[USA] Santiago "Navaja" Robles OA application

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Well-known Member
Jan 9, 2023
Taco land

-Basic Information-

Steam ID
Discord name
For how long have you played on CG SCP
Started playing the 14th of December 2022 (8 months at the time of writing)
In what country are you located?
Costa Rica
Time zone
Character name(s)
Fidel "Castillo" Méndez (O-1 Character) / Santiago "Navaja" Robles (OA character if approved)
Civilian name
Juan Castillo León
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)
I’m applying for SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?
Yes I do

-Main questions and answers-

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Holding: Omega-1 LTCOM
Held: GOC SGT, B-1 LT, E-11 SPC and Intel.Amb

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Only 1 FailRP warning that is currently inactive

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

After being on the COM job for a while now and with my time in B-1 and Intel Ambassador, I wanted to have other experiences on the other side of the SC hierarchy to expand my experiences and ways of tackling different problems. Experience in a senior position is one attribute that I uphold, showing leadership, decision-making, and creating policies that benefit the regiment or department I am working with or for. Being in an ISD for a while now, make me adept in how O5 and EC works, making me able to pick up the pace in how these two parts of the foundation works. I am also really flexible and respectful with the people I work with, creating a scenario where people can express their ideas and create a beneficial closure to the projects or objectives we are trying to complete. Another thing that makes me stand up, is the capability of holding multiple tasks at hand and completing difficult tasks that are being put at hand with effectiveness and precision ensuring a quality work to be delivered. Also, documentation work is a strong attribute I have from my old days as an Intel Ambassador creating documents that are useful and legible for ease in communicating results or propositions.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
Overseer asssistants in RP have the following responsibilities:
-Work closely wit the O5 Council and, if the case is given, with A-1 to apply their will and changes of the CoC to the respective areas of duty.
-Inspect and manage other Departments and MTFs for the O5. This consist on department reviews, MTF reviews, quick inspections, creating opportunities for a department or MTF to work with the O5, etc...
-Write and complete paperwork for and assigned by O5 on multitude of works and investigations they are carrying out.
-Ensure and upheld the CoC and it's changes while on duty
-Be the first point of conection with the O5 in all types matters that can't be directly sent to the O5.

