[USA] Robert 'Tomato' Peterson's O5-10 "The Quest" Application

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Jul 28, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26407310
Discord name: Dr. Robert 'Tomato' Peterson#7675
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 9 months
Age: 28
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Central
Character name(s): Dr. Robert 'Tomato' Peterson, Tomato
Civilian name: Watcher, Underground Leader
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:: Executive Researcher
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Kicked from Executive Researcher once due to disrespect of another O5 council member. Eventually reapplied and was accepted into the Executive Researcher Slot approximately 2 months ago

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
O5-10 "The Quest"
I am choosing to be know as "Quest" because it is a synonym for Research. Research is my home and my entire purpose on the server. I do not have interest in combat or medical. I would like to be an O5 member that specializes in the research side of things. Every O5 member has its quirks, and I would enjoy that mine have a direct working relationship with the research department. I do not want to be seen as a boogeyman that cannot be approached. Despite the clearance level of the job and the weight on my shoulders I would be around to assist with research and watch them flourish into the powerhouse branch they can be.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
You will not find a better role play person on the server. I have attempted to cultivate a reputation on the server as someone who is stern and fair, but also not afraid to bend the rules of the foundation if it means getting results. My relatively unmatched documentation writing skills (13/13 excellent documents at the time of this application) have shown my skills in handling RP situations and, as other O5 members can attest to, I have repeatedly gone above and beyond in terms of RP and testing to provide fun and unique ways of RP. That is what this job is all about in the first place. I understand the lore behind the O5. They watch from the sidelines and pull the strings. I want to branch that out and use the power that comes with being an O5 to help the Foundation.

Recent activities in RP include my 70 page documentation on SCP-682 and its properties and my recent SCP-001 proposal (which can be read here minus the O5 meeting part https://docs.google.com/document/d/...ZlAFm1kPCxJtGYkjIttwI8/edit?usp=sharing)(also it's on the research discord section if you are interested) resulted in the creation and development of a new GOI called "The Underground" complete with lore and Foundation interaction. I will be happy to provide more detail to anyone interested should they ask!

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
First and foremost, the O5 are expected to keep the site running smoothly. Should conflict arise within the Foundation or with an outside group (CI, GOC, Sarkics), the O5 are there to direct and gather reports and make tactical decisions on where to send MTF/Gensec and keep the safety of non-combatants. They are also responsible for watching over departments of the Foundation (medical, Research) to make sure things are being ran smoothly.

There is also the responsibility to make sure rules are being followed at all times. Should someone appear breaking the rules or going against the code of conduct in any way, It is the job of the O5 to sit them down and explain the correct measures to follow regarding the foundation and its policies. Should the individual not wish to listen after that, it is the responsibility of the O5 to hand out punishments and discipline those who seek to disrupt the flow of the foundation.

It is also important for an O5 member to communicate with the foundation personal and show what a leader of the foundation should look like. O5 should be a position strived for and requires nothing but your best foot forward. O5 members represent hope that one day, even thew worst person could achieve greatness inside the walls of Site-56.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

They are expected to assist with decisions regarding Ethics members, Directors of other branches, Assistants to the overseers, and Site Administration.
They are also expected to be active and engaging with foundation personal as much as possible.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
O5-10 "The Quest"
Male. Age 28. German decent
A Software Engineer by trade, Quest grew up in the cornfields of the Midwest USA. During the long summer months, Quest would go out and study his surrounding wildlife and nature to an extend that he would document journal after journal with information. During college, Quest specialized in Software Engineering and after graduation was contracted to work for the Foundation under the guise of an insurance company. After a few years of work for the company, Quest was brought into the foundation proper and assigned to the security department, writing A.I driven worms that would seek out anomalous information sitting in the open web and bringing it to foundation attention. Over time though, he grew tired of working behind the scenes and requested to be transferred to the research department. Starting out as a Junior Researcher, Quest quickly rose to Executive through a combination of extreme testing and extensive documentation. Not forgetting his roots as a programmer, Quest would also use his IT skills to create a website specifically for research (www.scptestgenerator.com) beloved by Research for its light hearted-ness among the many horrors we face each day.

