research Department.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Taking note of the past:
Red Iculous is an amicable individual with a love for his work and a drive to see the Foundation progress in its three core principles: Secure, Contain, Protect. Born to a small Dutch household, his mother and father emigrated to the United States in the late 90s to pursue their careers in biochemistry and environmental physics respectively. They raised him in a small suburban villa in the state of California; homeschooling him for his first five grades, then sending him to a private school to prepare him for his future.

He grasps an understanding - albeit shoddy - that while the vast majority of anomalous entities contained within the Foundations’ custody can be and are an unequivocal threat to humanity; there may be some merit in maintaining interactions with some of the more sentient and sapient SCP’s in a manner that one would consider ‘humane’ or even personable. He has learned much through his time in the Foundation, making quite a bit of use of his doctorate in psychology and time as a Combat Medic for Site-65’s Medical Wing. Among other titles in his dossier, he holds an associate's degree in Methodology, Child Psychology, and Human Biology, and nearly half a decade in Human Social Services. All shining examples of what one might look for in a good researcher to be sure; but there is a caveat: his eccentric tendencies. He can often have the attention span of a hyperactive golden retriever, and the bluntness of a Neanderthal. No one person is perfect, and this is certainly true about Dr. Iculous - which is why he relies heavily on the support and aid of his colleagues.

Before his time in the Foundation, he spent much of his career traveling around the United States holding panels on vicarious trauma, burnouts, and studies into the social ramifications of introverted and extroverted personalities. More recently during his time working for the Foundation, he has conducted a handful of studies in regards to the psychological effects of various SCP's such as SCP-178 and -099.

Much of Dr. Iculous's contemporary research fell under the umbrellas of academia, psychological evaluations, and statistical surveys of the wider competence of Site-56; as noted in his paper "FODC: A Quantitative Measurement" - which details the frequency by which personnel on-site fail to close doors; posing a rather serious security risk to the staff, Class-D and SCP's alike.

To summarize, the 'storylines' Dr. Iculous finds himself gravitating toward as a person fall under the Research of anomalous entities, faculty improvement, and the development of sophisticated infrastructure. Much of his time is aimed at tutoring his juniors, assisting his fellow Seniors in reviewing their work and lending a hand to Executives where he is needed.

Dr. Iculous, an aging man now, has lived many lives through the lens of his peers, their work, and – ironically – the anomalous entities he and his forebears have studied. He began on Site-65 as a whelpling researcher, performing the goings-on they often do and even dabbling in general security work, the occasional tinkering of various inner-site apparatus’, and perhaps most notably his short tenure as Site Director. This time was short-lived however, as – unbeknownst to his superiors – his family was kidnapped, never to be seen again, and still with no knowledge of their whereabouts.

In his more naive years, he had grander ideas of reshaping the site from within and seeing change become more than just words on paper – but a reality even a reality-bender couldn’t shake. Contemporarily, however, his ideas for change are more piecemeal and ‘take it a step at a time’, hoping to enjoy what he considers a vacation away from the monotony of civilian life.

He has no preconceptions ((Nor do I)) about what path he will take outright, deciding he will take things as they come and decide how to interact with them from there.
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Alex D Eisenhower

Active member
Apr 6, 2024
Go to achievements, the one year achievement you can see exactly how many seconds you have been on

Good app. lots of experience in high level roles. and was Executive before. however i have never seen you.

ill give ya this though

sup +


Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
FROM: Friedch@site-65.int
TO: applicant@site-65.int
SUBJECT: Progression to Interview Phase - Executive Researcher Application

Dear Applicant,

Following a comprehensive review of your application for the Executive Researcher position alongside the consultative input of our Executive Research team, I am pleased to inform you that your application has been elevated to the interview phase of our selection process.

To proceed, kindly reach out to me via email (g4rp1ays) or Halo (lafemmerose) at your earliest convenience to arrange a suitable time for your interview.

We look forward to discussing your potential contributions to our team in greater detail.

Thank you for your continued interest in joining our ranks.

Warm regards,

Dpt. Director of Research, Site-65 Research Department
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