[USA] Scopes Overseer Assistant Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:104466972

Discord name: Scopes#8865

For how long have you played on CG SCP: May 2022 - Current

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Alduin "Akatosh" Elder | CI "Parrathnurax"

Civilian name: "Mr. Exchange"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

E-11 SGT "Akatosh" (Holding)
B-1 SPC Alduin "Akatosh" Elder (Held)
O-1 CPT "Alduin" (Held)
A-1 SPC "Akatosh" (Held)
Ethics Member "Jury" (Held)
Ethics Assistant "Jury" (Held)
Overseer Assistant "Enforcer" (Held) - (Transferred From ECA - OA)
CI-A "Parruthrnax" (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?: I believe I am the best candidate for Overseer Assistant since I have prior CL5 and CL4 Knowledge and know what to do. I am mature and I am always serious and honest with every situation that happens. I have the ability to write documents and submit reports if ordered too. I have prior Overseer Assistant knowledge and worked with O5 members before. I know their expectations and that they want leadership and serious members in their team. I believe I can give that and show that I am loyal to them and plan to work hard for that position. My leadership I used to be an Ex O-1 CPT and Ethics Member. I have lead MTF Squad and the whole regiment itself and dealt with document work and overseeing certain departments. I will Oversee departments if O5 need assistance with it or if they just need a report of a document of what they have been behaving or how they operate during that week or day.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?: The responsibilities of the Overseer Assistant is to "Assist" the O5 Council and make sure the site is safe and secured. They can give orders if site command and administration is off site and they can assist with documentation and leadership if needed. They also "Oversee" certain regiments and can write out reports to the O5 Council if ordered. They are basically the Right Hand Men of the O5 Council and will do anything to help out the O5 Council with their documents or orders. They can also assist Alpha-1 Operatives with certain situations if it doesn't show a threat or a danger to them. They should always remain guarded if out patrolling and speaking to people so they do not get kidnapped or killed as they are a HVT and have information about the Council.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

- Beginning Of Matthew Sky's Life -

Alduin "Akatosh" Elder AKA Matthew Sky was a 20 year old man who lived in Michigan and was a business owner of a weapon company and supplied military and PMCs. (Private Military Contractors) One day when Matthew was working at his job producing weapons a unknown squad of men called Chaos Insurgency breached into the production facility and kidnapped Matthew for questioning. Later, The Chaos Insurgency would beat him to the ground until he was begging and pleading for them to stop to ask what guns they are selling them for. He later answer the military. The Chaos Insurgency did not believe him and kept beating him. Luckily Nu-7 heard about a kidnapped person around the area and they breached into the CI based and killed them. Matthew was later captured by Nu-7 to ask for questioning and was brought up to the Site Director of the new facility. He was relieved of his duty working for the military selling them weapons and was offered a position inside GENSEC.

- History Of The Foundation -

As Matthew Sky grew to the rank of Riot Sergeant and helped out with his fellow Sergeants, Captains and Security Chiefs. He would later then get kidnapped by Omega-1 Operatives and was taken in to become an O-1 Operative for Ethics. He accepted the offer and passed their tryouts through the extensive training they put him in. He later rose to the rank of Omega-1 Captain and would go for Ethics Assistant. He got his position accepted and became a well trusted foundation member and worked as an assistant to the ethics. He later then applied for Ethics Member and got his position accepted. During this time he would lead the entire foundation as he was site command and would watch certain regiments to make sure they are doing well. However, During his time Ethics he would later get distiant due to issues and would later stepped down. He still was a Ethics Assistant and wanted to try a new route and wanted to try to become an Overseer Assistant. He transferred with -1 and Ethics Director and he became Overseer Assistant "Enforcer."

- Current Status Of Foundation -

When Matthew Sky left and resigned from all his roles he joined Epsilon-11 and have done certain situations with them that is classified to the public. They have treated him well and Matthew wanted a new life and wanted new leadership and new faces that he can proof himself again. So he spoke to certain members of the foundation and decided to go for Overseer Assistant and that is the concurrent situation that is happening today. He wanted to leave his past behind and start a new life with new site command and administration. Maybe this time he will succeed and show that he is one of the best members out there that have past leadership and loyalty to his foundation. And he would always make sure that everything was Safe and secured and make sure nobody was hurt in the foundation.

Who accepts Overseer Assistant Applications?
Overseer Assistant - Decided by O5 Council

What are the requirements to apply?

Overseer Assistant - Total Level 50
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Well-known Member
Apr 6, 2022
- Plenty of previous experience as Sr. CL4 and CL5
- Great person to interact with
- No bad experiences
- Mature
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Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
SCP Foundation.png

Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding ████████ Assistant Applicant - Scopes

Application Accepted
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of ████████ Assistant

After much deliberation, your application has been accepted. Please contact ██-2 or ██-1 for more information regarding your new role.​
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