Outside of Research, I am also responsible for the creation of a new GOI known as "The Underground". While still in its early phases, I hope to bring this new GOI into the cannon of the Foundation through documentation and small events regarding our role play (like the one that happened on the 17th of March). The basics of the Underground consist of a young man who came into contact with SCP-079 through a faint WIFI signal while passing through Pinewood during his travels. He and SCP-079 formed a relationship that resulted in the placement of a fake SCP-001 that the Foundation believed to be real. This GOI is in its early stages but I hope to expand on it as well as other GOI's / SCP's over time.

Thank you for your consideration. I understand this is kinda out of left field but I wanted to try anyways and apply. We could always use more O5 on the server and I wanted to take a shot at it. Thank you for reading!
Secure. Contain. Protect.
-Robert 'Tomato' Peterson
2 things:
1.) I was not aware that we couldnt go past -4. Base on the discord we have a -6 and a -7 so I was assumming all were open except -1
2.) was not aware it was full
With the recent SC changes; there are only to be 4 or 5 O5, But since O5 before the change had a nearly full roster kept all the way till -7; Solely due to being grandfathered in with the changes.

This is also noted on the "Want to apply for Site-Command" if I recall Correctly


Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 26, 2021
We dont have an O5-10
Not enough experience
Overall not fit for the position


Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022
-Literally no experience outside of research. With a shaky history it seems as well.
-You don't even know how many slots are existent.
-You either are too inactive to know it's full or are just straight up ignorant.
-I don't even want to talk about your description of what O5's responsibilities as I think you have put some rather silly things in there.
Jul 28, 2022
Has no SR cl4 experience.
“Has no experience outside of research.”
Just no fit for the job yet.
Understandable. Thank you for the response.
-Literally no experience outside of research. With a shaky history it seems as well.
-You don't even know how many slots are existent.
-You either are too inactive to know it's full or are just straight up ignorant.
-I don't even want to talk about your description of what O5's responsibilities as I think you have put some rather silly things in there.
Im not ignorant I just made a mistake. It happens. My bad.


- Only has been Exec Reseacher
- Applying for a position that has never existed in the game
- Incompetent
i dont appreciate the 'incompetent' note. A simple minus support is enough.
bro go apply for a job:skull:
Are we talking real life? I work 40 hours a week monday through friday. A simple minus support would be nice.
We dont have an O5-10
Not enough experience
Overall not fit for the position
Thank you for the kind response. I see the error in my application.

SL better make a O5-10 whitelist for this man
Appreciated, but SL owes me nothing

Final notes to those who are viewing this. Nothing more needs to be said. It is clear I will not be receiving the position because I didnt understand it in the first place. Maybe sometime in the future I will but for now i will continue as Executive Researcher. Thanks for all the feedback!


Well-known Member
Feb 25, 2023
Don't know why y'all hating On Tomato he's really cool he may not be super active but I'm sure he can get a high position maybe not 05 yet.
Jul 28, 2022
Tomato i'd suggest you attempt to regain your former job as Exec Researcher before attempting to apply for a job like Site Command, work your way back up and prove your competency and activity... Until then -Support
Ive been an executive for 2 months....
Don't know why y'all hating On Tomato he's really cool he may not be super active but I'm sure he can get a high position maybe not 05 yet.
Im on every day
SCP Foundation.png

Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding ████████ Applicant - Tomato

Application Denied
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of ████████

After much deliberation, your application has been denied. We are currently full and cannot accept any candidates at this time but even with that, you need higher experience for this position. I would recommend looking to take on a Dpt. Director or more preferably Site Administration position before attempting to go for Site Command.​
Jul 28, 2022
SCP Foundation.png

Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding ████████ Applicant - Tomato

Application Denied
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of ████████

After much deliberation, your application has been denied. We are currently full and cannot accept any candidates at this time but even with that, you need higher experience for this position. I would recommend looking to take on a Dpt. Director or more preferably Site Administration position before attempting to go for Site Command.​
Thank you :)
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