Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:103707941
Discord name: antibambi
For how long have you played on CG SCP: off and on since 2023, all around about 1k hours
(months time posted below)

Age: 27
In what country are you located?:USA
Time zone:PST
Character name(s):Sammy Peppers, Sammy Peaches, and Sammy Pumpkin
Civilian name:Sammy Peaches
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Medical Consultant, and 096
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No
Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?
-I am applying for Director Of Medicine because, to put it simply, I love the medical department.
I am extremely proud to be a part of such a great department, and I want to carry on the great work that those before me have done and continue to make medical a fun and professional department that people are excited about being a part of. I truly believe that we are the backbone of the foundation and I would be honored to be one of the voices to represent such an important department.
What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:
I feel I am suitable for Director Of Medicine because,
- I have a great amount of free time to pour into this role.
-I feel I am very experienced with all things to do with the medical department
-I am very open to working with other departments to plan fun and interesting role-play scenarios.
-I am also extremely open to learning new things and taking any criticism for any mistakes I may make along the way.
-I am very well known and have great relationships with many Jr and Sr department leaders.
-I love to train and teach the Jr. and Sr. medical staff and look forward to continuing doing so.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:
-Giving medical license removals and department bans when deemed fit
-Training medical staff from Trainees to Medical Consultants
-Working alongside other department leads to foster a more uniformed and unified foundation.
-Making sure myself and all medical staff are following and upholding the Code Of Conduct and The Code Of Ethics at all times
-Spending time in and out of the medical bay to get to know the other medical staff and build a healthy team environment
-Making sure all medical staff have the needed tools to succeed within the medical career
-All previous responsibilities I have already held as a Medical Consultant, such as giving medical license test and Combat Medic training
-Most importantly of all, is to insure the mental and physical well-being of ALL foundation members.
Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Sammy Peppers is an easy-going, scatterbrained, but extremely dedicated Medical Consultant. You will almost always find her running around the medical bay with her pet rat Goose, ready to help you with anything from a quick patch up to a psych eval to medical training.
Sammy was once a foundation chef who, after many months, grew tired of the life in the D-block kitchen and wanted more for her life. She ran into an old friend who had become a doctor and decided this was the path for her. She became a medical trainee and within an hour and a half she had walked into a medical license test and decided to take it for fun, and to her surprise she had passed! She quickly became a senior doctor, then went on to become a medical consultant. As life in the medical bay had become to feel like home and the rest was history.
Sammy has now gotten a taste of what it means to be in a CL4 position and believes she has more to offer both the medical department and the foundation as a whole. She has big plans and knows she can handle what is to come next in her ever-growing medical career.
Thank you for taking the time to read my application!
Best wishes,
Discord name: antibambi
For how long have you played on CG SCP: off and on since 2023, all around about 1k hours
(months time posted below)

Age: 27
In what country are you located?:USA
Time zone:PST
Character name(s):Sammy Peppers, Sammy Peaches, and Sammy Pumpkin
Civilian name:Sammy Peaches
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Medical Consultant, and 096
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No
Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?
-I am applying for Director Of Medicine because, to put it simply, I love the medical department.
I am extremely proud to be a part of such a great department, and I want to carry on the great work that those before me have done and continue to make medical a fun and professional department that people are excited about being a part of. I truly believe that we are the backbone of the foundation and I would be honored to be one of the voices to represent such an important department.
What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:
I feel I am suitable for Director Of Medicine because,
- I have a great amount of free time to pour into this role.
-I feel I am very experienced with all things to do with the medical department
-I am very open to working with other departments to plan fun and interesting role-play scenarios.
-I am also extremely open to learning new things and taking any criticism for any mistakes I may make along the way.
-I am very well known and have great relationships with many Jr and Sr department leaders.
-I love to train and teach the Jr. and Sr. medical staff and look forward to continuing doing so.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:
-Giving medical license removals and department bans when deemed fit
-Training medical staff from Trainees to Medical Consultants
-Working alongside other department leads to foster a more uniformed and unified foundation.
-Making sure myself and all medical staff are following and upholding the Code Of Conduct and The Code Of Ethics at all times
-Spending time in and out of the medical bay to get to know the other medical staff and build a healthy team environment
-Making sure all medical staff have the needed tools to succeed within the medical career
-All previous responsibilities I have already held as a Medical Consultant, such as giving medical license test and Combat Medic training
-Most importantly of all, is to insure the mental and physical well-being of ALL foundation members.
Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Sammy Peppers is an easy-going, scatterbrained, but extremely dedicated Medical Consultant. You will almost always find her running around the medical bay with her pet rat Goose, ready to help you with anything from a quick patch up to a psych eval to medical training.
Sammy was once a foundation chef who, after many months, grew tired of the life in the D-block kitchen and wanted more for her life. She ran into an old friend who had become a doctor and decided this was the path for her. She became a medical trainee and within an hour and a half she had walked into a medical license test and decided to take it for fun, and to her surprise she had passed! She quickly became a senior doctor, then went on to become a medical consultant. As life in the medical bay had become to feel like home and the rest was history.
Sammy has now gotten a taste of what it means to be in a CL4 position and believes she has more to offer both the medical department and the foundation as a whole. She has big plans and knows she can handle what is to come next in her ever-growing medical career.
Thank you for taking the time to read my application!
Best wishes,
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