[USA] Richard Schafer's Executive Researcher Application

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Jun 13, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59062671
Discord name: ucxb
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have played SCP-RP intermittently for around a year. I started playing more consistently and frequently this month, however.
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: United States of America
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time, but I'm mostly on past 11pm because I have a job and work evening shift 3p-11p.
Character name(s): Dr. Richard Schafer [CRB-EN]
Civilian name: Paul Banks
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: None
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I received one warning back in June of 2023 for ERP because I made an inappropriate joke.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I am exclusively dedicated towards the research department on this server. Almost all of my hours have been on research, and it is the primary reason that I play on this server. I greatly enjoy the class and the unique roleplay situations that can arise from research. Research is one of the only classes that has writing as part of it's core gameplay. As I enjoy writing outside of SCP-RP, this passion extends towards the server as well, and thus I greatly enjoy creating documents and designing tests using the dry academic terminology characteristic of the SCP Foundation writing style. Due to these reasons, I find myself naturally gravitating towards the role, and I want to apply to executive as I see it as a way to not only progress my own career within the department, but to progress the department as a whole. It is my intention as an executive researcher to enable and create new roleplay scenarios and ideas that previously would not have been available to me as a senior researcher within the research department. I want to have the ability to greenlight tests that require approval from CL4, not only to enable these scenarios for researchers below CL4, but to ensure that the tests they are performing are quality and beneficial for the Foundation. If the tests I am signing off on are not up to standard, then I want to use that opportunity as a learning experience for the researcher. I am also aware of the lack of executive researchers active currently. Especially when I am usually online past 11pm, there are rarely ever any executive researchers on. The lack of executives online at this time presents a problem for the research department, as it means any RP or authorizations necessitating an executive researcher do not go through and are at a standstill until an executive flags on. I would be able to remedy this issue by increasing the time coverage when an executive researcher is online.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I am suitable for executive researcher because of my adherence to the rules of the server and the Code of Conduct and Ethics as set by the Foundation. If you decide to elect me executive researcher, you are entrusting me with a clearance level 4 keycard and a higher degree of authority within the department, and with these privileges comes a greater degree of responsibility that must be practiced in order to set a good example for junior members of the research staff. My track record with the IA and server administration proves that I am a responsible individual, as I have an almost spotless record with regards to my conduct on the server and the Foundation. Another one of my strengths, which is especially an asset within the research department, is my writing skill. I have familiarity with academic styles of writing due to my real life experience in academia. Clear and concise communication, but sticking with the vocabulary and style of the SCP universe is an element within all documents I write, and is crucial within the research department where writing is key. I also have experience in instruction of research methods and documentation styles for junior researchers. As a senior researcher, I am often contacted by junior members of staff who wish for me to review and correct their documents and make suggestions. I also occassionally oversee testing completed by junior members of staff, and give little suggestions here and there that can improve the quality of their documents and tests. Overall, my responsibility, writing skill, and capability to teach and instruct make me a strong candidate for the position.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have written four excellent graded documents, three research studies (Project Hypnos, Project Lethe and Project Eris) and one special study on an anomalous event at Site-65 (Incident 0629241). A document is made excellent by a number of factors, but format is quite important. All documents should have some basic elements in order to establish a consistency between experiment logs. An excellent document should have a title page, index, authorization (if necessary), description of the SCP (not copy and pasted from the SCP wiki), goal of study, hypothesis, methodology, equipment/personnel page as necessary, findings/test logs, and finally the conclusion. Research studies created using this format should also have unique ideas and contribute to our knowledge and understanding of the SCP being tested on. Tests which do not have a variable and are just intended to observe what the SCP does without trying anything new are not constructive and are wasteful. For this reason, all good tests and research should have a variable that is being tested, along with a control to compare to the variable. The variable test is where you change something from the control in order to achieve a different result. For instance, I injected D-class personnel with chemicals during my SCP-3078 tests., The D-class is the variable being changed, as they are now under the influence of a drug which affects their neurochemistry, and possibly their reaction to SCP-3078.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
Executive researchers are entrusted with numerous responsibilities, some of which I outlined earlier in my application. Chief among these responsibilities would be to uphold the code of conduct and ethics in order to set a model for junior personnel to follow. Executive researchers are also tasked with approving credit requests made by junior researchers, so that the juniors can receive credit and progress within the Department of Research. Executive researchers must also be available to junior levels of staff in order to give them guidance and oversight in their tests, as well as approve tests, research, and sampling requiring clearance level 4. When researchers submit their documents to SCiPnet, it is the responsibility of the executive researcher to look over these documents and grade them from poor to exemplary. Executive researchers should also on occasion give lectures and presentations to junior members of staff.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Begin Log

You are attempting to access a clearance level four classified system. Please present your identification card to the scanner on your terminal. If you are not authorized to access this file, please turn off your terminal immediately and contact your nearest Internal Affairs agent.

Personnel who attempt to access this system without proper clearance will be subject to immediate termination of employment.



SCiPNet v.6.1
Welcome, █████ █████████.
Type 'help' for a list of commands.
admin>record select rschafer1
Dr. Richard Schafer personnel record selected. Open file? (y/n)
admin> y
.... LOADING ....
Personnel ID: ██████████████████
Name: Dr. Richard Schafer
Security Clearance: 3
Position: Senior Researcher
Other Affliations: Chemical Research Board
Current Site Assignment: Site-65
DOB: 06/█/19██
Career History: Dr. Schafer was born in █, Indiana. Schafer attended █ High School, with a graduating class of less than one hundred students. After graduating high school with honors, he attended █ University, majoring in neuroscience. Schafer attended graduate school and completed his masters and doctoral thesis with a focus on neurochemistry. For years he was employed at █ Technical Laboratory, an SCP Foundation front company primarily specializing in the research of for use in containment of SCP-█, but officially for use in pharmaceuticals. Exceptional performance at the laboratory resulted in Foundation recruiters poaching Dr. Schafer to work at the Foundation, where he was employed to work at Site-█. Following the destruction of Site-█, Dr. Schafer was transferred to Site-65 to apply his experience working at Site-█ and his expertise in neurochemistry to study and analyze the neuropsychological impact of certain SCPs on the human psyche.
Profile: Dr. Schafer appears to be committed towards the goals of the Foundation, and is primarily motivated by a desire to learn through rigorous testing. Asset has been deemed valuable to the Foundation due to expertise in neuroscience and analytical fields, as well as his resilience, indiscretion, and attention to detail.
Projections: Asset should be directed towards research into cognitohazardous SCPs which have deleterious effects on human cognition. As a senior member of the research staff, Schafer will likely expand his mentorship of junior research members and begin giving lectures on his findings from his past studies.

admin> record edit rschafer1
admin> record promote
rschafer1 exec_researcher
ERROR: Connection Lost
Contact your system administrator for assistance.
Log Date: 06/29/

Application changed on 07/09/24 to reflect updated information in the "How many excellent graded documents have you written?" section.
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Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023

FROM: Friedch@site-65.int

TO: applicant@site-65.int

SUBJECT: Executive Researcher Application Outcome

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your application for the Executive Researcher position. After a thorough review and discussions with the Executive Research team, we have made our decision. Unfortunately, we are not moving forward with your application for this role.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Please feel free to reach out after a period of further experience and development within the department, as we welcome your future applications. If any questions, please email me (g4rp1ays).

Thank you for your understanding and continued commitment to the SCP Foundation.

Best regards,


Director of Research, Site-65 Research Department


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