-Be the first form of infomation source for the O5 council in the day-to-day activies of the foundation.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in
"Be calm. Be persuasive. Everything will be OK. You have to stay cold as the "acero" and be sharp as my "Navaja". Always be first" Santiago Robles, also known as "Navaja" by everyone he has worked with, was telling himself before entering that cold military base in front a baren village known as "Pinewood" in the north of Canada. Santiago was born in a luxury household on the hill of "Escazu, San Jose". His father, a famous philanthropist, and psychologist in Costa Rica, carried most of the house expenses, while his mother, a simple housewife, overprotected him due to the loss of 3 of his brothers before him being born. His life due to the overprotection and paranoia that their only child could get hurt, made his life exclusively inside his luxury condo, receiving classes inside his father's studio surrounded by books on psychology and criminal investigation cases and having the only social interactions of his parents and acquaintances. Due to this social isolation, his social skills were lacking in all senses and became sharp in his emotions and way of acting even when he didn't mean it. Due to this, he grew interested in the world of emotions and manipulation, looking forward to being a psychologist to threaten others and himself of the curse of not showing the full range of emotions. At age 18 looking to make money to fund his studies in psicology, his first job in the local bakery given by one of his aunts ended abruptly due to his cold nature towards customers, by was petrified at his bitter way of acting and reported this to his boss who ended up firing him. This, was sadly for him, too of the many times he would be kicked out of his job and given the nickname "Navaja" by his colleagues and university acquaintances due to his cutting way of interacting with others. Although segregated due to this, he managed to become a psychologist specializing in the manipulation nature of humans, leading him to have a stable job at a wellness center in "Curriabat". Mostly receiving people with emotional disorders and manipulative traits, he, slowly but surely, started to find ways to express himself in more human-like ways, adapting and using his knowledge in manipulation to improve relations with others and score some big contracts with the elite of Costa Rica as their private phycologist. One day, while checking his email, he saw something out of the norm: An email with an attached voice clip of a man with a heavy distorted voice modifier. The clip said: "Your abilities are an asset that we have heard about. Your clients have improved and our assets have been increasing due to the bettering of their minds. Like a sharp knife managing to be precise on their cuts. We would like to test your work on one of us. Except for a client. Do not defraud us." He started to feel an ominous sensation of a heavy burden coming to him. He started to panic. He quickly arranged his office to perfection, prepared all of his notes, called his assistant to be active in the arrival of this individual, and hoped his abilities wouldn't fail him. At 18:30, his assistant called: "A man in all black has arrived sir. He is saying he has an appointment, but there is nothing in the database." He responded: "Let them through, this is a personal appointment. Please after letting them in, take the rest of the day off. I will pay you extra this month because of this." After a brief moment, the man entered his office. He didn't salute nor say his name, he just sat on the other side where Santiago was seated. The silence was broken suddenly when the man said:" Some people carry a heavy burden on their minds, don't you agree doctor?" Santiago started taking notes. "My bosses say this all the time to remind us what we do is not to be taken lightly. We play with a bunch of assets that protect others from the cruel reality of our world." the man said sharply. "And what work might be about?" asked Santiago. "A work where a man that investigates humans' emotions and their sanity might become handy." said the man with a raspy tone. "So, you came here to say you want me for another job? This is a disrespect to me and a waste of my time mister. I had the feeling that the email you sent me was a joke!" - "I recommend you becoming aggressive sir." - the man notices a bottle of rum in Santiago's desk - "May I take a drink?" - "Sure, but you better wrap up or start talking about problems before I kick you out of here" - the man pours a shot of rum - "MY bosses need a new assistant that helps them maintain a healthy state of mind. Some of them have already crumbled into pieces putting in danger the stability of our Foundation." - the man finishes poring the rum and starts shaking it in his hand - "If you were to accept, you will have a delicate job to accomplish. One that will surely increase your abilities and knowledge above any physiologist in the world, but will also put you in a secrecy pact in which you cannot escape nor tell no one" - "You are not lying. I can see the pattern of your voice and posture that this " job" is real." - "Indeed mister. I can assure you you won't have to be invested in a monotonous life from here on out. We will give you the best of care as a special asset. I will CO spider this offer carefully Mr.Santiago. I will leave you with your thoughts for a while." - the man drinks the rum and puts the glass on the desk along with a black leather envelope -"They are waiting for you. Take the plane ticket and show it to the first security guard you see at the main entrance gate of the Santa María International Airport in Alajuela.He will take you to hangar #1257 where a private jet will be waiting for you. This will bring you to Canada where you will only take the things you are Bringing on your luggage. After this, you will be taken on a 10-hour ride to your new job location. You will have 3 days to think about this. I feel you will accept this proposition mister." -"I..." - the man quickly interrupted Santiago - "Just think and you will find an answer." After this, a thick fog started spreading in the room, knocking Santiago into the main chair in his office. Santiago, while closing his eyes, saw the man smiling while leaving his office waving at him goodbye. Santiago snapped at the sound of his assistant yelling for him to wake up. "Mister Santiago, are you alright? What happened?" - his head was spinning, and could only notice that his bottle of rum was empty next to him. "I think... I think that my patient just..." - he glared at the black leather envelope near the bottle - "Listen, I need to take a trip to visit a client. I feel this will help my business to grow. You will be paid for my absence. You have to go and do not call me, ok?" - "Mister, are you alright? You are scaring me saying this. Did the man from yesterday harmed you?!" - "No, but I need you to not say a single word from this. Just go back to your home." Santiago pondered his calling. His story is about to be filled with mystery. He decided on the next stage and in a flash his identity, his old life, washed in secrecy and blood. Inside that cold military base, the sharp reality of being called "Oversser assistant" stabbed his mind, but he stood in line for his duty. And so, manipulative yet insecure, his job as the personal psychiatrist of the Overseer council, started.

"I shall control their emotions, for the greater good of the foundation" - Santiago "Navaja" Robles
Mar 4, 2023
A message from the office of: O5-2 "████████"


Greetings, Navaja.

In regards to your application for OVERSEER ASSISTANT, after Council Vote; your application has been Unfortunately Denied.

Please contact O5-2 at his email address for any questions you may have. (thorn#6299)

You may re-apply in two weeks time.​
A message from the office of: O5-2 "████████"


Greetings, Navaja.

In regards to your application for OVERSEER ASSISTANT, after Council Vote; your application has been Accepted

Please contact O5-2 at his email address for any questions you may have. (thorn#6299)

You may re-apply in two weeks time.​
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