[USA] Samantha 'Obake' Smalls Site Advisor Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:62986766
Discord name: OniIgnasha
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Over a year
Age: 35
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Samantha ‘Obake’ Smalls
Civilian name: Samantha Smalls
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
AMTF Nu-7 COM - Held


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:



Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I have been the COM of Nu-7 for quite some time, and feel that it is a natural progression to move up to Site Advisor. It is a higher position of leadership that I feel I would thrive in, and help out the site as a whole. I wish to help lead more Rp opportunities between all departments and create a deeper lore that can be expanded upon by others in the future, even long after I am gone. I have been encouraged by others in CL4 positions to apply for Site Adviser because they wish to see what I can accomplish in the position.


What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I am very sociable and level headed, making me good at conflict resolution even in stressful moments. I am willing to lend much of my time to the job and help to improve the site and the experience of those within. I am quite adaptable and quick, making any roleplay situation fluid and allowing it to change as it is needed. I am naturally gifted in being a leader and I am able to guide people well both in and out of character. As Nu-7 COM, I was able to bring the regiment as a whole to new heights of success, and I am looking to do the same with the site as a whole. While I held just the one position, I have dedicated my time and energy to learning how to manage people within the site, and the extensive time within the regiment is a testament to my patience and willingness to stick with the job. I do not give up on things easily if I believe that they will be helpful to the site or certain departments; as evidenced by me managing to finally get more elastic cuffs for Nu-7 to aid in their everyday work, after COMs for two years had been trying to achieve the exact same thing. I am always willing to compromise on decisions to ensure that things can get done and RP can move forward smoothly.


What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
*Authorizing AA for combatives during breaches, and authorizing KOS past airlock for D-Class when necessary
*Signing D-Class work permits
*Supporting the leaders of other departments in their everyday business
*Lending support to other departments in crisis
*Appointing department leaders and other Site Administration staff
*Authorizing testing that does not require Ethics to authorize
*Observing site staff and ensuring that everyone is in compliance with site policies
*Take on the role of a judge in tribunals
*Working with Site Inspection to keep up with site policies and make sure they are up to date
*Auditing appointed departments to ensure they are complying with site policies, and to aid them in improving their work environment
*Assisting with ambassadorial work with GOIs outside the site


Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Public Information
Samantha Smalls joined Site 65 January 14, of [Redacted]. She joined as a General Security cadet and quickly rose through the ranks over the next few months, eventually putting in an application to become a General Security Captain. The application was denied due to her not having enough experience, but before she could get more, she was recruited into AMTF Nu-7 “Hammer Down.” From there her hard work and dedication allowed her to achieve the rank of Commander of Nu-7, where she helped the entire regiment flourish.

Classified to Site Administration only, from the office of Site Manager [Redacted].

Lacey Conners comes from a small town in the mountains in a remote part of Canada. The town has no official name and is inhabited by only women and their children. The population to date is 204 women and their daughters. There are no men, and no male children in the village, as it is solely inhabited by Jorogumo, anomalous beings that can turn into giant spiders.

Well known in Japan, Jorogumo are rare in other parts of the world, mostly as they tend to be violent and will often eat the fathers of their children, who are always human. They are well known for being violent, but some will choose peace as it is much easier to hide and blend in with human communities. Her great grandmother and her sisters moved to Canada generations ago to escape persecution from their own people for refusing to destroy human towns.

Lacey left her home to go to school in a human town close by, going to college to get a degree in electrical engineering to try and help upgrade her hometown and make life easier for her family. In that time, she met someone who she thought she would be able to bring into her life, to tell about her world, but they strung her along while dating another person. She snapped when she found out and killed her partner, their partner, and the parents of both; who knew of the situation from the beginning.

Though the police never found the murder weapon, Lacey having transformed into her spider form to kill all six people, she was convicted and put on death row. There, she was approached by men who told her that she could get a lighter sentence by working for them as a research subject. She agreed and was transferred to site 65. Once there, she was on her best behavior, but kept her true nature a secret. She managed to survive the horrors of the tests in the facility, but not without notice.

Site Manager [Redacted] noticed some strange behavior from her and eventually called her in for a meeting. There he laid out his suspicions and offered her a new deal. If she were to give her loyalty fully to the foundation, she would be removed from D class personnel and allowed her freedom within the facility. Nothing but complete loyalty would be accepted, and if she were to ever be found doing anything against the best interest of the foundation, she would be returned to her spot and all freedoms stripped away. She agreed to the terms, a contract was signed and her death was faked. Lacey Conners was given the name Samantha Smalls, who has remained loyal to the foundation, even after the death of Site Manager [redacted]; the only person who knew of what she really was.

The contract Samantha signed demanded absolute loyalty to the foundation. Samantha has complied with the contract, and has risen through the ranks despite her beginnings as a D-Class personnel. She is looking to discover what became of the site manager who hired her, as they mysteriously passed away not long after she managed to be recruited into AMTF Nu-7 ‘Hammer down’. No one else was made aware of the contract that she signed, and the contract itself, and the proof of who she had been before, is now missing, and she intends to discover the truth behind it all.


Well-known Member
Dec 13, 2024
W Commander while she was in NU-7. Good fit for Site Administration but you might want to keep at least 3 guards on her at all times. For safety reasons not because she a "kidnapped simulator"
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